Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 216 The Crooked Ares

Chapter 216 The Crooked Ares

Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Smoker, we are setting out to find you!

[Reverse smoking like a god]: Come on, we don’t have a lot of anti-air weapons, and monsters that don’t rely on the queen can basically only be beaten passively.We're almost at the Queen's Landing.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: We do not have a large number of anti-air weapons, but we already have an air unit!

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]:? ? ?

"Fuck, what is that?" one player yelled.

The smoker looked up and saw a huge black shadow slowly rising from the queen's collar.

He murmured to himself: "Is it the airship from Djinn City? Is it loaded with weapons?"

The pterodactyl group obviously noticed this huge black shadow.

In their eyes, this strange flying object poses a greater threat than the humans on the ground.

Led by the giant pterodactyl, the group of pterodactyls flew towards the black shadow.


[Mission: Defend the airship]

Youlin let her long hair down and stood on the deck of the airship, looking into the distance.

Everything below is dwarfed.

There is a mechanical linkage device on the airship's hull, which resembles an expressionless man's face.

She turned around and looked at the top of the cabin.

There is a statue of the Flying Potato God.

In this battle, Yao Luo made it clear that he would only take action when the situation was irreversible; once he took action, it would mean that Youlin failed her graduation exam.

If he failed, he would have to wait for the next chance to take the exam, which Youlin couldn't accept.

Now, standing on the deck of the airship, she is the queen; facing the pterodactyls attacking from afar, she is the commander of the monsters and players.

Four tall and burly steel warriors stood behind her, eager to try.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Kill the big bird!"

"Gatling! Beat them to scum!"

The players are excited.

The even more excited second young master of Juling City has been locked in the cabin to avoid being accidentally injured by the upcoming war.

The pterodactyl group was almost approaching Gatlin's attack range.

"Do it." Although Youlin's voice was small, the order had been conveyed to the players and monsters through divine and sub-divine powers.

On the wide airship deck, eighteen rotating machine guns popped out.

They are equipped with electromagnetic acceleration modules, which greatly increase the penetration and shooting distance of bullets.

Da da da!Da da da!
The dense bullets struck countless sparks on the giant pterodactyl's body.

Its flight posture stagnated slightly and immediately flew higher into the sky.

Other pterodactyls followed.

A pterodactyl flew a little farther and was attacked by a rotating machine gun.

A bone in its fleshy wing was broken, and it swayed onto the deck of the airship.


Before it could adjust its posture and prepare to fly, a Berserker jumped down from a higher cabin.

"The crow is flying!" a player shouted, hugging the Berserker's neck.

The berserker jumped directly on the pterodactyl's head, and the heavy impact made the pterodactyl go crazy.

The second move was shouted out, causing another player to have an idea.

He commanded a berserker, spinning and waving two broadswords at extremely fast speeds, and then jumped down from the cabin.

"Tornado destroys parking lot!"

The constantly rotating blade drew a cold light and hit the pterodactyl hard on the neck.

The pterodactyl screamed and threw away the two berserkers, but more berserkers and players had already surrounded it.


I don’t know what happened, but this scream was so tragic.Youlin looked away.

The ordinary pterodactyl that landed on the airship was not a big deal, but the huge one in the air would pose a serious threat.

The giant pterodactyl at high altitude folded its fleshy wings and began to rotate.

This is its usual killing move.

This special attack is similar to all pterodactyls.

Youlin hid in the cabin next to her.

She had already thought of ways to fight back.

"Increase the energy output of the airship to the limit, and focus on supplying it to the rotating machine gun." She ordered.

The face of the mechanical man on the airship showed a crooked smile that stretched from ear to ear.

The electromagnetic modules of the eighteen rotating machine guns were overcharged, and the bullets would even leave a series of arcs a few seconds after they left.


The bullet's penetration reached its design limit, and the target was a giant pterodactyl.

"The limb is blocked!"

Facing the giant pterodactyl that rushed down, Tudou Girl and a few hacker players launched a hacking attack.

She didn't know why only the [limb obstruction] chip plug-in was effective against monsters, but it would be nice if it worked.

Among the more than 400 players, those with hacking talents cannot even make up two tables of mahjong players.

A steel warrior roared and swung an extremely heavy hammer, hitting the giant pterodactyl rushing down.

The sharp impact made nearby players feel uncomfortable.

The airship shook violently under the impact.

The giant pterodactyl drilled through half of the hammer, and then drilled through half of the Steel Warrior's body.

"Da Zhuang." You Lin in the cabin clenched her fists tightly, her nails engraved on her flesh.

She wrote the battle plan, and it was also her decision to make the Steel Warrior the first experimenter of her idea.

But she still grieved.

If the strong body hadn't been transformed by her whole body, and its defense had been greatly increased, the giant pterodactyl's drilling attack just now could have killed it directly.

Seeing that its companion was severely injured, the other steel warrior roared and swung a heavy hammer and hit it hard.

"Gah!" The giant pterodactyl screamed in pain, and slapped the steel warrior away with one wing.

The Steel Warrior rolled back more than ten meters and smashed a rotating machine gun with a red barrel.

But it's not over yet.

Behind the giant pterodactyl, there are dozens of ordinary pterodactyls!

Although their drilling attacks are much weaker, they are still not something ordinary players or monsters can withstand.

Those who are lucky enough to escape can still survive, but those who face the drill attack almost never survive.

After destroying the airship deck with holes and flesh everywhere, the pterodactyls took off again.

Youlin's plan only captured two ordinary pterodactyls, and at this moment, those two had been thrown from the airship by the players.

They were incapacitated, but only two.

"This is not good," Yao Luo's Ruowuo voice came to Youlin's ear, "Youlin, these pterodactyls can launch countless drilling attacks, but with just this one drilling attack, we lost the airship. A quarter of a manpower.”

Youlin felt extremely uncomfortable.

She saw the least injured Four Strong dragging its three seriously injured Steel Warrior brothers to hide under the footbridge of the cabin.

Only one demonized steel warrior still has fighting power.

Six of the eighteen rotary machine guns were damaged. The overheating of the barrels had caused them to exit the overcharge mode and were being automatically replaced with new barrels.

But there is no use in feeling uncomfortable.

These dangerous pterodactyls would not show mercy because of her weakness, they would only become more violent.

They like to bully the weak and beat up the drowned dogs.

"Weakness." Youlin said softly with tears in her eyes.

She tried her best to find a way to defeat these powerful enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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