Chapter 250 Debt

The mutant who led the way said: "Follow me, follow me!"

Carrying a long-handled tomahawk and a large shotgun, he left the cemetery.

Smoker asked: "Do you need money to rent a house here? I have contribution points from Thunder City and Groshen from Djinn City."

"You have already paid," the mutant who led the way turned his head as he walked, "That's the kid in the car."

He turned back and looked at the road ahead and said: "Djinn Glory Company's broken money? You can keep it for yourself. I give you a word of advice, don't show off the things of Djinn City here! Many mutants in the valley, before the aberration infection They are all elite warriors of the Brotherhood. Many of their relatives and friends died at the hands of the Djinn Glory Company."

A mutant child ran over, reached into the pocket of the mutant's pants who was leading the way, grabbed it, and tried to run away.

But he couldn't run away.

The thick arms picked him up and threw him heavily to the ground, making the cute man tremble with fear.

The mutant child looked unharmed, chuckled twice, then turned over and tried to run away.


The mutant who led the way screamed and jumped up, shifting his center of gravity upwards.

In the stunned eyes of the cute man, the mutant struck the mutant child in the chest with an elbow that carried his entire body weight.

The child instantly fainted from the pain.

But a few seconds later, he coughed twice and opened his eyes again.

After spitting a mouthful of blood on the face of the mutant who was leading the way, the mutant child staggered up and left crying.

A small human-shaped groove was left on the ground.

The players fell silent.

"What are you looking at me doing?" The mutant who led the way patted his chest with one hand, "Don't worry, you outsiders always make a fuss! This is just a small game, just play it!"

One player twitched his lips: "It's a miracle that this kid can still walk."

"Injury is a trivial matter!" The mutant who led the way said indifferently, "Everyone is playing like this! If the child eats more, the injury will be recovered in less than a day."

Why is the local habit of teasing children so barbaric?

The cute man asked: "Are you all like this? Are you so resistant to blows?"

The mutant who led the way smiled scornfully: "As I said, you outsiders are so rare and strange! Those children have undergone deformation rituals since they were born, and most of the recovery abilities that survive are comparable to monsters. A few have not awakened this ability, and some Other abilities, but this is not what you should know."

"Really?" Smoker pulled out a dagger and thrust it into his stomach.

In the mutant's dull expression, he pushed in so that only the hilt of the dagger remained outside his stomach.

The smoker smiled brightly and pulled out the dagger again.

In less than ten seconds, the wound healed.

Judging from the way the smoker walks, the wound in his stomach no longer affects his movement.

The recovery abilities of those mutant children are indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, how can they compare with the players?
As long as the blood bar is restored, any messy injuries will be restored.

"You, you!" The mutant who led the way was dumbfounded, "What species are you? Are you not human? How can humans have such recovery ability?"

Smoker smiled and said: "Have you seen the superior monsters of Berserker? Steel Warrior, their ability to recover from small wounds is similar to ours."

The mutant who led the way took a breath: "Have you seen the Steel Warrior? That is an intermediate monster. How far have you traveled into the wasteland?"

"It's not far," Smoker said, "that means trees are starting to grow. Those trees are quite tall and have dense leaves. They can cover the mutant frogs that are preparing to attack."

Vegetation can be completely restored only in the most dangerous distortion areas.

When you encounter intermediate monsters, you usually have to go deep into the distortion zone.

The mutant shook his head and continued to lead the way: "You madman!"

[He’s not pretending, he’s not pretending! 】

[Is the Steel Warrior that strong?The giant pig station led by the queen is not something you can encounter occasionally, it is also a friendly unit]

[That's it, that's it? 】

[Use the host's live broadcast room to offer a bounty to a friendly monster: it looks like a hamster, as tall as a giant pig, moves very quickly, and has great strength. It moves about [-] kilometers north of Outpost No. [-].If anyone finds any traces, please send me a private message and I will give you money as appropriate, whether it is contribution points or Groschen.My ID is: This user does not exist]

[I tried the previous one, but we can’t attack friendly units.But we can use the Rope Gun from the Thunder City Sheriff's Department.I plan to go to the security team's warehouse tonight to steal ten handfuls. Do you want to go with me? 】【I sent you a private message】

[The Cybersecurity Office reminds you that you need to be cautious when making friends online...]

The cute man asked: "Where are we going?"

The mutant who led the way said in a deep voice: "Go to the poor little girl first. The kid in the car is causing a lot of harm."

Tudou Girl poked her head out of the car window: "Can Butler Zhao's son still come out of the valley alive?"

The mutant who led the way said in a very firm tone: "No! I said so!"


The truck stopped.

A large group of players on the vehicle jumped out of the vehicle and explored in other directions.

This is the core area of ​​the Mutant Valley, full of mutants.

"Aunt Liu! Aunt Liu!" The mutant knocked on the door, his voice as loud as thunder.

The door opened, and the ferocious mutant aunt kicked away the mutant who knocked on the door. "What a noise! ​​Are you responsible for scaring my daughter?"

The mutant got up: "Aunt Liu, the culprit who caused your daughter to suffer from heart disease a few years ago has been found!"

"What!" The mutant aunt picked up the collar of the mutant's clothes, "Where is that bastard?"

The mutant pointed to the pickup truck parked not far away.

The mutant aunt rolled up her sleeves and ran to the pickup truck menacingly.

She pulled hard and the car door creaked and groaned.


The entire car door was broken open by the mutant aunt.


The huge sound of metal breaking woke up Xiao Zhao who was slumped behind the seat.

He opened his eyes drowsily and saw a face he never wanted to see again in his life.

"It's really you!" The mutant aunt's voice was shrill and shrill due to her excessive emotion. "Come on, come into the house with me!"

She easily grabbed Xiao Zhao's neck with one hand and dragged him away.

"No, ahem, ah -" Xiao Zhao was about to cry but had no tears, "Help me, ahem, please, help me!"

Tudou Girl crossed her arms and said, "Be a decent person in the next life."

Other players are just watching.


Xiao Zhao lost hope in his eyes.

His eyes were darkened.

The door to the inner room of the house opens.

"Daughter, daughter," the mutant aunt shouted, "who do you think this is?"

The mutant girl in the room just covered her head with the quilt.

The thin quilt couldn't cover her proud figure.

"Daughter, it's that bastard from a few years ago. I captured him!" the mutant aunt shouted, "Tell me, what are you going to do with him? Cut him into pieces, or put him on the fire and roast him slowly?" "

The mutant girl turned her head on the bed, and there was a glimmer of light in her originally indifferent eyes.

Maybe because he felt that his life was not long, Xiao Zhao, who was forced to the ground, simply broke the jar and threw it.

He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar mutant girl, and said weakly with two dark circles under her eyes: "Long time no see, why are you getting uglier and uglier?"

 This is the archive, I just woke up.

  I don’t want to drink anymore. I feel so uncomfortable.
  Shang Yao swears here, if I drink any more I will be a dog!
(End of this chapter)

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