Chapter 239 Captive
Originally, Smoker thought that this act of shooting his younger brother would enable the leader of the Rangers to attack him at all costs.

But this leader is angry and angry, but he has no superior.

He turned and ran without hesitation.

Now he is at an absolute disadvantage. Even if these people are unable to cause effective damage to him for a while, the pieced together power armor has an upper limit to its protective strength.

The power armor greatly increased his speed and replaced physical strength with energy. Players still couldn't catch up with him.

"Everyone who has a car will drive, and those who don't will stay and dig for treasures!" the cute man shouted.

He was going to ignore it, but Tudou Girl's exaggerated costume attracted his attention.

"Potato girl," the cute man ran over, "can you drive a motorcycle?"

The potato girl was wearing a COS suit and looked at the cute man with a smile.

However, under the cute man's gaze, Tudou Girl's smile faded: "I learned a little from the club that plays extreme sports..."

"How fast can you drive?"

Tudou Girl's voice became smaller and smaller: "Almost... thirty yards."

It’s really you, Potato Girl, the cute man thought, you can actually drive a motor vehicle like a motorcycle like a non-motor vehicle.

Without saying a word, he got on his motorcycle and sped away.

Although Tudou Girl feels that her skills in driving a motorcycle have improved a lot, everyone else is flying away like an arrow from the string, and she is the only one who is taking it slow and leisurely like an old woman riding a three-wheeler.

"Wait! Wait for me! Hey!"

Tudou Girl turned a corner very aggrievedly and set her target as the treasure spot.



The leader of the Rangers turned the power of the power armor to maximum.

Most terrain will not hinder him, which is one of the reasons why power armor is called a humanoid tank.

The first ones to appear were some extreme sports enthusiasts and racing-related professional players.

Although the terrain of the wasteland is complex, most of the area here is desert and hills, which makes no difference to them from peace.

The leader of the Rangers saw a madman driving a motorcycle at a speed of almost a hundred miles with one hand, and shooting at him with a short-barreled shotgun with the other hand.


Following the madman's strange scream, more people caught up on motorcycles.

"Look at my big move!"

A player let go of the motorcycle's head with both hands and let the speeding motorcycle rush forward.

Her face, which had been drawn with pen and black ink like a ghost, was now even more terrifying due to excitement.

The female player raised the rocket launcher and kicked off her legs four to five meters above the ground.

call out!
In mid-air, she fired a rocket.

One thing to say, Plum Street Prosthetic Doctor’s leg ejection prosthesis is quite good, but it’s a bit expensive in this case.

The leader of the Rangers was hit on the back and his speed immediately slowed down.


More and more players surrounded him.

This time, he couldn't avoid it.

"She chases, he runs away, he is doomed! Ah!" A female player began to laugh as loud and weird as a goose.

No one knew that this imageless female gamer was an introverted girl who wore dull black-rimmed glasses all day long.

But here, she unleashed her nature, and her arrogant smile made even the leader of the Rangers tremble.

"Surrender," Smoker jumped off the motorcycle, "No matter how you run, you can't escape."

Brother Zhu Jun on the side licked the dagger that glowed lavender with his tongue, his facial expression twisted, like a villain.

He gave a strange smile: "Jie Jie Jie! Even if your throat is broken by screaming, no one will come to save you!"

One player started shouting into the sky: "Broken throat! Broken throat! Are you there?"

The leader of the Rangers narrowed his eyes.

If he was the one who initiated the siege, every time the players moved, they would be pointed at guns; but now, this group of people surrounded him without discipline, and some started fighting on the spot.

But there are too many people surrounding him, and even if he breaks through, he will be seriously injured.A homeless man with no supplies and a serious injury has a very low chance of surviving in the wasteland for a long time, even if he is wearing a complete set of power armor.

"I surrender!" The leader of the wanderers raised his hands, "I surrender!"

"Put down the knife!" Brother Wolf shouted.

The leader of the wanderers slowly put down the sword in his hand.

"Come out of the power armor!" Brother Wolf continued to shout.

The leader of the Rangers just raised his hands.

With the power armor, there is still the possibility of a comeback; if he leaves the power armor, his life or death depends on the mood of the players.

Seeing that the leader of the Rangers showed no sincerity in surrender, Brother Lang sent a message in the mission channel.

[The wolf imitating the meowing cat]: Everyone retreat 50 meters and use the rocket launcher to focus the fire to teach him a lesson.

The leader of the wanderers only felt that the surroundings were much empty.

He raised his head and saw the players around him raising rocket launchers. His heart suddenly tightened and his pupils contracted rapidly.

The smoke dissipated.

The leader of the Rangers' power armor was charred and smoking.

He fell forward and lay motionless.

"Is the big guy still alive?"

"I don't know. He must be seriously injured."

"Can you be more optimistic, what if you die?"

A brave player stepped forward and patted the Ranger leader's power armor with his hand.

His color changed suddenly, and he blew air on his hands frantically: "It's so hot! It's so hot!"

The power armor moved, startling the player.

It only moved once and then stopped.

He used his feet to turn the power armor over with difficulty.

"Is this hard-shell crab cooked?" the player murmured to himself.

Many players came up and played with the Ranger leader's power armor with various things.

"Come on, one, two, three! One, two, three! One, two—"

The head of the power armor came off, revealing the face of the leader of the Rangers inside.

Under the high temperature and explosion, he was not injured at all, he just fainted.

There may be fatal internal bleeding, but there are no doctors among these players.

"Hey, wake up, we haven't had enough fun yet."

The leader of the wanderers remained motionless.

He is still breathing and not dead.

"We have to find a way to wake him up."

"Look at me."

A female player took out a bottle of drink from her gaming backpack and poked a hole in the bottle cap.

A light blue jet hit the face of the leader of the wanderers.

He moved his fingers, opened his mouth and choked.

"Get him out of the power armor!" Smokey said.

The players work together to forcefully drag the leader of the Rangers out.

"What to do with this power armor?"

"Tear it down and throw it on the Crooked Ares first to see if there is any way to repair it."

The leader of the wanderers felt dizzy.

He covered his eyes and slowly adjusted to the bright light.

"Are you awake?" A circle of heads stared at him, and one of them said, "The operation was successful!"

(End of this chapter)

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