Chapter 1 The Poorest God in History

Do you want to be a god?whether

"Are all the advertisements so arrogant now?"

Yao Luo stared at the computer, a line of words that filled the entire screen, muttering to himself.

Without hesitation, he chose——


As long as you choose Yes, a weird page game interface will pop up, and your ears will be filled with cheap synthesized sounds.What kind of equipment is recycled, time is exchanged for money, there are always some unscrupulous advertisers who want celebrities to sell electronic swords.

He has done a lot with this choice.

Do you want to be a god?whether

On the computer screen, this line of words popped up for the second time, still occupying the entire screen.

"Is this a virus?"

He was sure he had turned it off once.

Yao Luo shut down the computer and restarted it.

The screen turned on, and the line was still there.

Do you want to be a god?Yes Yes

"I don't even have the option to refuse this time," Yao Luo complained, "It just so happens that this old computer is about to be phased out, and the virtual game warehouse I bought is still in delivery. Let's see what your virus is capable of."

He controlled the mouse and clicked "Yes" on the left.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Yao Luo turned his head, only to see the roommate who was still talking with his mouth open, motionless.

Beside him, a little dust stopped dancing under the sunlight coming in from the window sill.

The dripping faucet in the toilet, the round drops of water solidified in the air, refracting the sunlight.

Time has stopped.

"You virus," Yao Luo was dumbfounded, "it's kind of annoying."

A strong suction came from the computer screen.

Before he could react, he was sucked in.

Time continues to flow.

"Yao Luo," his roommate turned his head but didn't see him, "strange, he was still here just now."


Among the bright spots all over the sky, Yao Luo looked towards the sky.

There is a huge tree that covers the sky and the sun, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and there is no end in sight.

In this empty and boundless place, the giant tree has stood tall for an unknown number of years.

He heard some rustling sounds.

Looking down, several monsters with tentacles and dense eyeballs were eating the roots of the giant tree.

"I am the will of the world in this universe," came the indifferent but magnificent roar from the giant tree, "Yao Luo, you have been chosen by me to become an omnipotent god who guards a world. What is your unfinished business?" wish?"

parents?Yao Luo came out of an orphanage and has no parents, nor brothers and sisters.

The old director of the orphanage passed away last year. It is said that he had a long white beard and an amiable face. He walked away with a smile.

girlfriend?He knew that his conditions were extremely poor, and he had never harmed other girls.

friend?Except for this roommate, Yao Luo and everyone else are nodding acquaintances.

As for this roommate, he is a natural optimist and has a good family background, so he doesn't need any help.

Yao Luo has no worries and cares, and is alone.

Nothing but a little intimate personal hobby.

"I want to delete the browsing history on the computer, all the records." He said seriously.

"as you wish."

the present.

His roommate scratched his head, gave up looking for Yao Luo who suddenly disappeared, and prepared to return to the embrace of the game.

Yao Luo's computer suddenly exploded, and then a bright flame ignited.

But in just ten seconds, when his roommate hurriedly brought out a basin of water, Yao Luo's computer was completely burned to ashes, not a single piece of iron remained.

"It's unscientific," his roommate said to himself. "Dude, your computer is burning itself with lust."


The face on the trunk of the giant tree has a solemn expression.

He waved his mountainous branches, pointing to the highest sky

"God Yao Luo, I have fulfilled your wish, go!"

In the bright holy light, Yao Luo closed his eyes, opened his arms, and flew towards the higher sky lightly with his whole body.

In the faint chants, the lives gathered by the light spots danced around him.

He heard countless creatures singing and cheering for his promotion.

The new god, Yao Luo!
He ascended to the apex, sank suddenly, broke through countless clouds, and landed on a small island together with a beam of light.

What kind of world is this?

Yao Luo opened his eyes excitedly.

What came into view was a desert on the left and a desert on the right.

This place is cratered, like the moon, and there is no sign of life at all.

If he read correctly, what fell from the sky was a burning meteorite.

There really are a bunch of craters here.

The smile on his face faded away.

This place floats in the air, only the size of a football field, and below it is a bottomless abyss.

Do you want him to use divine power to create creatures on the spot?

Yao Luo concentrated and imagined that there was a shallow pond in front of him.

The divine power in his body ran for a moment, then stopped.

Nothing happened.

why?Why is this happening!

The surrounding space swayed for a while, and a translucent bearded uncle appeared, like a holographic projection.

"Later God, if you see this video, it means that you have also been chosen by the will of the world to become the god of this cyberpunk world."

The uncle held up his hands, showing a bit of divine power, proving that what he said was true: "Don't listen to the will of this world, he is fooling you! Ever since I became a god here, I have been saving money every day, and I have to pay Can't make ends meet!"

As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes: "God is so pitiful! I am so omnipotent! I'm such a god, I don't even have the power to shave myself! Why should I suffer here!"

"Stop talking," the uncle wiped away his tears with his hands, "I'm going to drift in the depths of the universe and be a wandering god, hoping to find a living planet and cultivate it slowly. I left you an altar, which is really Can't take it away. Good luck and goodbye!"

He waved to Yao Luo, picked up a big bucket full of divine power, and floated into the distance.

The holographic image disappeared, and no divine power was wasted.

This senior god couldn't bear the lack of divine power in this world, so he ran away with a bucket.

Yao Luo's mind was shaken for a while, but he still made up his mind: "Isn't it just that I don't have supernatural power, so I can't help it!"

He quickly found the small altar left by the senior gods, and a little bit of divine power left over the altar.

These divine powers are too little, and at most they will generate a real illusion, which cannot affect reality at all.

He may be the poorest god in history.

"Divine power, divine power," Yao Luo walked up and down the deserted Sky Island, "How do I get divine power?"

The extremely weak divine power on his body responded.

It requires a lot of power of faith, and many people need to believe in him.

Yao Luo had never done this kind of thing before, but he decided to give it a try.

"I'm going to the mortal world! See what this cyberpunk world is like!"

As he thought so, the divine body sneaked into the sky island and fell to the mortal world.

(End of this chapter)

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