Chapter 225 Shadow
The smoker walked around here for a long time, but couldn't find anything strange.

Only in front of an alley did he hear the cries of many babies.

How come there are so many babies together?
He stepped on the debris, stones, metal, and broken mechanical objects at the end of the alley, and struggled to climb up the wall that was not short.


The smoker took out a breath and looked behind the wall cautiously.

No one noticed him.

There was only one man, with his back turned to him, holding a baby and sobbing.

The baby was awakened by the cries of other babies and joined the cry.


The smoker groaned.

Covered by his cries, he fell to the ground.

He was supposed to land safely, but the ground was unexpectedly slippery, causing him to fall suddenly with the gravity of his jump and slightly fracture his right leg.

This injury may be troublesome in the real world, but to players, this injury is nothing special.

The smoker stared closely at the man's back, his health automatically recovered, and the injury to his right leg also recovered automatically.

This kind of ability to recover injuries in just one breath is a perverted ability that every player has in this world.

The more serious the injury, the slower the recovery; but the higher the [Physique] attribute points, the faster the overall recovery speed.

Within five seconds, he had stood up normally.

The man with his back turned was not alone here.

Just a few steps away, there was a long line, one waiting in line at a building that was secretly located but clearly marked with the Brotherhood's logo.

It's so weird.

If it was to be kept secret, why put up such a prominent fraternity sign?

If there is no need to keep it secret, why is there such a remote place where so many people line up?
The smoker noticed that most of the people in line were men, with only a few women.

The women standing in line always exude a strange smell of blood, and generally look bad.

Nearly everyone in line had a baby on their arms.

The smoker walked quietly into the building and followed the queue of people.

He wanted to know what the hell was going on here.

The people in line did not show any dissatisfaction with his suspected queue-jumping behavior.

Most of their eyes were numb, and they only showed some ferocious expressions when they looked at the babies in their arms.

It was as if what they held in their arms was not a baby, but food that could fill their stomachs.

A few people still had tears on their faces.

Smoker felt that he had found big news, and the game forum would soon be exploded with his news.


He hid behind a pillar and watched a man dressed as a doctor put the baby into an incubator and then put a label on the incubator.

The next man, holding a baby in his arms, began talking to another receptionist dressed as a doctor, and then the baby was carried into what looked like a very sophisticated machine.The baby came out, moving restlessly.

"This child is somewhat malnourished, but overall, he passed," the doctor pressed her finger on her desktop terminal and said, "The material quota and contribution points for the relief fund will be distributed to you soon. You The material quota and contribution point ratio can be adjusted within three days. These relief funds will be distributed one after another three days later."

"Doctor," the man begged, "can you send it to me tonight? I'm really in a hurry."

The female doctor said calmly: "No. This is not the first time you have come to deliver a baby. You know our rules."

"But doctor," the man said nonchalantly, "if you don't give me relief tonight, I will be in a lot more debt tomorrow."

Female doctors have had a lot of contact with these people for a long time.

She seemed to have no emotion and said: "If you have anything to do, go to the Comprehensive Management Committee and the nearby security team. If you still have any conscience, you should take this certificate of contribution to the baby and go to the nearest quota shop. Get some nutrition in advance for your poor wife."

"Her? What kind of nutritional supplements does she want!" the man said. "The money I spent to buy nutritional supplements is enough for me to go down there and play with a big one! If I win, I will be rich! It doesn't matter if she eats less. relation."

The female doctor just said calmly: "Next one."

The man cursed and walked out, pushing past the smoker who was recording the video.

The next one was a woman.

Her steps were sloppy and her face had some unhealthy swelling.

The female doctor did not directly pick up the baby as before.

She said, "How long has it been since you had a good meal? I mean, at least it started with a protein bar."

The woman lowered her head and did not dare to look at the female doctor: "My husband needs money, a lot of money."

"What did I tell you last time?" The female doctor's tone was a little sullen, "Look for a normal job, even if the salary is pitifully small. First increase your contribution level, and then your choice will be There is no need to dedicate your children to us. Leave your husband who only eats, drinks, whores and gambles, and plead with the nearby security team to let them watch you more, so as to save your good-for-nothing husband from knocking on the door. What on earth are you doing? Did you listen to even one word of what I said?"

The woman raised her head slightly, but quickly lowered her head before meeting the doctor's piercing gaze: "But he is my husband after all."

The female doctor closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When she opened her eyes again, she had returned to a calm state: "Next."

These ordinary words seemed like a sentence.

The woman raised her head in disbelief and wanted to sell her child to the female doctor, but the female doctor ignored her completely.

She shed tears silently, staggered out holding her baby, who was obviously thinner than others.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing?" Smoker asked a man next to him with tears on his cheeks.

The man raised his eyes and looked at him: "You've never paid attention to this place, have you? That's right. For someone like you who can make yourself fat, this place has nothing to do with you. It's very simple. Those of us in line are all contribution levels. The lowest level, level [-] to level [-], has quotas allocated by the fraternity so that they can neither starve to death nor have enough to eat. After giving birth to a child, you can still make a lot of money by selling the child to the fraternity. Anyway, the child is an orphan in the fraternity. Even though the life in the hospital will not be very good, it is better than following us who have been starving since childhood. Those of us with low contribution levels are not even wanted in the most remote shops. There is no way to make money. Can you just wait to die?"

Smoker asked: "Then why is your contribution level so low?"

He glanced at the wrist terminal that the man had turned on. The number "2" was displayed in the upper left corner.

However, even for the Smoker himself, an outsider who just arrived in Thunder City today, this contribution level is the default number "3".

The contribution level of the newly arrived outsiders is higher than that of the indigenous people. Does this mean that the man in front of him has not contributed to the brotherhood, but has caused a lot of trouble to the brotherhood.

The man turned off his wrist terminal and ignored the smoker's questions.

[Smoking in reverse like a god]: Potato girl, are you with Xu Miaomiao?Please ask Xu Xu how the contribution levels are divided. I have something wrong here.

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Wait, let me ask.

(End of this chapter)

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