The damaged water pipe spewed out a large cloud of water mist, which was hazy under the sunlight.

A common mutant lizard in the wasteland was pierced through the heart by a vine and hung dry on a water pipe.

It stared with white-rimmed eyes and its mouth opened wide.

In its eyes, a figure in tattered clothing was leaning against the low wall on the ground in the manor area.

Noah, the purser, spotted it from afar.

"It may be a survivor!" He put on a power armor helmet on himself, "The medical team is always ready to give full treatment! Even if the survivor cannot survive, we must let him hold on for a while! Others, follow me, hurry! "

A group of elites wearing power armor jumped from the speeding chariot and ran towards the survivor with all their strength.

Closer, closer.

The sound of the power armor advancing at full speed was so loud that unless the survivor was deaf, it was impossible not to hear it.

Noah raised his right hand, making a gesture of preparing to attack.

He held the gun and squatted slightly, staring at the survivors, and said: "Hey, can you hear me? I am Noah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Brotherhood is here to save you."

The survivors had their backs to him, swaying and threatening to collapse at any moment.

It's not right.

Noah silently increased the plasma shield power of the power armor.

He walked towards the survivor and gently patted the survivor on the shoulder: "Hello?"

The survivor trembled and turned his head.

Seeing the faces of the survivors, Noah cursed inwardly and was ready to attack at any time.

What a terrible face!
Something like Ganoderma lucidum covered half of the survivor's face; these special mushrooms could be seen everywhere under the tattered work clothes.


No, ordinary aberrations would not make a normal person grow mushrooms all over his body.

"I am Noah, the Minister of External Affairs." His heart sank, and he saw the nameplate on the work clothes, so he called out the staff member's name, "Deputy Director Chen, are you still conscious?"

The survivor's eye that was not covered by Ganoderma finally regained some of its energy.

He looked at Noah with pain in his eyes, and even shed a light green tear.

At least there's consciousness.

"Medical team!" Noah ordered, "Rescue on the spot and isolate according to the procedures for severely deformed patients!"


The survivor opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Don't worry, we will make you more comfortable." Noah tentatively patted the survivor on the shoulder.

He gave another order: "Everyone, line up according to the established procedures and prepare for battle!"

"Noah!" his lieutenant suddenly shouted.

Noah took a step back knowingly.

It was an arm covered with Ganoderma lucidum, and the survivors tried their best to do something.

There was a terrible breaking sound on his body, which made him shake his head and utter vague words: "No... don't... don't go..."

"Deputy Director Chen, why?" Noah asked.

The survivor suddenly leaned back unnaturally and let out a horrific cry of pain.

Under Noah's forcibly calm gaze, a beautiful Ganoderma tree burst out of the survivor's stomach - in fact, the survivor was so seriously injured that he could no longer stand; it was this tree that grew in The Ganoderma lucidum tree in his body fixed his whole body to the ground like nails.

The survivors could not say anything and could only remind Noah in this way.

He died completely in the death cry just now.


Noah lowered his eyebrows and observed five seconds of silence for the deceased.

Five seconds later, he suddenly rose up, pulled out a long-handled battle ax and divided the deceased's body into four pieces.

Those yellow-white mycelium are all over the body of the deceased; huge wooden strings of Ganoderma lucidum penetrate half of the body of the deceased.

"Flamethrower!" he yelled.

The soldiers carried flamethrowers on their backs and burned the dead to charcoal.

Noah called the adjutant: "Notify the soldiers and tell them to pay attention to the Ganoderma lucidum and mushrooms in the manor area." All of this was seen by the players.

"It really didn't go that well," Tudou Girl said, "What's going on with those Ganoderma lucidum? Are they using humans as nutrients?"

A player riding a motorcycle said his blessing: "Praise the Fool! May the ground be filled with mushrooms and the warehouse be filled with mice!"

After hearing this player's nonsense, the shadow in Tudou Girl's heart deepened.

She looked at Chief Noah to see what Noah was going to do.

For Noah, the warning from the staff is indeed of great significance, but being timid is not his style; similarly, being reckless and reckless is obviously not a wise choice.

"Choose the two bachelors with the strongest observation skills and go down with the eighteen soldiers," Noah said to the adjutant. "Every 50 meters forward, report once. If you encounter unknown situations, you are allowed to withdraw immediately."

Xu Miaomiao stepped off the Beetle chariot.

"Miaomiao?" Tudou Girl was a little confused.

"It's okay," Xu Shi said, "It's my responsibility."

She and another bachelor put on the special power armor for bachelors, and together with eighteen soldiers wearing heavy power armor, walked down the passage stairs next to the broken water pipe.

The electrical system suffered considerable damage, but was generally still functioning, so most of the lights in the manor area were still on.

There was a big problem with the ventilation system, something seemed to be blocking most of the vents.

The downward passage is very long, and there are many corpses of staff.

Like the survivors outside, they were covered in Ganoderma lucidum, but it was more serious.

"Turn on the lights," the temporary captain looked at the darkness ahead. "Ahead is the external interface for material transfer, but the lights are all out."

Everyone turned on the search lights on their power armor helmets.

In addition to the headlight, the bachelor's power armor also has a backup light on the left shoulder. At this moment, both bachelors turned it on.

"Pay attention to keeping your vision open," the temporary captain reminded. "There may be deformed creatures or monsters in the dark. These bastards like to make sneak attacks."

Twenty people entered the darkness.

Da da da!
Something ran past.

Xu Miaomiao's shoulder lamp did not directly illuminate anything in the darkness, but in her peripheral vision, she could see the outline of a humanoid creature.

"Humanoid," she reported, "I'm not sure what it is."

"Our staff will not do such a thing," the temporary captain made the judgment, "Xu Xu, next time you see him, shoot him directly."

The ceiling, or somewhere, the water pipe was broken.

Drop by drop of water dripped on the metal ground at a slightly faster frequency.

"We didn't find that humanoid creature." The temporary captain checked the corner behind a pillar. "We lost it."

"Report!" A soldier said while coughing, "Ahem, there is something wrong with my power armor and air purification module, and it is not working. Ahem, my throat is very itchy now. I just crushed a lot of Ganoderma lucidum, But not a single monster was seen.”

The temporary captain said: "It's 50 meters further forward. You go back first."

As soon as the coughing warrior turned around, a humanoid creature fell from the ceiling.

The humanoid clawed and scratched at the power armor, but to no avail.

The temporary captain fired.

The coughing warrior broke away.

Under the illumination of the headlight, the humanoid creature revealed its appearance.

It was clearly a person, and he was wearing the uniform of a manor district staff member.

But his whole body, especially his head, was covered with circles of strange and huge Ganoderma lucidum.


The coughing warrior shot the still squirming staff member to death.

He was about to say something when his throat suddenly felt terribly itchy.

Cough, cough, cough!

He nearly coughed his lungs out.

"Quick, bring him up! Let's retreat too!" the temporary captain gave the order, "There is something wrong with the air here!" (End of Chapter)

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