Chapter 237 Tracking
"We have arrived."

Brother Wolf compared the mission location on the game map with his own logo.

Now, the two icons have basically overlapped.

There are scattered pre-war buildings here, but they are all decayed and dilapidated, and many of them were burned black during the World-Destroying War.

"Everyone separate," he directed. "If there are any strange signs, tell me."

The players randomly found a direction and explored forward.

The smoker took out a small comb and tidied up his hair that had been messed up while driving a motorcycle: "The Brotherhood Headquarters believes that the most likely reason for the loss of contact among the guerrillas is a monster attack, just like what happened to the guerrillas of Liu Haojin and Xu Miaomiao. Same."

"In other words, we may also encounter the monsters that the missing guerrillas encountered," Mengnan said. "I will go to the mission channel to send a safety notice to prevent other players from suddenly dying suddenly."

ten minutes later.

"Big guys!" a player shouted from a distance, "You should come over and take a look!"

Brother Wolf ran very quickly, and the others were not to be outdone.

Where this player discovered, there was a large explosion crater.

"Well," Potato Girl frowned, stretched out her hand to fan her nose, "This place really stinks."

The fragments of the power armor were scattered everywhere, and the warrior driving the armor only had a charred head whose face could not be seen clearly.

There was a violent explosion, and the soldiers' bodies vaporized under the high temperature.

"Just like what we have encountered before," Brother Wolf said, "the enemy or hostile creature that launched the attack forced the Brotherhood soldier to detonate the nuclear fusion core in order to cause enough damage to the opponent. "

Tudou Girl asked: "Brother Wolf, the treasure hiding place given by Chameleon is not far from here. Should we do the task of the Brotherhood Headquarters first, or dig a hole first?"

"I think we should find someone first," Smoker interjected. "Leave a few players to guard the treasure spot. Anyway, the treasure will not escape. But if an entire guerrilla team disappears, the situation will be much more troublesome." .”

Brother Wolf nodded and agreed with Smoker's statement.

Near the self-destruction point, some players found some strange footprints.

By comparison, players discovered that the tracks were from power armor.

"The guerrillas were here, dealing with the enemy through these pre-war buildings for a while," Brother Lang inspected the messy footprints and bullet casings on the ground, "but they only lasted a little longer."

The cute man walked around a pre-war building, and what he saw was a mosaic... No, it was only half of the body, leaving only the incomplete upper body.

The lower body of the dead warrior was trampled to pulp by the monster, leaving a huge footprint.

"Wow," Smoker came over and put his shoes in the footprints to test, "If this creature wore shoes, it would have to wear three hundred yards."

A player who came closer said: "With such a big footprint, it will definitely not be small."

Among the creatures that attacked the guerrillas, there was at least one giant creature.

Such creatures are usually rough-skinned and fleshy, like giant pigs and steel warriors.

[Wolf that meows like a cat]: Shared location.

[Wolf who meows like a cat]: Come to me.The guerrillas finally gave up on the buildings and retreated northwest.

"I feel like we are all illiterate," Tudou Girl complained. "If Miaomiao were here, she should be able to tell what kind of creature the attacking guerrillas are from the footprints."

Having a learned companion makes it less passive in such situations, which is probably why every Brotherhood guerrilla unit is equipped with a Maester.

The cute man said: "Let's go north."


This is not a pure desert, there are still a few grasses growing here.

Compared to the barren environment around the Queen's Territory, the area near Thunder City can be called beautiful.

While the smoker was running the live broadcast, he was interacting with the barrage: "Look at these places, this great poet is flourishing! The grass is getting more and more charming, and the guest houses are green and willows are new!"

Tudou Girl walked past him: "A little educated, but not much, probably only a little better than illiterate."

"You don't understand, Potato Girl," Smoker said with a proud smile, "Poems and stuff are not important! What's important is the artistic conception! It's just like singing, the technique is not important, what's important is the feelings that are burning like a flame in my heart. !” Tudou Girl complained: “Smoker, you are definitely the one who can sing like a ghost in a mass-market KTV.”

There are two low hills ahead, and the footprints of the power armor are on the path in the middle.

"Everyone, please remember to click three times in a row. The more gifts, etc., the better." The smoker turned his back to the front and walked backwards, while pointing the built-in camera in the game at the front and his own face, "Potato girl, what if there is something big behind me?" Remember to remind me about obstacles such as stones."

Tudou Girl turned her head and said, "Then you'd better throw it down a few times to make the show more effective."

"The effect of that kind of program is impossible. This anchor has always been in charge of strategizing and winning against people thousands of miles away——"

A shot went off.

The bullet flew over the smoker's head and almost killed him on the spot.

"what's the situation!"

He just lay down.

On the hills on both sides, five or six people in ragged and rough clothes appeared on each side.

They held guns and shot at the players below.

A bullet hit one of the attackers in the chest, causing him to fall sideways.

Brother Wolf quickly found the bunker and was ready to find the right opportunity to fire the second shot.

"Sneak attack! Steal your ****!" The smoker uttered a filthy curse word and took out the rocket launcher from the game backpack, "Die to me!"

call out!
On the hill on the left, although the two attackers were not directly hit by the rockets, they were still overturned by the air wave of the explosion, and one of them even rolled down the hill.

Both men had their internal organs shattered and could not live more than a few minutes.

The intensive gunfire attracted the attention of all nearby players.

As they closed in, the attackers sensed something was wrong but had lost their chance to escape.

An attacker ran away with a metal stick, and Brother Wolf suddenly burst out in the corner.

He ejected the mantis knife on his right arm and collided with the attacker's metal rod, sending out a string of sparks.

"Ah!" The attacker's eyes widened and were bloodshot.

Brother Lang did not compete directly with the attacker, but instead kicked the attacker sideways, causing the attacker to stagger, and then swung the mantis knife.

Right in the throat.

The attacker clutched his bloody neck and fell down in pain.

The Smoker jumped down from the boulder next to the hill: "This is the last one. I was almost killed by this rotten fish and shrimp."

Brother Lang just said: "Always be vigilant. There may be more than just a few of them."

The cute man saw the figure in front of him: "Brother Wolf, you are right."

A large group of unpleasant-looking people came over, and they all had guns.

The leader was actually wearing a suit of power armor.

"Red Beard? Why is he in there?"

Red Beard, a wasteland traveling merchant who is very familiar with the players, recognized them at a glance.

After all, players can’t find another one of the various weird shapes in the wasteland.

No other traveling merchants dared to go to the queen's territory. Only he, the bold one, dared to drive an armed off-road vehicle and make deals with players under the watchful eyes of monsters.

"...This must be some misunderstanding!" Red Beard also wanted to explain to the players.

The man in power armor knocked down Redbeard with one punch and asked his two younger brothers to take the travel merchant down.

"You killed my people," he said in an arrogant tone. "How do you plan to repay this debt?"

(End of this chapter)

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