Smoker leads the players back to the fork.

The sight here surprised everyone.

Many Brotherhood warriors were leaning against the rock wall and were seriously injured.

There were also some who were completely unable to move, and were lifted to the ground by the bachelors using power armor to support them.

These are the elite warriors of the Brotherhood, and they all wear heavy power armor. How could they end up like this?
"Advisors, please stop," a Brotherhood soldier on duty said, holding an assault rifle. "This is very dangerous."

The cute man said: "We are here to help."

"If you want to help, you can provide some help to our wounded," the Brotherhood soldier said in a sincere tone, "If you go down now, you are going to die."

Smoker looked around: "How could this be? Can those spore people hurt you? I think Noah should be careful and spend more time, and he can kill this place by himself."

The Brotherhood warrior sighed: "Spore people? You mean the staff infected by the fungus? They pose no threat, even if some of them are swollen, they will only cause some minor trouble. I think you are lucky, not I encountered those demonized creatures, and I didn’t encounter the leader of the demonic tide.”

The maesters came and went, constantly treating the wounded.

The players did not discover Xu Miaomiao.

They asked several soldiers and learned that Xu Xueshi was still under the passage with Noah.

The players encountered only a small group of enemies, and the real threat had been eliminated by Noah's team.

"Ah." An injured soldier rolled his eyes and groaned in pain.

His whole body twitched, and his hands clawed at the air.


Weird Ganoderma lucidum grew from his body at an incredible speed, covering his entire skin.

This kind of pain is no different than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, and even the elite warriors of the Brotherhood cannot suppress the wails.

"Save me, save me," the Brotherhood soldier's eyes gradually lost focus. He knew what would happen to him if he continued like this. "Kill me, kill me."

One of the maesters said: "He is going to be demonized."

He took out his pistol and pointed it at the soldier who was slumped on the ground, half of his face covered with Ganoderma lucidum: "Do you have any last words?"

"I...have a sister...finished..."

"I know," said the maester. "The Brotherhood will bring the dawn."

The bullet entered the brain and it was a mess.

The soldier's head hung down and he sat on the ground leaning against the rock wall and stopped moving.

The maester took away the warrior's information chip and kept it.

The Brotherhood will not bring such severely deformed remains back to Thunder City. They will only burn them collectively and then bury them on the spot.

He said he had a sister.

Unfortunately, his sister could only open the door of her home a few days later and found a group of solemn-looking Brotherhood soldiers standing outside.

One of the leaders, holding an urn containing only an information chip and a set of casual clothes he wore during his lifetime, said in a deep voice: "I am very sorry. He made a great sacrifice for the rejuvenation of mankind."

The other two bachelors carried away the soldier's body and prepared to bring it to the ground for simple cleaning and burning.

"They are much stronger than us, and they can still do this," Mengnan said. "We are not much better than them."

The smoker turned his head and looked at the cute man: "I know this is irrational. But you want me to wait here, waiting for the Brotherhood to clear this place, or waiting for the remnants of the Brotherhood to come out with Noah's body? That's impossible .”

The cute man knew that he could not convince the smoker.

He nodded: "We have to be more careful."

"You are simply crazy!" said the Brotherhood soldier on duty. "If your cyberpsychosis is committed, I can ask the maester here to give each of you a sedative. It is guaranteed to work!"

Smoker said frivolously: "Then let's think we are crazy. This anchor believes that your Chief of Staff Noah will not refuse one, two, three, four - well, hundreds of reinforcements with gunfire." He simply stopped counting. An approximate number of people was reported.

The number of players here is only over 100.

The brotherhood warrior fell silent: "Be careful, Master Da Zhuang. The entertainment videos you shot are very interesting."

"Hey," Smoker smiled, patted the warrior on the shoulder and led the people down, "Can't you tell, you are still a loyal fan of this anchor. Counting it all, I have been selling entertainment videos in Thunder City for a long time. . Don’t worry, I won’t die even if you die.”

The corners of the Brotherhood soldier's mouth twitched.

Look at this is human words?
Master Da Zhuang is still so venomous, just like in the video.

Of course he knew that "Master Da Zhuang" was just a pseudonym, but even so, he still hoped that the smoker could come back alive.


The environment here is no different from the other side, but the fighting situation is obviously more intense and cruel.

Spore men beaten into pieces can be seen everywhere, as well as the remains of some Brotherhood warriors.

Their power armor was severely damaged, some even had gaping holes in their strongest chests.

What could cause such powerful damage?
Some maesters gathered in groups, clearing the battlefield while trying to rescue the seriously injured warriors.

"Respiratory mask!"

"She's coughing up blood!"

"We have to make sure her trachea is not blocked by blood!"

"She died."

At this sound, the maesters became alert.

They knew what the sound meant.

These demonized monsters brought them many threats.


A thin humanoid tackled a maester.

It opened its mouth and was about to bite the maester's neck, but it only felt the cold metallic taste.

The power armor saved the bachelor's life, and although it was the bachelor's version of the power armor, the power blessing was not as strong as the warrior's power armor, but it was still stronger than the monster.

The maester pushed the humanoid monster away and fired twice at it, but the monster suffered no damage.

A bullet from the cute man's technical rifle hit the monster's head, enhanced by the electromagnetic acceleration module.

It tilted its head, and the armor-piercing bullet that was always effective did not penetrate the monster's head, but just got stuck in its skull.


The humanoid monster howled in rage.

"go to hell!"

A maester raised his gatling gun.

A barrage of bullets killed it.

"What kind of thing is this?" Smoker ran over, "Wearing work clothes, this can be considered a spore man, right?"

This special spore man is covered in metallic ganoderma, and its ability to resist attacks is incredibly strong.

"It's demonization," said a bachelor. "Psychic energy has strengthened these Ganoderma lucidum, making them more bulletproof than they appear. Fortunately, only one small one was missed; if it was the big and swollen one, our It’s going to be big trouble.”

The cute man said to the players: "I heard gunshots, Noah won't be too far from here." (End of Chapter)

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