Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 202 Brotherhood Guerrillas

Chapter 202 Brotherhood Guerrillas
A month later.

Wasteland, corrupted area.

The female bachelor wearing special power armor knelt down to check the situation on the ground of the ruins.

The warriors of the Brotherhood are generally divided into two systems: "Knights" and "Bachelors".

"Knight" is mainly about fighting and requires proficiency in using various weapons;

"Bachelor" mainly assists in combat operations, and also holds multiple positions such as hacker and battlefield doctor.

Generally speaking, every brotherhood guerrilla unit will be equipped with a maester.

Their combat capabilities may not be strong, but they can greatly improve the overall survivability of the guerrillas.

"Okay, old place."

An old guerrilla soldier skillfully sat down on a tree stump.

He took off his scarred power armor helmet and took out a large guitar from his armored backpack.

"Old Liu! There might be monsters here!" the guerrilla leader said.

"Okay, got it." The old guerrilla took out a loaded light machine gun and placed it next to the guitar.

He considers himself a genius because no one had thought before that he could play guitar while wearing thick power armor.

The guitar sounded, and the low, charming voice sang an incomprehensible ballad.

The old guerrillas have white beard and hair and are approaching the age of retirement.

This may be his last mission with the team.

Next month, the Brotherhood Headquarters will arrange for him to do some small chores in Thunder City and pay him a pension so that he can live a long life.

"Nothing unusual at observation point No. [-]." The female bachelor took a tablet and recorded it.

This is a medium-sized battle ruin.

The headquarters assesses that this battle occurred between 350 and [-] years ago.

The battle was fierce, the human fortress was breached, and the corpses of humans and monsters were everywhere.

"Bachelor," the guerrilla leader squatted down and called out the female bachelor's nickname in a low voice, "Miaomiao, what is Old Liu singing? This time the song seems to be different."

The female bachelor replied in a low voice: "Still doing the mission, captain. Be serious and don't call me by my nickname."

"Miaomiao, why are you so unfamiliar?" The guerrilla captain smiled in his power armor. "Next month, we will get married. The headquarters will grant us three months of wedding leave. Then I will go shopping with you every day."

The female bachelor changed the subject: "Old Uncle Liu sang, 'People who died in the war have dreams that will never wake up.'"

"No wonder the tune is a little sad and distant." The guerrilla leader turned his head and looked into the distance. "Do you think it's too late for me to learn how to play the guitar now? Lao Liu is a good teacher, and he can't be idle."

The female bachelor wrote on the tablet: No. [-] observation point, no abnormality.

She whispered: "I asked old Uncle Liu, and he said that he has been fighting all his life. When he retires, he most wants to open a guitar class to teach children musical instruments. You can sit with children who are not as tall as your thighs. study together."

"It's not impossible, I'm thick-skinned anyway." The guerrilla leader stood up.

He could see the monster hiding in the ruins at a glance.

"You're hiding pretty well. Want to make a sneak attack?" The guerrilla leader took off the long-handled battle ax from his back.

Leaving a deep footprint on the spot, he flew up like an arrow and swung his ax in mid-air.

"Gah——" the monster screamed.

This powerful and heavy ax almost split the monster apart.

Having achieved some results, the guerrilla leader was not in a hurry to kill the monster.

He looked around cautiously and found no other monsters.

The still whimpering monster was cut off from its body and head by another battle axe.

"Bachelor, you should come and take a look at this," the guerrilla leader said. "The size of this corrupted wolf is much larger than usual."

The female bachelor heard the sound and came over.

"It's a corrupt wild dog." She corrected the guerrilla leader.

"They all look similar anyway." The guerrilla leader didn't want to delve into this issue.

They are both canines, and making a misjudgment will not cause him to miss a monster kill.

The female bachelor briefly checked: "It's indeed strange, but it makes sense. I will report this abnormal information to the headquarters." Except for this corrupted wild dog that showed abnormality, the guerrillas in the next 15 minutes all Nothing unusual was found.

"Nothing unusual at observation point four." The female bachelor wrote on the tablet.

"Then there is only observation point No. [-]," the guerrilla captain guarded the female bachelor. "It seems that today is another ordinary day. We don't have to compete with monsters or scare those idiots from the Giant Spirit Glory Company."

The ruins underfoot creaked, broken and rusty metal, brittle bones, plus the long yellow sand, this place was no different from usual.

The female bachelor suddenly squatted down.

She took out a special detector and tested a piece of feces on the ground.

The guerrilla leader naturally noticed: "When did you become so obsessed with feces?"

"It's pterodactyl poop."

When he heard this, he immediately put the long-handled ax into the weapon slot of the power armor and took out the light machine gun: "That kind of large bat with a beak? It's quite rare."

The guerrilla leader shouted: "Everyone, watch the air! There are pterodactyls here!"

"One more thing," the female bachelor said, "it preyed on a mutant frog. Logically speaking, as a shame for monsters, when these pterodactyls face mutant frogs, they are facing natural enemies. How did it do it?"

"Maybe he happened to eat the carcass of a mutant frog."

Even so, the guerrilla leader became increasingly vigilant.

In the wasteland, dangers abound, and a false alarm is better than losing your life.

The old guerrilla looked at the sky and kept playing the guitar strings in his hand.

The sound of the guitar is always filled with misty sadness.

There are a lot of clouds in the sky, although not enough to become dark clouds, but it is enough for a light rain.

The clouds were low enough that pterodactyls could fly above them.

"At observation point five, pterodactyl excrement appears," the female bachelor put away the tablet. "We'd better kill this pterodactyl, or at least find its nest."

The old guerrilla's fingers suddenly stopped playing the guitar strings.

A monster rushed out of the low clouds.

It folds its wings and spins in the air, and with its extremely hard beak, it looks like an electric drill.

Pterodactyls dive very quickly.

Its target is the old guerrillas!
"Old Liu!"

"Old Uncle Liu!"

The guerrilla leader and the female bachelor screamed in surprise.

The old guerrilla narrowed his eyes, and the shadow cast by the pterodactyl had already covered him.

At the last moment, the experienced human hunter dropped his guitar and rolled out, grabbing the heavy helmet of his power armor and his light machine gun.

The stump of the tree he was sitting on was drilled and blasted.

Before the pterodactyl could turn its long neck, the power armor helmet had already hit it hard on the head.

This huge bat-like creature with a beak has its head tilted just a little.

The old guerrilla's heart sank.

This was no ordinary pterodactyl, and he made a fatal mistake.

With the light machine gun in hand, bullets spurted out.

The pterodactyl's fleshy wings flapped, and its huge claws directly grabbed the old guerrilla's head as it took off.


He hid for a moment and did not die on the spot, but suffered severe pain in his left shoulder.


The pterodactyl took to the air again.

Although many people shot at it, they could not bring it down.

(End of this chapter)

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