Leng Mei, don't eat me

020 Return My First Kiss

Xia Yichun's children's shoes thumped Qianyexi's strong chest in anger, and said, "Ahhhhhhhhh! Damn it, give me back my first kiss! The gangster gave me back my first kiss!"

"do not move!"

Please, the fire has already been heated enough because of the kiss just now, and now, this little girl is not afraid of death and beats his chest.She didn't know that she was no different from tickling him, but instead provoked the most primitive desires of men?Still barking like this, doesn't this arouse his animal desire?

Hong Guoguo's seduction-introduction ==.

Xia Yichun was hit by Qianyexi, and she stopped beating, her big watery eyes blinked cutely a few times, and then beat again: "Give me back my first kiss!"

Chino Xi pouted, this is also his first kiss, okay? !

Feeling uncomfortable in her lower abdomen, Qianyexi hugged her tightly, and breathed evilly in her ear: "Little girl, if you are like this, I will take care of you here!"

No matter how stupid Xia Yichun was, she knew what "it's done" meant, so she stopped beating.Suddenly, the fist felt hot and painful, and it was red and swollen--.

"That's good." Qianyexi let go of her, and patted Xia Yichun on the back of the head like she was treating a puppy.

Xia Yichun didn't know whether it was red from anger or shame, it was so red that it could be faked as a delicious tomato children's shoe.

Secretly, she cursed Qianyexi to death, thinking that her first kiss was gone like this, she was so unwilling.Just now she beat desperately, not only didn't hurt Qian Yexi in the slightest, but her fist hurt terribly.

Sighing, forget it, just treat it as being accidentally bitten by a mad dog.It's still a very monstrous dog. Thinking about it this way, I feel a lot better.

Xia Yichun's thoughts flew to the sky just now, only then did he realize that Qian Yexi had come to his seat and dozed off.

All the girls in the class stared at her fiercely, as if they were willing to stare a hole out of her.

If sight could kill, maybe Xia Yichun would have died thousands of times.

The head teacher looked at her obsequiously, and smiled fatly all over his face: "Student Xia Yichun, please sit down." The fat finger pointed to Ai Feier's position.

Xia Yichun glanced at that position with disdain, walked to the seat farthest from Qian Yexi and sat down.

"Okay, let's go to class. Turn to page 19 of the book." The head teacher just put on his glasses and wanted to turn the book.


The poor door was kicked open again mercilessly - -. (A certain door: Did I invite you to provoke you? Ah? There is no need to abuse me like this! 555555~~~~~ A certain door is crying silently.)

ps: This number is quite auspicious, haha

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