Chapter 210 Their Past ([-])
"Next, we study "Pterodactyls and Giant Pterodactyls,"" the middle-aged teacher on the stage, wearing his power armor, introduced to the students, "In this section, we mainly study the characteristics of pterodactyls. , weaknesses and coping methods..."

The monster theory class is a general class, which means that all nearby classes will study together in this lecture theater.

The teacher who is giving the lecture now is the captain of a guerrilla army. He spends most of the month in the wasteland and only gives lectures on stage a few days.

Liu Haojin originally liked this kind of class the most, because the teacher always talked about various situations he encountered while performing tasks, which was much more interesting than boring textbooks.

But today, he listened absentmindedly.

A week has passed since he was recognized as his brother by a strange girl, but he has found no trace of the girl.

This may be related to the fact that he can only get passing marks every time in his trace analysis class.

At this moment, Liu Haojin looked around and finally found the somewhat familiar figure on the back.

Is it her?Why is she sitting in the front two rows?

As we all know, this middle-aged teacher likes to ask questions to the students in the row most, so students with average grades like him always sit in the back row with the bad students.

what to do?If we wait until get out of class is over, there are so many people, dozens of students in the class, and there is a high probability that they will be lost when they go out after class.

Liu Haojin gritted his teeth and secretly walked towards the front row using the lurking posture he had newly learned in the basic combat class.

However, he did not know that in the position of a middle-aged teacher, such lurking was very conspicuous.

The girl felt something, turned her head, and found that her brother, whom she recognized as a fool, was squatting next to her and looking at her.

Oh my gosh!This is the second row!

"...Especially the aerial drilling attack of the pterodactyl, which is very dangerous when encountered in the wasteland!" The middle-aged teacher raised his eyebrows and said in a serious tone, "This male student, you are crowded among a group of female students. What to do? Come on, stand up and answer my question: How should you respond to an aerial attack from a pterodactyl?"

Liu Haojin looked left and right to confirm that the person calling was him.

He had not read any of the content of this section in the book; he had just been lurking around and not even listening to the teacher's lecture.

He just stood up without saying a word, staring at the middle-aged teacher's power armor.

The girl tugged on the sleeves of his school uniform and said in a very low voice: "Pay attention to the situation in the air."

What's going on in the air?Yes, the measures to deal with flying monsters are always the same.

Liu Haojin began to make up: "First of all, observe the weather and know that there are pterodactyls nearby, try to reduce the number of missions in rainy weather to avoid being attacked; secondly, when the team does not have efficient anti-aircraft weapons, think of The method is to control the battlefield on the ground and reduce the air superiority of the pterodactyl."

"Please answer my question directly," the middle-aged teacher said reluctantly. "The current situation is that you have been attacked by a pterodactyl. When you observe that the pterodactyl is about to launch a fatal attack, you should do What?"

The girl tugged on Liu Haojin's school uniform sleeve again, wanting to send out a reminder.

As a result, she raised her head slightly and found her teacher glaring at her.

The girl could only lower her head and remain silent.

Liu Haojin was speechless.

He hadn't read any of it and couldn't even make it up.

"Okay, come to my office after class. And you, yes, this female classmate, come to my office too."

Liu Haojin raised his head and found that the middle-aged teacher was pointing at the sister he recognized.

He boldly defended: "Teacher, this is my business and has nothing to do with her."

The middle-aged teacher crossed his arms and said with a mocking look on his face: "Well, if you fight with me and win the fight with that female classmate, you don't have to go to my office."

Liu Haojin was stunned.

He didn't expect that this seemingly serious guerrilla leader could be so shameless.

One is a student who has only received basic combat training, and the other is an elite warrior struggling on the line of life and death. He is also wearing power armor. It is a miracle that he can win.

Liu Haojin lowered his head and found that the girl was still holding on to the cuffs of his school uniform.

At this moment, he felt that things were not so bad. …

Time is like quicksand, slipping through their fingers.

They are about to enter the school district of higher education.

However, at this time, they received bad news.

The middle-aged guerrilla captain who taught monster theory had an accident during a mission and unfortunately died.

"He was very brave before he died," the dean said in the lecture theater. "The demonic tide dispersed the nearby guerrillas. When we found him, he was covered in blood, and a giant demonized pterodactyl in front of him almost killed him. He was beheaded by him. The guerrilla leader single-handedly singled out a giant demonized pterodactyl and almost killed it. Students, he did what an entire guerrilla team couldn't do by himself."

Everyone bowed their heads and observed three minutes of silence for the brave guerrilla leader.

Afterwards, Liu Haojin and Xu Miaomiao leaned on the railing and talked while looking at the scenery.

Now is the time to choose a major in higher education that has everything to do with where they will go after graduation.

"I want to be a doctor," Xu Miaomiao looked into the distance. "Several medical teachers gave me their contact information."

"I," Liu Haojin looked at the girl, "I want to go to the wasteland and become a warrior."

Xu Miaomiao looked at her boyfriend in disbelief: "Wasteland? Are you crazy? Our monster theory teacher was so strong, he died in the wasteland! We can stay and work in Thunder City in peace, The contribution points earned will not be small.”

Liu Haojin had already made up his mind.

In front of the statue of the godfather that year, he knew his choice: "Miaomiao, I must hang up the knighthood, put on power armor, and join the army!"

The girl is crying.

They had a great quarrel, which they had never had before.

"Break up!"

It rained heavily that day.


Liu Haojin felt that their fate had ended here.

He is in pain, very painful, but his determination to be an upright warrior will not change.

With a large suitcase and an admission notice, Liu Hao stood at the gate of the Warrior School District and unexpectedly spotted a familiar figure.

Xu Miaomiao, pulling a small pink suitcase, stared at him at the gate.

Liu Haojin wanted to run away and leave here, but he was enrolling in school today. Where could he run?

He just walked up and said softly to the girl: "Miaomiao, the medical school district is about ten kilometers away from here, which is quite far. Go quickly and don't miss the registration time."

The girl just looked at him and said, "I won't miss it. This is the school district where I report."

"Miaomiao, why are you-"

"I changed my choice," Xu Miaomiao's voice was nasal, "I signed up for a bachelor's degree-related major. We can be together in the future."

Liu Haojin felt mixed emotions in his heart.

He hugged the girl tightly.

Xu Miaomiao whispered in Liu Haojin's ear: "Haojin, if you become a soldier, you will spend most of the month in the wasteland; if I become a doctor, I will stay in Thunder City for the rest of my life. How long will it take for us to see each other?"
I have thought about it, I want to choose the path of bachelor's degree.Your theory class is not very good, and you always miss some key information, but your combat class scores are good, and you are a complete fool; my combat class scores are not good, but my theory class scores are always among the best.We complement each other exactly.From now on, you will be the captain of the guerrillas, and I will be the bachelor of the guerrillas, and we will perform tasks together.

Several of my teachers said that I must have made a wrong choice and wanted to help me correct it.All my best friends have gone to the medical school district to register. "

The girl asked with red eyes: "How are you going to compensate me?"

(End of this chapter)

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