"Giggle," the mutant aunt's throat was filled with blood, and she looked at her daughter blankly, "My daughter..."

There was a smile on the girl's face.

The sharp claws in her belly pierced the mutant aunt's chest and came out from behind.

The bloody thing clutched by sharp claws was still beating.

That's the mutant aunt's heart.

The mutant's powerful physique allowed her to remain conscious despite the pain, but that was all.

The sharp claws crushed her heart, and the mutant aunt fell sideways.

"An interesting little toy." The sharp claws on the girl's belly quickly retracted into her belly, and it looked as flat as ever on the outside.

Xiao Zhao's mind went blank: "How could it be possible...how could it be...the portal has been destroyed, but why..."

He looked straight at the girl and walked towards her slowly.

"You wake up!" Smoker grabbed Xiao Zhao's hand, "She is very abnormal now!"

From the player's perspective, the mutant girl's head changes from the friendly green NPC symbol to the red symbol representing danger [? ? ? 】.

Although in this "game", these signs may not count, because many players have been deceived countless times because of their credulous belief in the green friendly signs; but at the moment, there is no doubt that the mutant girl who was originally used as a guide is extremely dangerous.


The mutant girl screamed and leaned back, bending at an incredible angle.

She actually laughed out loud, and her voice became more and more arrogant.

Black mist enveloped the mutant girl's body.

"Everyone prepare!" Brother Lang ordered.

The mutant hunter strode over with a gloomy expression: "Possessed spirits, or something else. I've only seen these monsters in textbooks. As the spiritual energy recedes, these demons cannot survive - but now, they appear again ”

Tudou Girl asked: "Is she still alive?"

Sadness flashed in the eyes of the old hunter: "She is dead and cannot be saved, just like her mother."

The mutant aunt with a big hole in her chest had stopped breathing.

She stared straight at the sky, eyes wide open.

Who would have thought that her daughter would kill her in this way?
"We have never encountered such an enemy before," Brother Lang stared closely at the black mist, "What is its ability?"

The mutant hunter shook his head: "It's been a long time, and I can't remember the specific things. You have to find a bachelor who specializes in the dark age. I only remember that the ability of the demon spirit is related to space."

A girl's laughter came from the black mist.

When the black fog dissipated, there was a brand new portal inside.

One after another, the red-eyed Ender workers set foot on this land in a violent state.

"It can't go on like this!"

The cute man sensed the huge danger: "Brother Wolf, blow up that place, right now!"

Brother Wolf immediately ordered: "Fire! Shoot quickly! Quick!"

He had the same premonition as the cute man.

Shells fell like raindrops, the ground shook, and the sky was filled with smoke and sand.

The portal is damaged, making it extremely difficult for new Ender Drones to get out.

"Where is our guide?" Tudou Girl didn't see anything.

The smoke and sand dispersed, leaving only one person in the sky.

Has the mutant girl possessed by a demon been blown to pieces?
In the subspace that no one can observe, the flesh and blood of the mutant girl, which had almost turned into a puddle of mud, was reorganized.

The girl in black gauze has a face exactly like the original owner.

It hatefully stared through the subspace at Brother Wolf who ruined the portal game in its eyes.

A hungry claw burst out of his belly.


"It's gone." The players and mutants looked around, but there was no trace of the monster.

Some players are ready to put away their guns and call it a day with a smile on their faces.

"Don't let your guard down!" the mutant hunter yelled, "This is definitely not over yet! The devil has many tricks, so be careful!" Tudou Girl glanced at the mutant aunt, and briefly exchanged a few words with Nervous Sister to prepare. He took the risk and ran forward to see if the aunt still had a chance to survive.

In this world, such severe trauma to the heart can almost be a death sentence; but here there is Sister Nervous, a half-baked prosthetic doctor, and prosthetic bodies that can try to extend life, and the vitality of mutants is extremely tenacious.

"Brother Wolf, you-" She wanted to say, let Brother Wolf instruct the players in front to make way, but the next second, a chill rushed straight to her forehead.

She shouted: "Brother Wolf!"

The girl in black gauze suddenly appeared from behind Brother Wolf with sharp claws on her belly, and tore half of Brother Wolf's body into tatters with one claw.

By the time he reacted, another claw had already swung towards his head.


"Get out of here!"

With a roar, the mutant hunter used the butt of his thick shotgun to smash away the claws.

He used his strong body to pounce on the seemingly weak girl in black gauze.

But he only pounced on a mass of black mist that had no real feeling and disappeared immediately.

"What is this?"

"I've never seen that in the wasteland."

"Flash? Teleport? Invisibility? What is its skill mechanism?"

"We are back to back. If it can, it will kill two of them at the same time!"

"Elite monster, definitely an elite monster."

"Everyone, please take it easy and don't die!"

The players looked around warily.

There are many people who are familiar with each other and have gathered together to keep warm.

Their experience in this world for more than half a year made them deeply understand the importance of companions.

The black gauze girl appears again.

This time, behind a player.

Same attack, same claws.

The sharp claw tips just scratched the player's back, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Hey, you didn't expect that, did you?" The player who fell on the ground turned around and fired, "I'm wearing six pieces of body armor!"

The gunshots continued, but the bullets only hit the meaningless black mist.

"I asked you why you gained so much weight during the summer vacation!" Another player pulled him up and said, "So you are so afraid of death."

"Stop talking! Wearing six pieces of body armor can break through the defense. This monster's attack power is too high!"

In a corner, another player was attacked.

He didn't wear six pieces of body armor, and this heart-piercing blow directly caused his health bar to decrease rapidly.


[The "Five Seconds of Real Man" violent chip has been activated]

[The corrosive acid has been automatically sprayed]

This player replaced part of his spine with a prosthetic container that stores strong acid.

As long as it receives a fatal attack, it will automatically spray corrosive acid around.

This transformation is his unique skill.

"How does Jet Fighter taste?" At the last moment of his life, this player smiled with big white teeth.

The fair skin of the girl in black gauze was instantly corroded by the strong acid and became pitted.

She covered her face and let out a scream that almost pierced her eardrums.

Bullets struck, and the girl in black gauze turned into black mist again.

This time, it lost the mood of teasing its prey, only the anger of killing everything. (End of chapter)

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