When Lin Youyi came to the side hall, Tian Shuhui greeted her with a smile, but when she looked up, she was surprised to find Lin Youyi's solemn face.

"Empress, what happened?" Tian Shuhui asked.

"Everyone back down." Lin Youyi said coldly.

Lin Youyi has always had a gentle face, but it was the first time that she showed such an obvious cold expression, and everyone was shocked.

Luzhu looked at Tian Shuhui in surprise and worry, Tian Shuhui patted her hand, "Go down first."

"Your Majesty, you are pregnant, what if..." What if you are stimulated and have a miscarriage? The empress's expression is obviously a little wrong at this moment.

Tian Shuhui shook her head to stop what Luzhu was going to say, "Your Majesty will not harm me."

Ping'er understood what Luzhu wanted to say just now, and after leaving the side hall, Ping'er curled her lips, "Don't judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, our lady asked the Wu Tai doctor before she came, and Mrs. Tian is already in good health. It's almost there." Don't have any bad idea to use your discomfort to frame the empress.

Luzhu was speechless.

After everyone retreated, Tian Shuhui asked, "Does the concubine disturb the empress by living here?"

Lin Youyi didn't answer, and said, "I'm looking for you because of a lacquered post..."

Lin Youyi's solution is to have a frank and honest talk with Tian Shuhui. If it was her, she would be able to tell a thing or two from her expression. If it wasn't for her, she would investigate it herself.

What Lin Youyi wants to do is to startle the snakes, so as to lure them out of their holes and follow the vines.

Tian Shuhui's complexion changed, and she was a little hurt, "Do you suspect it's me?"

"I believe in the evidence. If you are wronged, I will give you a chance to prove your innocence." After all, Lin Youyi did not question why all of this was related to Tian Shuhui.

"If I say no, would you believe it?" Tian Shuhui looked at Lin Youyi with hope on her face. It was not the queen but Sister Tian and Sister Lin.

Do you believe it?Lin Youyi was grateful for Tian Shuhui's maintenance of Chuxiu Palace, even if she was found to be suspected before, she never took action.

But that's not trust, it's just gratitude. As a reborn person, Lin Youyi doesn't believe it, not only Tian Shuhui, she doesn't believe anyone in this palace except Yingge.

Lin Youyi's silence made the hope in Tian Shuhui's eyes slowly turn into disappointment.

She saluted dignifiedly, "Empress, please rest assured, this concubine will find out the truth and return my concubine's innocence."

From "you" to "Empress Empress", Tian Shuhui's voice also changed from gentle and careless to straightforward.

Lin Youyi felt the difference in address and tone, full of alienation, as if to put an end to the friendship between the two, Lin Youyi felt a little uncomfortable.

But she kept comforting herself, "Only in this way can I protect myself and the Lin family, you are right."

"The concubine's body has almost recovered, and I want to move back to Yikun Palace today." Tian Shuhui said.

"Sure." Lin Youyi finally hardened her heart.

Yingge didn't smile when she saw Lin Youyi who came back from the side hall. She practiced her calligraphy and didn't plan to stop writing.

"Your Majesty, don't do this. Now all the evidence points to Empress Tian, ​​whether you are a queen or a sister, it is right for you to open your heart to her." Yingge comforted her distressedly, "If it is really not Empress Tian, ​​she will understand you. "

"If so, the empress will draw a clear line early, and stop the loss in time."

Lin Youyi looked at Yingge and said with emotion, "You always know how to comfort me." His complexion finally improved a bit.

After Lin Youyi left, Luzhu came in immediately, and was relieved to see that Tian Shuhui was safe and sound.

"Master, what happened to the empress, she looked so scary just now."

Luzhu's words brought back Tian Shuhui's gloomy thoughts. She thought of Yingyue, and the last time Luzhu accidentally said that Yingyue was weird. Looking back at this time, she couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Let's clean up first, go back to Yikun Palace tonight, and invite Aunt Yingyue to Yikun Palace tonight." Tian Shuhui said.

Luzhu wanted to ask why she suddenly wanted to go back to Yikun Palace, but she remembered the empress's appearance just now, and thought she was angry with her master, so she didn't open her mouth again and cleaned up silently.

Tian Shuhui and Luzhu walked out of the Kunning Palace. Tian Shuhui held back the soreness in her heart and looked back at the three gold characters of the Kunning Palace. Her nose was swollen and her eyes were swollen.

She touched the tears that were streaming down, turned around, kowtowed to the main entrance of Kunning Palace, and then left without looking back.

A court lady reported to Lin Youyi that Concubine Tian had kowtowed in Kunning Palace before she left, and Lin Youyi's sad face was reflected in the bronze mirror.

It was getting dark, Yingyue came to Yikun Palace, looked at the big characters in Yikun Palace, her face was full of guilt, and then she remembered the years when she entered the palace.

A court lady can leave the palace when she reaches 25 years old. Concubine Tian asked her at that time, she was full of joy and told her family the news when she returned home, but her mother burst into tears in response.

The parents gave birth to six daughters before giving birth to a son on the seventh.The family conditions are difficult, and as the eldest daughter of the family, she has assumed the responsibility of supporting the family early on.

Later, the palace recruited maids, and she resolutely entered the palace and became a palace maid for the one-time payment of ten taels of silver.

It's a pity that my younger brother got into the bad habit of gambling and was beaten half to death by debt collectors. My mother knelt in front of her and begged her to find a way.

Concubine Yu asked her to help her younger brother pay off his gambling debts and arrange an errand if she lost one post, and she agreed.

But I didn't expect that from then on, I would be subject to Concubine Yu.

What Concubine Yu bought back then was a lacquer post, it was clearly her life, but it's a pity... I realized it too late.

Yingyue put away the memories in her eyes, the expression of guilt on her face has been replaced by a firm expression of determination.

Entering the Yikun Palace, Tian Shuhui straight to the point brought up the matter of the lacquer post, Yingyue refused to admit it, Tian Shuhui immediately mentioned Tu Kuan, Yingyue said that Tu Kuan had wronged her.

Yingyue knelt in front of Tian Shuhui, with a sad look on her face, "Your Majesty, this servant has watched you grow up, I didn't expect you to doubt this servant."

Tian Shuhui froze, Yingyue's appearance reminded her of her scene in front of Lin Youyi, how much she hoped that Lin Youyi would believe her, so did she believe in Yingyue?
The answer is yes, Tian Shuhui stretched out her hand to support Yingyue, "I naturally believe in aunt, and I will clarify for aunt in front of the empress someday."

Yingyue was taken aback for a moment, and then covered her expression with a handkerchief.

Tian Shuhui wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her stomach.

"Luzhu, please pass on to the imperial physician." Tian Shuhui knew that she was pregnant again.

Soon, Tian Shuhui was reported to the Kunning Palace about Tian Shuhui's urgent recruitment of the imperial physician. Ping'er had such an expression, and at the same time worried, "Mother, Tian Concubine Empress will not have an accident sooner or later, so she came from Kunning Palace." Ning Gong got pregnant when he went out, so he didn't want to frame you, did he?"

Lin Youyi's brows were furrowed so badly that she felt her heart sinking.

Thank you for the old popsicle pudding, black platycodon, and sweetheart baby for your support.

Happy weekend, haha, I want you to see it when you wake up, so it will be updated at 10 o'clock on weekends, is it very considerate, hehe

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