Chapter 90 Chapter 90
The one who felt the same way as Yang Shuyuan was Li Peishan Li Meiren. Although she was named a beauty, His Majesty did not love her too much. "If you can't compete, let's just play it safe."

However, some people were not reconciled and did not intend to keep their own place. When Xiao Yuqi heard that His Majesty was taking a walk with Sun Cairen, she dragged Zuo Yixi out and happened to bump into Yu Jia, "See Your Majesty!"


Li Duanjin was about to leave, but Xiao Yuqi asked, "In four days, the Empress Dowager's Qianqiu Banquet will be held. I would like to ask Your Majesty, should I go back to the palace to celebrate the empress's birthday?"

When they were in Chuxiu Palace, Xiao Yuqi and Lin Youyi had friendship in the same hall, and An Duo took care of her a little more in the past, and An Duo was beaten only in the afternoon. Hearing Xiao Jieyu bring this up again, my heart skipped a beat.

"Why, do you still plan to go back?" Li Duanjin stopped in his tracks. The Empress Qianqiu Banquet and all the concubines in the harem should be there. This is the palace rule.

Xiao Yuqi rushed to find out what he meant, thinking that if she didn't express it, she would have tacitly agreed that the concubines of Youquan Palace could disrespect the queen.

Li Duanjin was a little upset again. He remembered that Xiao Yuqi lived in the same hall as Lin Youyi at the beginning. He was specially promoted when he was canonized. He could be angry with Lin Youyi and hesitate whether to go back to participate in Lin Youyi Youyi's Qianqiu Banquet, but it can't tolerate the concubines not seeing the queen in their eyes.

"She is the Empress of Datong. Participating in the Queen's Qianqiu Banquet is the most basic thing for a concubine." Li Duanjin's voice was slightly cold, "Xiao Jieyu disrespected the empress, An Duo, pass on my will, and Xiao Jieyu will be reduced to a beauty."

"The slave obeys the order."

Xiao Yuqi was shocked. She originally wanted to find an excuse to talk to His Majesty, but who would have offended His Majesty, "I know I was wrong, Your Majesty, please forgive me." With a sad face, she begged for mercy.

The beautiful woman on the side lowered her head, not daring to make a sound.

After this incident, Li Duanjin no longer had any desire to be charming, so he sent Sun Cairen back. He looked at An Duo, "I rarely stay in Kunning Palace. Could it be that I have given such a big hint to the people in the harem that I think it is okay?" Disrespect the queen, disrespect the queen?"

Li Duanjin thought more about it. He Cairen and Yan Jieyu's miscarriages were all directed at Lin Youyi.

Is it also because he didn't pay enough attention to the queen and gave everyone in the harem the illusion that as long as Lin Youyi was defeated, everyone would have a chance?
An Duo's forehead was sweating, and he had only received five sticks, and his back was hurting badly, so he didn't dare to speak nonsense, but not answering would be a crime of deceiving the king.

He thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, since ancient times, the emperor and queen have not been in harmony, and it is indeed of no benefit to the harem."

Li Duanjin looked at him, but did not refute.

So when the queen mother arranged for him to visit the harem before the wedding, he pushed it until after the wedding, just to see if he could have a son first.

In addition, Lin Youyi is his chosen first wife, and he has the idea to live a good life with her.

Leaving aside the childhood friendship, Lin Youyi's character and talent alone really attracted him.

Originally, he was a little concerned and a little angry because of the portrait, but Xiao Yuqi's wave made him see clearly that even though he was angry, he didn't want these people to look down on the queen.

"Hmph, I don't know, but these people in the harem are so good at discerning situations." Li Duanjin's tone was full of disappointment.

"Anduo, pass the decree and leave for the palace the day after tomorrow." Li Duanjin ordered.

"The slave obeys the order."

The next day, Lin Youyi received the news that Xiao Yuqi had been reduced to a beauty. She was visiting Concubine Tian in Yikun Palace.

Concubine Tian's complexion improved a lot. After these ups and downs, Concubine Tian also looked away, and there was nothing serious other than life and death.

Her greatest hope now is to be safe and healthy.

"The most fortunate thing for me is to know you and trust you." Tian Shuhui said with emotion, and Lin Youyi saved her from danger several times.

"Just don't blame me." Lin Youyi said.

Tian Shuhui naturally knew that Lin Youyi was referring to her distrust of herself, "I was angry at the time, but I later figured it out. Trust can only be accumulated slowly through getting along and giving."

As she said that, Tian Shuhui thought of Yingyue again. She trusted both Lin Youyi and Yingyue, but one harmed her and the other saved her.

"And now, I understand you very well. In this harem, trusting someone wrongly may sometimes be the price of life." Tian Shuhui said with emotion.

Lin Youyi couldn't help but think of her last life. She believed in Wang Shuyan by mistake, and then paid the price with her life and the destruction of her family.

Now recalling the poisoned hoarseness, the death of her elder brother, the demotion of her father, and the beheading of the entire Lin family, she still couldn't help crying.

The experience of the previous life was really too painful.

"For me, you can't even go to Youquan Palace." Tian Shuhui said.

"I was talking to Sister Tian Concubine before, this time you and your majesty go to the palace, you must seize the opportunity to conceive the emperor's heir. I didn't expect you to go twice in a row." Liu Li sighed.

"There will be a chance in the future", Lin Youyi doesn't care about this, but this time Li Duanjin has not replied to the letter for three days, she is a little worried.

The rumor about the portrait involved her family and Su Jijiu, so she specially wrote a plain sign to clarify it in advance. Could it be that he doesn't believe it or there is something else hidden?
Seeing Lin Youyi frowned and remained silent, Liu Li thought that Lin Youyi regretted not going to Chengyouquan Palace, and comforted him, "Your Qianqiu Banquet will be here in a few days, and His Majesty will definitely come back."

"If you will come back, you should send a letter in advance." Lin Youyi was not so optimistic, she vaguely felt that Li Duanjin was annoyed.

Tian Shuhui couldn't push Li Duanjin to other women, but she was Lin Youyi, so she could accept it. Seeing Lin Youyi's brows furrowed, she thought of what Liu Li said about the portrait, and said in relief, "Xiao Yuqi is just a If you don't come to wish you a birthday, your majesty will be lowered, your majesty values ​​you, and you won't believe that."

"Didn't His Majesty lose his temper because he didn't want to hear her mention me?" Lin Youyi said.

How could the portraits painted by court painters for Xiunu end up in brothels? There must be someone planning behind this.Liu Lining raised her eyebrows and said, "It's just at this juncture, if His Majesty annoys you because of this and doesn't come back to the Qianqiu Banquet, what will you do?"

"The Queen's first Qianqiu Banquet, if Your Majesty doesn't show up, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for Youyi in the future." Tian Shuhui said worriedly.

After Lin Youyi left, Tian Shuhui and Liu Li discussed for a long time, "Youyi was protecting us before, now it's time for us to contribute."

At noon, Lin Youyi was eating, and Yingge looked worried, "Ma'am, there are only three days until the Qianqiu Banquet, and there is no letter from His Majesty yet, so you won't be back?"

Lin Youyi's brows were full of sorrow, how could she not know that if Li Duanjin didn't come back with his concubine, she would have no prestige as a queen from that day on, "Wait another day, if there is no news tomorrow, let the Ministry of Internal Affairs To cancel the Qianqiu Banquet, just say that Ben Gong is unwell."

 Thank you Black Bellflower and jenniferneo for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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