Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 265 Hell Paratroopers

"Absolutely, I won't be able to play anymore for the next three days." The player Shabei changed the barrel of the red-hot light machine gun.

Player Ruozhi went back to back with him and took out his game backpack.

Not a single grenade was left inside.

"Why do you say again?" Player Ruozhi looked at the Ander Worker nervously, "Shacup, show off your power quickly and take me out. If you survive, I'll treat you to breakfast for a month."

"It makes me want to cheat on food and drink. I'll go!"

Player Shabei's eyes widened.

The Ender Drone spit out a ball of fire and was heading towards them!

"I will come back." He said helplessly.

The fireball hit the ground, flames flying everywhere.

In the raging fire, two players died on the spot.

"They're coming!"


"Right, right!"

An Ender Drone swung its limbs, piercing a player's body and throwing her away.

The players gathered more and more, moving closer to the center of the fortifications.

They have nowhere to go and are surrounded by overwhelming enemies.

Another ball of flame flew.

Three mutants transformed into human torches.

Their burning throats let out terrifying screams, and they fell down as they ran, gradually burning into charred corpses in the flames.

"Wolf," the mutant hunter's entire face was scorched black by the smoke, "Have you ever thought about how you will die?"

Brother Lang replied: "When I used to do tasks, I would write a suicide note in advance."

"Ha, that's really a good idea," the mutant hunter smiled ferociously, "It's a pity, I don't have time to write a suicide note this time."

He shouted: "Comrades and colleagues! Today we are going to die! These monsters, these invaders who have occupied our land, our ancestors fought bravely against them 500 years ago!"

While the mutants and players were reloading and changing positions, they looked at the mutant commander.

The mutant hunter gritted his teeth: "Some people are afraid. It's okay. I'm afraid too, and I don't want to die. I'm the same as you! But fear is useless! These monsters will also pierce your heart and eat your body! We There is no way out, we can only use knives, guns, and teeth! Crush their bones to pieces! We humans must die with our spines straightened out!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" One mutant after another turned red-eyed.

Regardless of their injuries and the cost, they charged against the besieging insect tide.

One after another, the mutants fell down, vomiting blood, their limbs were mutilated, and they were torn to pieces.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The players were also infected by this fanatical atmosphere.

They even regained a little space during the siege.

The mutant hunter took the lead and killed twelve Ender workers alone.

He desperately erected several stone walls to block the siege of the insect tide.

But, the price is higher.

The mutant hunter's body began to tremble, and his lips turned pale.


The Ender Queen roared and waved its huge jointed limbs, causing the mutant hunter's makeshift melee weapon to fall out of his hand.

He was knocked down by the huge force and fell to the ground without even the strength to get up.

Losing strength and suffering severe blood loss, it was a miracle that the mutant hunter could still continue to fight.

His eye sockets were sunken and he struggled to move his body with his elbows.

There's a pistol there.

Although using a pistol to attack such a huge Ender Queen is as ridiculous as a mantis trying to block a car.

But he still had to try.

Hold it, little pistol.

The mutant hunter raised his pistol and pointed it at the invading enemy in his blurred vision.

If this is the last moment of his life, he has no regrets.


Dense bullets shot down from the air like a torrential rain.

The mutant hunter fell to the ground and looked to the sky with blurred vision.

Among the overlapping clouds, a huge airship came through the sky, with a mean and crooked smile on the boat.

[If you stay at home for a long time, you will naturally stay still]: Anchor!Brother Wolf!sister!Here we are!

"Hell Paratroopers, let's go!"

On the Crooked Ares, more than [-] players jumped off the temporarily added manned platform.The airship flew much slower because it was overloaded at least eight times.

Each person has a parachute, and the parachute bags are opened one by one.

The Ender workers raised their heads and saw the dark clouds formed by the players blocking the sunlight above their heads.

Along with it, there are countless bullets.

"It's reinforcements!"

"The reinforcements are here!"

"I'm fucking here!"

Players on the ground were excited.

They have been suppressed for too long, now it is time to sound the clarion call for counterattack!
"Flying Potato God Sect!" Brother Zhu Jun raised his hands high, "Long live! Long live! Long live!"

"Long live!"

The mutants even roared with excitement when they saw a seriously injured player with no limbs still holding his body up with a rifle that fired empty bullets.

"More than people, right? Look who has more people!"

"How magnificent is my Great Potato God Cult!"

"Stop it, bugs, you are surrounded! Haha!"

There were so many players landing that they kicked up sand and dust.

They are everywhere.

Some brave ones jumped directly into the swarm of Ender workers to engage in the most dangerous close combat.

The smoker shouted: "Brothers, crush them and eat a full insect feast tonight!"

Most of the more than 5000 players are novice players.

They hadn't even stayed in Thunder City for two weeks before they were dragged aboard the Crooked Ares. After spending half the day on a platform as crowded as sardine cans, they set foot on the battlefield.

A novice player raised the bayonet in his hand high and thrust it into the soft flesh of the Ander Worker.

He wiped the insect blood from his face, knelt on the insect corpse, raised his hands to the sky, and laughed wildly: "This game is awesome!"

Seeing enemies all around, the Enderworm hurriedly called out to the demon spirit that had summoned it here.

But the demon did not respond because it was completely surrounded.

The Andermother let out an angry and frightened scream.

In its multiple pairs of insect eyes, the demon spirit will be surrounded by hundreds of players wherever it appears.

They piled on top of each other just to stab the demon spirit.

Even though they were seriously injured and fell to the ground, they were still howling with excitement.

The demon spirit felt that the situation could not be reversed.

It calls for new portals.

This portal is so small that it can only pass through it.

It wants to run, and many players can see it.

The players tacitly chose the simplest, crudest and most direct way to stop it—exploding the escape portal.

"Blow it up!"

The rumble of cannons was earth-shattering.

The clouds in the sky were blackened by the aftermath of the explosion.

Originally the demon spirit was still screaming, but later, the screams disappeared.

"Stop!" Brother Lang gave the order after a minute, "Everyone, stop!"

The cannon battle lasted for 1 minute, but I don’t know what the condition of the demon spirit is.

The players looked at it together.

At the center of the explosion, the ground sank almost five meters, leaving countless deep craters.

In the center of the largest pit, the humanoid spider-like demon spirit was blown to pieces and remained motionless.

[The spider-shaped demon has been killed]

The "Game" system popped up a prompt at the right time.

The players burst into cheers.

Without the power of the demon spirit, the purple mirrors of other portals disappeared and collapsed.

The smoker pulled out a worker insect arthropod inserted into his chest, held a cigarette in his mouth, and his hands that were so trembling that he couldn't light the cigarette proved that he was not at peace in his heart.

The cigarette was finally lit.

He coughed twice and looked at the smoke in his rapidly healing lung wounds: "Demon spirit. That's it?" (End of Chapter)

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