Use foreign lands to conquer the whole of Europe

Chapter 103 102: 【Lost Flower Field】Advance to the Sky City

Angie did not share these personal thoughts with Sean.She felt that her attitude and tone were serious enough. Under such circumstances, the other party should be able to realize the seriousness of the matter.

And the fact is true: Sean, who is both a knight and a resident of Kent, knows even more about Slade's horror than Angie.

This lord has always pursued an iron-blooded and ruthless governance policy. Not only has Sean himself witnessed many tragedies, but even his adoptive parents have been fortunate enough to experience "being thrown out of the territory because they failed to pay taxes".

So in Sean's view, Angie's statement is 100% valid-if the matter of their master-servant relationship is discovered, there is only a dead end.

Sean is not afraid of death.He has the awareness to dedicate himself to his ideals, but based on this firm belief, he is even more afraid that he will implicate Anji.

So he sincerely admitted his mistake, and promised Angie: "I know...I'm sorry, I will try my best to correct it."

But this time Angie didn't talk as well as before, but still stared at him closely.

At first, he was able to look at her with as frank and sincere an expression as possible.

But under Angie's sharp eyes, he gradually became nervous, and then he couldn't help shrinking his neck, and the expression of "begging for mercy" began to appear in his eyes looking at Anji.

If Sean could have animal ears, he should be in that pitiful posture with his head shrunk and airplane ears showing.

At this point, Angie's expression softened a little.

But she still stared at Sean, and said with a serious face: "You'd better correct yourself——if this happens again in the future, I will take some punishment measures against you..."

Having said that, she suddenly changed her solemn expression before, and smiled brightly: "Kores, you can look forward to it~ After all, my punishment should be very ingenious~"

Sean's body shook uncontrollably.Thinking of all kinds of messy interrogation methods, his tone couldn't help trembling: "Yes... I will try my best to correct it..."

Angie was very satisfied with Sean's terrified appearance:

"Well, that's right~ As for the things I did in Grand Village, I'll talk to you later when I have a chance—now, what we have to consider is 'how to get to Sky City'."

Sky City is a third-level foreign land.It is a huge empty island suspended above the lost flower field. It is composed of several islands and has the characteristic of making visitors "weightless".

This non-painful characteristic is too gentle, and this is the main reason why Angie chose to go to the Sky City.

Although the dizziness was only a minor symptom, in order to prevent Sean's physical condition from deteriorating, they had better find the island located in the north of the flower field as quickly as possible.

This is obviously not a problem for them who have convenient "transportation tools".

Angie quickly sorted out her thoughts, took out the ghost horse whistle from the storage earrings, and blew it skillfully-because she had practiced it several times during the previous journey.

A ghost horse with a whole body in black just appeared in the open space in front of her.

It looks solid, but occasionally "flickers" or two, like a broken light.

Anji liked this feeling completely different from ordinary horses, and his mood suddenly brightened.

No one can refuse the special mount of the dark department!Especially this handsome and strong horse!
After stroking the horse's head contentedly, she turned on the horse skillfully, and then extended her hand to Sean friendly, trying to pull him up.

But this time, Sean didn't follow her idea.

He just stepped on the footrest of the saddle and sat down in the empty seat behind Anji in one go. Then he saw Anji turn his head to look at himself dissatisfied, and muttered:
"Sean, you embarrass me like this."

Obviously she had already extended a helping hand, but he ignored him and got on the horse, which made Angie quite complaining (in fact, he was deliberately finding fault).

However, Sean just took the rein naturally, ignoring her dissatisfied gaze at him, and said calmly:
"Let's go now?"

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Anji laughed immediately: "Well! Let's go!"

She's happy with how normal Sean is now.Although he seemed inexplicably indifferent, this little problem was nothing to worry about.

But Angie didn't know that at this moment, Sean's heart was already very disturbed - because this was the first time he rode the same horse with the opposite sex.

Fortunately, this ghost horse is a bit bigger than a normal horse, and it is more than enough to carry these two fully armed knights.

This allows Sean to move back quietly, trying not to be close to Angie.

Compared with Sean's little thoughts, Anji didn't have any strange burdens in his heart.

As the dark ghost horse gallops across the flower field, the surrounding scenery recedes quickly.

Under this clear blue sky, the cool and comfortable wind blows over Anji, making her leave all her troubles behind, and just want to enjoy the good time at this moment, and her mind becomes active.

Looking at the long and strong neck of the ghost horse, she couldn't help but put her upper body closer, and then wrapped her arms around her beloved horse contentedly, whispering to it in the bumps:

"Ghost horse, let me give you a name~ How about you call Rudolph? This is a name that only a good horse can have!"

As if unable to understand human speech, the ghost horse continued to run indifferently.

However, Sean was a little restless, and couldn't help saying: "Angie, don't lie on your stomach like this."


Angie, who was holding the horse's neck, turned his head and asked him in confusion.

She still kept the upper body lying forward, showing no sign of wanting to sit up,
This magnified the helplessness in Sean's heart.

He really wanted to say, "When you make some strange movements, can you consider that there are other people behind you", but when the words came to his lips, it became:

"...It's dangerous, it's easy to fall. Anyway, you'd better sit down."


Although Anji didn't think she was going to fall, seeing that Sean was rare and normal, she pouted a little aggrieved and sat down obediently.

Idle is also idle, Angie naturally told Sean some of her previous experiences in Glen Village.

At Sean's request, she highlighted the strange things she encountered: For example, the strange land of Glen Village was upgraded again and again, she stepped on the hollow brick of the church and fell into the hole, and then she was taken special care of by that hole area , was subjected to particularly outrageous gravity.

And the things related to Hadford and the gift were only briefly mentioned by her, and she did not explain in detail.

Sean listened silently, and responded from time to time. Finally, when she finished speaking, she said calmly:

"I see—I'll try my best to protect you."

Anji felt embarrassed when she heard this: "Hey, what is protection or not? Don't keep saying things like this... You just need to ensure your personal safety, and I will be responsible for my affairs."

"That won't work," Sean said in a rare and tough tone, "I will not back down on this point."

"Huh? When you took the oath earlier, you said 'obey all my orders', so it doesn't count?!"

Having said that, Angie turned back in dissatisfaction, glared at him vigorously, and then saw Sean whispering in embarrassment:

"Only on this point will not back down... that's all."

"Don't talk about disobedience and breach of contract so fresh and refined! Do you know that your credibility has suddenly become much lower!" Angie scolded unconvinced.

But Sean didn't speak.

Although his eyes and expression were full of guilty conscience, even though Anji repeatedly persuaded him, he did not speak again, as if he was determined and refused to change his attitude.

Seeing this situation, Anji could only sigh helplessly, and gave up trying to persuade him.

Although Sean is a bit rebellious, he hasn't used honorifics with her for a long time... Is this probably a good thing?
After this, neither of them spoke again.

They just sat on the horseback with their own thoughts, feeling the wind and the beautiful scenery around them, watching the huge cloud floating in the distance slowly moving to the right, and then immediately noticed the floating cloud in the air from behind it. unidentified object—

That was obviously their destination, the Sky City.

In their field of vision, the suspended island was smaller than a fist, which was enough to show that they were too far away from it.

After discovering the target, Anji's mood immediately improved a lot.

She smiled and turned her head to the side, and said to the people behind her, "Sean, hold on to the rope! We are going to change direction~", and then tightened the reins, letting the ghost horse head towards the sky city.

But at this moment, an idea popped into Anji's head:
How can they land on a floating island far away in the sky?

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