Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 234 Etiquette before admission

[Smoking backwards like a god]: Potato girl, are you there?

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Not here.

[Smoking in reverse like a god]: I just received a mission, which was to go to the morgue to steal the dead man's ring.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]:? ? ?

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Your mission seems a bit outrageous.By the way, I heard a sound like an explosion just now. Did you hear it?
[Smoking backwards like a god]: I didn’t hear anything.

Tudou Girl was sitting in the cafeteria of the college. She turned around and looked out of the window to see a group of people hurriedly heading to a building in the distance.

Didn't anything happen in that place that looked like a gymnasium?

"It's really strange," said the female receptionist sitting opposite her. "The people who ran over were all teachers from the college, and they also brought a lot of combat equipment."


The gymnasium doors were open and swaying in the wind.

Something ripped apart the sturdy metal double doors.

A man had his underwear stuffed in his mouth and was tied tightly with rope, completely unable to move.

The teachers recognized this man as their colleague, who taught high school mathematics.

"What's going on here?"

"I received a message from the vice-principal saying that he was kidnapped to the gymnasium by dangerous elements; but in the next message, he said that he was just having a friendly exchange with the students' parents and hoped that all teachers would gather in the gymnasium."

"Where are the teachers of the combat department? They spend half the time on missions in the wasteland, and they are all elite warriors. Why didn't you hear a single gunshot?"

"The teachers from the combat department should have been here a long time ago. Their mobility is much better than those of us who teach cultural classes."

A man crashed through the glass window and flew out, landing on his back, still wearing tattered power armor.

This is one of the teachers from the combat department, and he is curling up in pain.

"Oh, what happened? Who beat you like this?" asked a teacher who was familiar with the injured person.

The combat teacher just shook his hand at them, not knowing what he meant.

Suddenly, he was pulled back into the gymnasium by an inexplicable force and broke another glass window.

The cultural teachers were shocked.

"Did you see clearly what just happened?"

"What pulled him in?"

"Is this...going to call the Watcher Legion and the Fearless Legion?"

"If we needed to call, they would have been here."

"Go in," a veteran teacher who studies the history of the end of the world pushed up his glasses, "No matter how incredible things are, there are reasons behind them. We may be about to witness a major event that can be recorded in history."


"Every cultural class teacher, hurry up and take your seats," Yao Luo said, "It's over there. You should be the last group to come now."

From the looks of the cultural class teachers, all the teachers from the combat department who should be able to come are here, but most of them are bruised and bruised, and the overall atmosphere is very weird.

The vice principal stood next to Yao Luo, with an expression as if he had lost all hope in life.

They reluctantly found a place to sit down.

Yao Luo waved his hand, and the building fragments on the ground gathered into a tall throne, and he took two steps to sit on it.

Youlin stood next to Yao Luo, looking like a good baby.

"Since a new teacher just walked in, let me repeat it again," Yao Luo crossed his legs and said, "I am a parent of a student. The person next to me wants to become a student of your fraternity college." A student from the combat department The teacher stood up excitedly: "Who are you? Are you a human? A mutant? A high-level monster? Or some kind of extraterrestrial demon? Do you think you can defeat mankind by destroying the Brotherhood Academy? I tell you , your lies are meaningless! If you have the ability, kill me!"

"Teacher, please sit down and don't get excited," Yao Luo comforted, "I have no interest in destroying mankind. Moreover, I am on the side of mankind - provided that your brotherhood does not conflict with me and my forces. Of course, these things are not important. What is important is that as a parent, I need to meet with all the teachers here."

Today may be the most humiliating day for the fraternity college faculty.

An unimaginably powerful creature controls all the teachers, but the purpose is not to rule all humans, or to kill humans for entertainment, but to allow his sister, friends, cubs, or whatever - to enroll in school.

As the true leader of the fraternity college, the vice president did not sound the doomsday bell under this unprecedented situation, which shows that he believes that there is still a chance of improvement.

"It's time to introduce yourself." Yao Luo said to Youlin.

Youlin bowed politely to most of the teachers who could not move: "Hello, teachers, my name is Youlin. I... I apologize to everyone, I didn't mean it. I just like the students from your college very much. The atmosphere is much better than the aristocratic school in Giant Spirit City."

The veteran teacher who studied the history of the end of the world stood up tremblingly, partly because of nervousness and partly because of excitement.

"What are you doing standing up! Sit down quickly!" The teacher behind him said in a low voice with fear all over his head in cold sweat, "You don't want your life?"

The old teacher closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes.

His past legendary experiences allowed him to barely speak under such pressure.

He asked: " are not a creature of this world, are you?"

Yao Luo said: "No."

The old teacher gritted his teeth.

In the true third kind of contact, the other party is an unimaginable supreme being, and it is extremely rare to come with good intentions.

Every word he speaks at this moment will change the future of mankind.

"We welcome you to enroll Youlin. We will try our best to teach Youlin. However, our human knowledge level is limited and we may only be able to teach you some knowledge that you think is very low-end. Your concern is ours. It's a great honor. You may have noticed that this world is not safe. In addition to us humans, there are many creatures that are enemies of us. Those creatures once almost destroyed human civilization. If... you can provide us with some trivial information Help, we humans would be very grateful."

The old teacher only said a few words, and all his clothes were already wet with sweat.

He lowered his head and waited for the judgment of the supreme being.

"Youlin still has a lot to learn," Yao Luo said, "I know you, you study the history of the past 500 years, right? I happen to have a lot of questions. Let's talk about it after Youlin enrolls. Sit down first. Bar."

The old teacher sat down with difficulty.

His heartbeat was about to explode.

This supreme creature seems to be quite kind?No, you can't think that, and you can't have any offensive thoughts.

"I also want to meet with the senior leaders of the Brotherhood. Who will lead the way?"

The vice principal standing aside said: "Let me lead the way for you."

The storm at the gym was over quickly.

All the teachers who left were silent about the incident.

Soon, the gag order from Brotherhood headquarters arrived.

The students only received false news about the explosion of gas bottles in the gymnasium; most people in Thunder City did not feel any difference between today and yesterday.


"Classmates," the old teacher said, "welcome our new classmate. She is a transfer student. I hope everyone can live in harmony."

Youlin greets the new classmates.

She was granted confidential approval by the fraternity headquarters and was second only to the vice president in power within the college.

"Wait a minute, transfer student," one student realized something was wrong. She said to her friend privately, "Did she come from another human city? There is no other school in Thunder City except the Brotherhood Academy." (End of Chapter) )

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