Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 207 Under the Giant Wings

Chapter 207 Under the Giant Wings
Brother Lang suddenly exerted force and used his entire body weight to push Liu Haojin down.

Above them, a pterodactyl scout flew over.

Brother Wolf reacted very promptly and avoided being discovered by the pterodactyl group.

"Listen to me," his voice was very low, "Liu Haojin, is that the female bachelor of the fraternity you mentioned?"

Liu Haojin's eyes were fixed on the bachelor's armor in the distance: "My fiancée, Xu Miaomiao."

"If you die, she will die too," Brother Wolf said. "As long as a demonized pterodactyl discovers us, we will be wiped out like your guerrillas. Then, no one will save her, She can only wait for death in the pterodactyl's lair. Calm down!"

Calm down, calm down, calm down!
The brotherhood warrior comforted himself in his mind.

He wanted to use his gun to beat all those pterodactyls into pieces.

"These wandering pterodactyls are very vigilant," Smoker rubbed his fat face. "They will go take a look at the slightest movement."

Not far away, a pterodactyl grabbed a young mutant frog hiding in the bushes and pecked it to death in an instant.

He continued: "But those in the valley are different. Look at that stupid big guy, he is still sleeping, and the pterodactyls around him are resting. Although if this stupid big guy wakes up, we will all be finished, but Now we just need to break through the outer warning circle."

In the center of the valley, on the flattest spot, there was a huge nest.

The giant pterodactyl is twice as tall as other demonized pterodactyls. It is folding its fleshy wings and bending its neck to sleep.

Even at rest, it stands tall and forbidding like a mountain.

"Brother Wolf, do you want to lurk in directly?" Smoker asked.

"No," Brother Lang shook his head, "I have to assess her situation first. If she completely loses her ability to move, there is basically no possibility for me to rescue her."

Liu Haojin removed a piece from his wrist terminal and gave it to Brother Lang: "Bring this with you. The terminal has the function of assessing physical condition, and the guerrillas have one. Within ten meters, this will simply display Miaomiao's status. Physical conditions."


Brother Wolf put away the watch-like status display.

The simple camouflage uniform he wears can achieve some camouflage effect on the yellow sand ground and a few shrubs.

But that's not enough, far from enough.

He must single-handedly navigate a surveillance blockade of Pterodactyl Scouts.

If Smoker had lost fifty pounds, he would have been a reliable companion; now he was still too fat, crawling on the sand like a fat squirming maggot.

That was so conspicuous.

"I'll go alone," Brother Lang decided. "You guys, be prepared. Regardless of whether I succeed this time or not, we must move our positions."

Liu Haojin was silent and nodded.

If he is healthy, he must go.


Brother Wolf was on his knees, crawling on his elbows.


A pterodactyl scout landed on the hill next to it.

He dared not move.


The demonized pterodactyl screamed, flapped its fleshy wings, and flew to other places.

This place is very dangerous and you must not let your guard down.

Brother Wolf continued to crawl forward.

On the right side of the front, a demonized pterodactyl pecked out an arm from the power armor, raised its head and let the piece of meat slide into its neck.

These pterodactyls had some fangs in their beaks, but they did not have a complete chewing function.

They may have a gizzard stomach like ordinary birds, which serves as a substitute for chewing.

[Smoking in reverse is like a god]: Brother Lang, I will monitor your blind spots and remind you at any time.

There is a faint fishy smell here, as well as a strange herbal fragrance.

The combination of the two smells makes one feel nauseous.


Two demonized pterodactyls, one is stepping on the back of the other, making strange movements.

Brother Wolf is not interested in how these creatures reproduce.

[Signal detected, connecting...] [Signal confirmation: Bachelor Xu Miaomiao]

[Physical condition: Unknown!Please keep approaching! 】

He glanced at the status display and continued crawling forward.


The smoker looked away.

He opened the live broadcast room and immediately re-observed the environment near Brother Lang.

[Strange, why the anchor didn’t speak today]

[Looking at the bright side, maybe our anchor is just dead and is live broadcasting in the mourning hall]

[Let’s all speak in human terms.Who is the player in front? 】

[What giant bat!If it hadn't moved, I would have thought it was a rock! 】


A demonized pterodactyl stopped in front of the prostrate Brother Wolf and looked down at Brother Wolf.

The smoker's heart was in suspense.

[It’s over, I want GG]

[I saw it clearly, the ID showed it was Brother Lang! 】

Just like that, a full 5 minutes passed.

Brother Wolf was motionless, and even the ups and downs of his breathing could hardly be observed.


The pterodactyl scout, full of doubts, flew into the air again.

【This is OK】

[One, two, three, wooden man! 】

【If you ask me to do this, I will never be able to hold it】

[What’s on the right side of the camera?Bird slices?Or the uncensored version, the live version]

[No, brother, are you holding something back? Forget about pornographic films, you even want to watch bird films]

Brother Wolf simply observed his surroundings and continued to crawl forward.

There was a big hole in the maester's armor, which was broken through the back. It looked like it was caused by the beak of a pterodactyl.

He looked at the status display table and already had the target's physical status.

Multiple ribs were broken, there was a large hole above the right kidney, and the right lung was in a pneumothorax.

This is not good.

The bird's beak broke through the power armor, leaving critical wounds on the female maester's body.

But she was still alive, at least an hour later and still had the energy to move around, which was nothing short of a miracle.

Brother Lang was less than eight meters away from the target, but this distance was like a chasm.

Ahead is the pterodactyl's lair. Although there are no other creatures in the lair, it would be too conspicuous to climb up directly.

A hole opened in the maester's armor.

A young woman with a pale face and bloodless lips.

While she was sweating in pain, she made a negative gesture towards Brother Wolf.

The female bachelor didn't know the identity of the rescuer, but since the rescuer was holding her fiancé's status display, he was the one recognized by Liu Haojin.

She has always been strong. After discovering that she was not dead, she was thinking about how to escape from this ghost place every moment.

There is a complete set of medicines and portable instruments in the bachelor's armor, enough for her to give herself powerful analgesics and perform simple and crude operations on herself.

Now, there's a chance to escape, but it's only once and the risks are huge.

Without hesitation, she injected herself with a special stimulant-Strengthening, took half a breath of pure oxygen, and then crawled out of the bachelor's armor.

The Maester Armor has many uses, but it has to be given up for now.

Before the effect of the special stimulant wears off, she must escape to a safe place with her rescuers; otherwise, if the effect of the drug wears off, there is a high probability that she will fall into coma on the spot and lose her life.

(End of this chapter)

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