Tudou Girl's pistol shook and killed an ordinary spore man.

It was brought up by the wave of giant spore-man monsters just now. It was wearing some wrinkled work clothes, and its lower body was nowhere to be found.

He moved his hands covered with Ganoderma lucidum, opening and closing his gray lips, with two sporangia extending out of his mouth that looked even brighter under the light.

It once stretched out its hand to Tutu Girl tremblingly, with only food remaining in its consciousness.

Now, it has lost half its head and is quiet.

"The smoker just took care of the most active group," the cute man said, "Now the ones coming here are all missing arms and legs."

"Save me! Save me!" The whole-body luminous player who acted as a bait wall lamp kicked down a spore man who tried to grab his foot.

Most of the spore man giants sank in the water, but there were still a few that barely kept their heads above the water, relying on the bodies of the spore men floating on the water.

They stretched out their hands to Mitsuo, who was trapped on a metal support several meters high, and made a whooshing sound from their mouths.

Now they can't touch Mitsuo, but what if?
Not dead, but pure profit.

"Go on!" The cute man threw out a climbing rope.

The player caught it immediately.

He looked down at the densely packed spore-man giants, and his legs suddenly felt weak.

"The Flying Potato God protects me."

Mitsuo murmured to himself, then bent his knees and kicked up.

ho ho!ho ho!
"My feet!"

Several spore-human giants grabbed his feet, so he had to kick off his shoes.

He didn't even have his last shoe.

"One two, three! One two, three!"

Mengnan and the players shouted slogans and pulled Miangnan up.

"Really exciting."

He stood on the cold alloy floor again and decided to post his heroic gesture to the forum later.

However, the number one post on the forum is about this player’s ghostly looping video titled “I am the anchor’s dog, please don’t pity me.”

A capable editing expert has long been among the players and completed the production of the video just when the smoker was attracting monsters.

I don’t know which player is unknown on the surface, but secretly has amazing strength.

And he, Mitsuo, needs to find a pair of shoes most now.

Metal floors don’t feel good with bare feet.

"You are the one."

Mitsuo found a pair of slightly mosaic calves.

For some unknown reason, the owner of the calf has disappeared. Perhaps he slumped in the pool, and there is still a bit of useless bone stubble at the fracture.

The player excitedly grabbed the broken leg of the spore man, took off the protective shoes on it, and put it on his own feet.

One, then another.

The original owner's size was a little larger than his, but as long as the laces were tightened they were fine.

"Brother," one player asked, "these are the shoes of a dead man. Do you even want the shoes of a dead man?"

"What's the point?" Mitsuo didn't feel anything was wrong. "You fight monsters in the game and don't touch the corpse? If this game wasn't so real, I could open the spore man's belly and see if there are gold coins inside. .”

He tightened his shoelaces and tied two fancy bows, then stood up straight and jumped: "Perfect!"

At the same time, the smoker, who was almost thrown into a pile of flesh, finally stood up.

"Why are there no gunshots?" He held his waist.

Brother Lang patted the Ganoderma shavings on his body and walked back with a large group of players: "The spores here have almost been cleaned up. But the signal in Tudou Girl's backpack shows that we are still far away from Red Beard."

"Then let's go." The smoker moved his joints, "I'm ready to go."


Sometimes, Tudou Girl wonders, what does this manor area look like when it is operating normally?
On a low table, a small plate of food has become moldy and spoiled; while the diners are wearing casual clothes and sitting on wooden chairs. Under the action of mycelium, their bodies are integrated with the backrest of the chair.A few days ago, maybe a week ago, he was eating like this and chatting with the people next to him.

Now he was alone, his tongue had been replaced by mycelium, and his whole body seemed to be carved into a wooden chair covered with Ganoderma lucidum.

Potato Girl carefully stepped over the body of a warrior wearing power armor.

It can be seen that this warrior fought bravely, surrounded by the corpses of the spore people; but he did not wear a power armor helmet, and in the end he could only be like this now, with his mouth open as if he was about to scream, and his eyes were open to death.

He must have died a painful death.

The tight gas mask she wore made it difficult for Tudou Girl to breathe.

Every time she took a breath, she could always hear a particularly obvious breathing sound.

The same goes for other players.

[Xu Miaomiao]: Little Potato, how are you doing there?Have you met those employees who have been infected by fungus?

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Miaomiao, there are many here.

[Xu Miaomiao]: Please be careful when exploring. If you encounter a swollen monster covered with Ganoderma lucidum and showing a metallic luster under the light, do not approach it rashly.Several soldiers on my side are injured.

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: We haven’t encountered such a spore man yet.

Tudou Girl suddenly heard a loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by a strange roar, and the ground shook.

[Xu Miaomiao]: Little Potato, please be safe!The situation here is urgent and I can't send a message!
[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: You too, please be safe.

The problem was with the Brotherhood soldiers led by Noah.

The impact is so great that it can be felt even here.

Xu Miaomiao was able to reply once, which showed that the situation was not irreversible.

Brother Lang looked around, paying special attention to the top of his head: "Let's keep moving forward."

He unzipped Tutu Girl's backpack a little and looked at the signal receiver indicator light inside.

no change.

Maybe, Red Beard is on the next level?
"We need to find the stairs to the next floor," Brother Wolf said. "I'm not sure if the brothers will be here and there will be a fire escape design."

The ground shook slightly again.

"What happened on the other side?" Smoker said, "Noah's side is really in trouble."

Xiaodai looked left and right, using his backpack to carry the heavy things stuffed to him by Tudou Girl and several female players: "The vibration doesn't seem to be coming from the other side. Anchor, I have a bad feeling."

"Don't worry," Smoker said at the back of the team, "What's the problem? In such a small environment, rockets can exert super power. No matter how many monsters there are, they can't break through our fire blockade."

A player's flashlight illuminated something that looked like stairs.

He checked repeatedly and finally shouted: "I found it! Stairs down!"

The players who were searching heard this and gradually gathered.

In fact, there are a lot of good things here. This group of wasteland garbage guys can pick up a lot of useful things, and they don't even want to leave.

But it has to go down.

The ground shook again.

Xiaodai ran to the smoker in the back: "Anchor, I——"


A huge hole suddenly sank into the empty ground, and forty or fifty players fell down while screaming.

"Ah -" Potato Girl screamed, grabbing the edge of the broken ground and sliding down little by little.

"Don't be afraid."

Brother Wolf grabbed Potato Girl's arm with both hands, held it tightly, and then shouted to the players around him: "Come and help!"


In the harsh friction sound, the piece under his feet also broke.

Brother Wolf and Girl Tudou fell down together. (End of chapter)

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