Found the factory director?
It seems that the main mission can be advanced, and the side mission of finding the portal will be put aside first.

Sister Nervous followed Tudou Girl as she trotted all the way to a place with the word "clinic" written on the sign.

Players have surrounded this place, and something must have happened inside.

"Potato Girl," Sister Nervous asked, "What's going on?"

Tudou Girl pointed at the two players: "You'll know just by looking at them."

The nervous sister looked towards where the potato girl was pointing. Two players were being manipulated in strange postures by a mutant wearing a white coat.

The ID of the first player is [Ruozhi].

At this time, he was being arranged into a large figure, and his wrists, ankles, and neck were tied to a large operating table with restraint rings.

Such a familiar scene gave the nervous lady the urge to give the player a sedative.

The other player's ID is [Sand Cup].

This player's state is even more outrageous: he is being tied into a maggot-like shape by a restraint belt, smiling feebly while yelling inarticulate curses.

"Ruozhi, you are so good at getting your name. You are worthy of being named by me and my father! I was loading the goods, and you just slapped this doctor who is as strong as a cow awake. Okay, it's over now. , our IDs must be on the forum hot list tonight."

Player Ruozhi retorted: "Sha Cup, your name was given by your father and me! You just load the goods when you load them. What does it mean to pull out the oxygen tube? That siren is so loud that you can walk out of a street." hear!"

The two live treasure players began to greet each other's eighteenth generation of ancestors warmly.

In the quarrel between the conjugated father and son, the nervous sister gradually learned what was going on.

It turned out that the two players [Ruozhi] and [Sand Cup] found this clinic while wandering around.

They found that the only doctor in the clinic was sleeping soundly on a portable camp bed. Their hands were itching unbearably, and they were ready to start the "brave" behavior of passing by and steal all the things that could be used in the clinic.

The player [Ruozhi] is responsible for keeping an eye on the doctor and the door. If the doctor shows signs of waking up or if a guest comes to the door, he will remind the player [Sand Cup] to run quickly.

The player [Sand Cup] is responsible for loading. He first packs up all the valuable things, and then finds a safe place to sort them after leaving the clinic.

However, the player [Sand Cup] accidentally loosened the small plug of a large life-support device while stealing it, causing the alarm to sound loudly in the clinic. Seeing that the mutant doctor, who was as strong as an ox, was about to be awakened by the alarm, The player [Ruozhi] was completely panicked. He wanted to imitate the classic wrong scene in the drama, and stabbed the doctor in the neck with a knife and knocked him unconscious.

After waking up, the furious mutant doctor punched the player [Ruozhi] against the wall, leaving him unable to take care of himself; then he found the player [Sand Cup] hiding in the trash can and threw him onto the operating table. .

As for their strange IDs, it was because they had won the rare game quota of "Cyber ​​Psychosis" at the same time. They went fishing together when they were happy, and they said that whoever caught the heavier fish in the morning would give each other an ID.

They didn't catch even a single fry all morning, so both of them lost.

All in all, these two stupid thieves brought it upon themselves.

The crazy girl didn't want to pay attention to these two fun players who were ruining the player's reputation. She turned to the potato girl and said, "You said the director of the cannery was found? I only saw these two crazy players."

Tudou Girl said: "The person who almost died due to the failure of the life support device is the cannery director we are looking for."

Because they almost killed the mission target, did the other players remain idly by as these two players were punished by the angry doctor?

"Oh ah ah ah—"

“Shabei, you’re hurting me—”

"I'm numb, I'm really numb, oh oh oh -"

"I was wrong, I was wrong..."

The mutant doctor began to electrocute the two players.

Other players have already started making emoticons for these two people.

"This voltage will not kill them unless they have some underlying disease," the mutant doctor turned around, "Tell me about you. Are you here to see the director of the cannery?"

The cute man said: "Yes, Butler Zhao from the cannery said that the factory director has been missing for a month."

"Then you probably won't be able to take him away," the mutant doctor said. "When the people standing guard outside found him, he was already on the verge of death. A ferocious beast opened his stomach and took away fatal distortions. This almost destroyed the factory director's internal organs. If it were just like this, the prosthetic internal organs could play a big role. Maybe he could still survive, as long as he was injected with immunosuppressants every day; but soon after, his brain He also began to have symptoms of distortion and became insane. If I directly installed prosthetic organs on him, it would only create a pure cyberpsychosis.

Now, this is what you see.He relied on an extracorporeal life support device to maintain his vital signs, but the aberrations were corrupting his brain nerves.He won't live much longer. "

The cute man asked: "Is there really no other way?"

The mutant doctor glanced at the cannery director who was wrapped in a life-support device: "Yes, there is one. To be honest, if an outsider breaks into the vicinity of the guard post, the mutants on guard will just dig a hole and bury him nearby; but The factory director has been here many times. His canned rat meat tastes pretty good. It would be a pity to die. I have already thought of a way to start the distortion ritual. Anyway, pure humans will definitely not be able to do it; if the factory director can survive, he I can only survive as a mutant. But... I don’t have any hope."

The cute man hesitated for a moment: "Is the distortion ritual you're talking about like that of the border warriors?"

The mutant doctor's eyes suddenly became sharp: "You know so much. Yes, it's the border warrior's aberration ritual. Every living mutant you see here has lay in the ritual pool. What about you? You what do you want?"

"I also want to perform aberration rituals," Mengnan said straight to the point. "I obtained... a bit of inheritance from the border warriors in Djinn City. I don't think they should just go silent like this! Doctor, I have another question. Are all border warriors blue-skinned? According to the records I found, except for the fact that their eyes have turned into cat eyes, the border warriors are no different from ordinary people in appearance."

The mutant doctor suddenly grabbed the cute man's neck and threw him to the ground.


Players pulled out their guns and pointed them at the mutant doctor.

"Don't shoot, cough, cough, don't shoot," the cute man stood up slowly, "Doctor, what are you doing?"

The mutant doctor said: "It seems that your talent is pretty good, and your flexibility is a bit like that of the Border Warriors. Well, I believe you have acquired some inheritance from the Border Warriors. To tell you the truth, all mutants are aberrations." The failed products of the ritual, the most failed ones, have died on the spot; like me, they have become neither human nor ghost. Mutant, this word is a contemptuous term! We have not had real border warriors for more than 200 years. From the ritual pool Come out. What, you think you will be an exception? "

The cute man said firmly: "I must perform the ritual of the border warrior! I think I will be promoted normally!"

The mutant doctor chuckled: "When the time comes, don't tell me you regret it when you become a mutant. The Brotherhood strictly prohibits mutants from entering Thunder City, and the Djinn Glory Company regards mutants as dangerous as monsters. Monster. If you fail, you will either die or there will be no place for you in the world. Of course, if you have a skill, the door to the Mutant Valley will always be open to you."

"Power comes at a price," the doctor lowered his head. "This price is simply unacceptable to ordinary people. Now, do you still want to perform the distortion ritual?" (End of Chapter)

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