Chapter 88 Chapter 88

Concubine Yu was very depressed. She couldn't find Li Duanjin last night. After court today, Li Duanjin summoned everyone from Dali Temple, the court painter, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Household Affairs. They didn't intend to leave until noon.

She was suffocated for a day and a night, and now she couldn't help but growl again, "What happened, it's worth His Majesty's actions."

At this moment, the court lady came to report, "Marquis An Wu asks to see you."

"Father! Please!" Yu Shuangshuang was very excited.

Yu Chi brought a lot of news to Yu Shuangshuang, and soon, the anger on Yu Shuangshuang's face escalated to another level, "So that's it." It was because of Lin Youyi.

Lin Youyi, it's her again!
Fortunately, there is a portrait thing.

Yu Shuangshuang soon realized that Wang Shuyan was responsible for the portrait.

Yu Chi sighed when she found out that Yu Shuangshuang was not pregnant yet.

"Being a father originally just wanted to add fuel to the flames, but now, of course, I have to plan again." Yu Chi and Yu Shuangshuang had the same idea, the eldest son of the emperor must come from the family.

Yu Chi left after a short stay.

"Wang Shuyan, don't miss it this time," Yu Shuangshuang thought.

"Yingyue, if Wang Shuyan needs any help, we will try our best to provide it." Yu Shuangshuang said, "But be careful, don't leave anything behind."

If there is a level of hatred, then there is no doubt that Yu Shuangshuang's hatred for Lin Youyi has reached its peak at this time because Li Duanjin neglected herself for Lin Youyi.

Lin Youyi, let's see if you still have the supernatural ability to stand up this time.

After the court was over, on the way back, He Jiu got into Yu Chi's carriage, "Marquis An Wu, do you intend not to pursue the matter of suppressing the queen and Su Mian?"

"No matter what your majesty intends, the key is what do we want your majesty to see?" Yu Chi said.

He Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, "Honor An Wu has a high opinion."

However, Wang Rongqin was in a state of panic when he was stared at by Yu Chi, and immediately called Wang Heyi, "How is the person who painted you?"

Wang Heyi was a little dazed, "At that time, I looked at it, but there was nothing wrong with that style, but now I can't find it no matter how I look."

It's not obvious that someone made a move, Wang Rongqin slapped Wang Heyi's face.

Recalling Yu Chi's expression, did he know something?
Wang Shuyan had already annoyed the queen mother, even if the Lin family was moved, it would not be the queen mother's turn, so Wang Rongqin immediately asked Wang Heyi to send a letter to the palace.

Soon, Wang Shuyan received bad news, and Wang Rongqin sent a message asking her to stop her plan, otherwise she would bear the consequences.

Wang Shuyan was so angry that she smashed the teacup in her hand, "Father wants to abandon me!!"

Shao Ke persuaded, "My lord, let's listen to the master. In case of failure, you are not going to be in the cold palace this time." That would be decapitation.

Wang Shuyan glared at Shaoke fiercely, failed?Not seizing the opportunity to deal with Lin Youyi is the biggest failure, she has nothing, does she still care about this life?

She will not let go of such a good opportunity to deal with Lin Youyi, if the family does not help her, well, she still has someone.

Wang Shuyan hurriedly wrote a letter and handed it to Shaoke, "Send it to my eldest sister."

Su Buzhan hurried back to the residence from Youquan Palace, the first time someone called Su Mian, his face was cold and his voice was stern, "Kneel down!"

Su Mian didn't say anything, just knelt down.

Su Buzhan looked at this young son who had been obedient and sensible since he was a child, and was hailed as a "young genius", and he couldn't help but see disappointment in his eyes.

"Burma, micro-threads, if dyed with green, it will become green, and if dyed with yellow, it will become yellow. What enters changes, and its color also changes. You must not be careless! What do you mean?"

"Silk becomes blue when dyed with blue pigment, and becomes yellow when dyed with yellow pigment. Because of different dyes, the color of silk also changes. Therefore, dyeing silk must be treated with caution." Su Mian said , "He is born like silk to be dyed. The father named his son Mian because he wanted his son to cherish the feathers."

Su Buzhan nodded, and said sadly, "Since you know, why go to brothels and other places, and now you have damaged the empress's reputation."

"It's my son's fault. My son wanted to get the painting but he used the wrong method." Su Mian was also very regretful. She didn't expect that not only did she not get the painting back, but she even harmed her. "Father, you must explain it to Your Majesty, son. It's innocent with the empress."

As long as His Majesty believes her, rumors are not a problem.

Su Buzhan believed in his son, "It's groundless, I'm afraid it's not simple, His Majesty has already sent the Zongzheng Secretary to investigate."

Lin Youyi soon received the news that the portrait had been handed over to the Zongzheng Secretary for verification.

This gave Lin Youyi a chance to find evidence, and she immediately wrote a letter for Heshun to send out of the palace, "Be sure to deliver it to my second brother personally."

Li Duanjin didn't invite anyone to sleep for several days in a row, and basically stayed in the Immortal Palace.

Sun Liangran stopped the embroidery needle in her hand, and couldn't help but wonder what happened to His Majesty.

The maid Leng Xue suggested, "Why don't you send some soup to the Immortal Palace?"

Sun Jingran shook her head, "This is Concubine Yu's usual trick, and it's nothing new if I do it."

"Then we don't do anything?"

There are so many concubines in the harem, so to win His Majesty's favor, it is natural for him to see it from time to time.

Immortal Palace, Li Duanjin leaned in front of the window that Lin Youyi had praised, and slowly unfolded the painting in his hand. The painting showed a woman in white, with delicate features, especially those big eyes, which were round and translucent He is also agile, with a fashionable bun, two strands of black hair hanging on both sides of his shoulders, and a white jade hairpin on his sideburns.

It was originally a portrait with a very single tone, but it was very vivid because of the woman's exquisite and beautiful facial features.

The difference is that next to the painting in the palace is Lin Youyi, the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of War of the Princess's Mansion, who is thirteen years old, but there is no word next to this painting.

This is not the first time Li Duanjin has seen this painting, no, it’s not this one, it’s a similar one. Li Duanjin had seen it in Xuanzheng Hall. At that time, in order to find Lin Youyi, he ordered Anduo to bring all the beautiful women from the Ministry of Households. He also commented on the painter's lack of skill.

Li Duanjin now knows that it's not that the painter is not good at learning.

"Your Majesty, when I went to the princess mansion to paint the portrait of the empress, I naturally used the full copy. The empress thought the portrait was too beautiful, so I asked me to paint a new one." The painter said, "At that time, I overheard The Empress seems to have ordered people to destroy this painting."

Li Duanjin stood in front of the window for a long time, and the painter's words would echo in his ears when he was free these days.

It's not that the painter is not good at learning, but that she dislikes painting too beautifully.

Li Duanjin opened the plain sign written by Lin Youyi, "Your Majesty, the concubine has heard about the portrait. Please believe that the portrait was not leaked by the concubine and Princess Yi's mansion, and the rumors are not true."

 Thank you Baiyu and Black Platycodon for their support.

  Today is Friday, what a joy, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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