The hordes of spore men had fallen behind.

Potato Girl breathed a sigh of relief.

She squeezed herself out of the narrow cargo aisle.


The strong player behind him struggled to squeeze through the passage.

The implanted prosthetic muscles made it difficult for him to move like a sponge falling into a small water pipe.

"Now you know how to ask for help?" Tudou Girl said sarcastically, "Next time you see me at a comic show, remember to call me boss."

The burly player suddenly wanted to speak, but he knew he could never say these words.

But his mouth still moved on its own.

"Sister Potato, can we be the same? Look, you are lying on your stomach in the cargo aisle, the front and back are the same thickness. Sometimes I can't tell whether you are lying on your stomach or lying down."

As soon as these words came out, the strong player wanted to give himself a big kick.

Why can't he control his mouth?

Although it is true, now is not the time to say it.

There was silence in the air.

There was a crunching sound, which was the sound of Potato Girl bending a piece of thin metal.

She gritted her teeth and glared at the burly player.

This fat nerd actually dares to say that she has no breasts! She actually said she couldn't tell the difference between the front and back! Actually!

"Come out on your own. Goodbye! See you!"

Tudou Girl stared and left.

So angry.

"Hey Hey hey!"

The brawny player watched Tudou Girl leave with regret.

He had to struggle to move in the cargo aisle by himself.

After half an hour.

Brother Wolf picked up the last player who came out of the cargo channel.

Counting the number of people, there were two missing. It turned out that they had left the team to play on their own.

Although this place is dangerous, hard-core challenges are also a type of gameplay for players, like pretending to pee on members of the mobile team in Djinn City, or spraying water cannons into the faces of the gatekeepers in Thunder City.

"They won't come over." Brother Wolf said.

He called the players holding huge battle axes, and together they silently closed the door on the side of the spore man.

Although they didn't have the key, they found a strong metal strip and tied it to the two door handles with a tough cloth strip torn from their clothes.

As long as there is no big noise, this door can block the sporadic spore people who want to come here.

"Let's go." Brother Wolf said.

Another player quietly observed the situation behind the door and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

He said: "We'd better stay away from here, there are too many spores outside."


There must be a player on the opposite side who accidentally made a big noise.

The sound of metal clashing was extremely loud.

Groups of spore people slowly wandered towards the opposite side.

I can only hope that the two players who want to challenge the limit have good luck.

Players move forward slowly.

Tudou Girl was finally able to turn on the signal receiver again to compare the strength of the signal to judge their distance from Red Beard. Didi! Didi!
  The flashing of the red signal light accelerated visibly to the naked eye.

They are approaching the signal generator.


The strong player wielded a huge battle ax and cut a spore man in half with one blow.

Brother Wolf ran past him, the mantis sword unsheathed, and the blood of three spore men was splashed amidst the whistling wind.

Even if you can't use guns to avoid disturbing the spore monsters, the players here are still very powerful.

Potato Girl took a metal brick and smashed it hard on a spore man.

"You look so ugly, it hurts your eyes."

She gave it a final blow, and the spore man's face was dented.

Throwing away the metal brick that was stained with a lot of green blood, Tudou Girl looked at her clothes and found that it was also stained with a lot of green blood.

"Phew," she gasped, "it's time to change my coat. These must be hard to wash."

Brother Wolf observed the area.

More than a dozen players came back from all directions, with more or less the green blood of the spore people on their bodies.

No one was missing, no attrition occurred.

The player who was injured the most would have healed his wounds if he didn't bandage them.

"We're safe," he said.

The players each found a place to sit down, replenish their ammunition, and tidy up their appearance.

A player said: "A week ago, I found a truck painted with green paint in the northeastern area of ​​​​the New Queen Territory. Do you know what it is? It is a mobile party room that works in that kind of profession. It can't be said to be of high quality and low price. But at least at this price, it’s very affordable.”

"So you still spent money? How much did they charge you for Groschen?" Another player looked at each other and smiled at the player next to him, and said, "It sounds like you can really take off your pants."

The player who spoke first had a proud expression: "Sesiness is one of the most powerful instincts in life, which will allow us to have infinite creativity! Although the game system is full of mosaics, and although it blocks the feeling of sensitive areas, it is still Missing something: girly massage.”

He lowered his voice: "If you can't see it, you can't see it. Do we need sight when we play with the big sword? You see, it's like this: first, take a hot bath in a wooden tub; then, wrap up in a bath towel, and the girl will follow you Say, I heard that your shoulders are a little stiff. This is a certain plant essential oil. I will use it to massage your hands. As for what exactly I will use to massage you - hehehe."

The player next to him was dumbfounded: "Oh no, you are so skilled. In real life, do you often go to the Big Sword or wash your feet or something?"

"I won't change my name in business, but I won't change my surname. I am the tiger of the city that washes my feet!"

Tudou girl sat and listened to these male players talking about such topics.

She felt like her eyes were about to turn into dead fish eyes.

Where's Brother Wolf?
  Potato Girl held her cheek and suddenly realized that Brother Lang was not here.

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Brother Wolf, where are you?
  [Wolf imitating a cat's meowing]: Turn around and go through the small door where the sign was removed.

Tudou Girl stood up, turned around and found a small door quickly.

She wasn't worried about the presence of monsters like spore men inside, because Brother Wolf would definitely clean up the enemies here.

Pushing open the ajar door, Tudou Girl walked in.

It was quite empty inside, with two buckets, two large mops, brooms, dustpans and the like.

Is this a utility room?

Brother Lang stood in front of a sign and used a marker pen to write and draw on the sign.

The sign is a simple diagram of the terrain here: toilets, purification area, disaster evacuation area, disaster evacuation settlement site, deputy director's office, registration office, ordinary freight channel and expedited freight channel.

Brother Wolf has noticed Tudou Girl coming in.

He pointed at the sign, turned around and faced Potato Girl: "If we go further, we will see the disaster evacuation area. The disaster evacuation area is divided into two layers, the outer layer and the inner layer. I think if Red Beard is still alive, he will definitely be in the evacuation area." In the disaster area. This is the best choice for the demonic tide to attack. He is a smart man and will definitely not miss it."

Tudou Girl observed the sign and agreed with Brother Lang.

There is no way to retreat here, except to enter the disaster evacuation and resettlement site. (End of chapter)

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