"Brother Wolf?" Tudou Girl looked at him.

After shaking the key at Tudou Girl, Brother Wolf walked straight to the security door.

One player whispered: "How about a bet? Bet that Redbeard will die, live, or become a spore man."

Another player shook his head: "I won't bet. Redbeard still owes me a reward for a small mission. If he really dies, who will I ask to reason?"

Brother Wolf checked the key and keyhole.

The three keys on the keychain are all about the same size.

He picked up one of them and inserted it only halfway into the keyhole before it got stuck.

There were sounds from behind the door.

Listening closely, Brother Lang clearly heard the spore man's whooshing sound.

There are quite a lot of them.

"Come here," he said to the players, "there are a lot of spore people behind the door. Let's build simple fortifications here first. I will open the door in a while, and as long as I run backwards, you can throw grenades behind the door. Okay. ?"

"It's a joke, boss."

"Okay okay."

Players have said there is no problem.

They quickly built a simple barrier, and three players also took out light machine guns.

The one painted pink in the middle is particularly eye-catching.

The owner of this machine gun has always believed in a principle: a real strong man does not need sophisticated combat equipment. He only needs a pair of slippers, a pair of pajamas, and a gun to create miracles.

Brother Wolf adjusted the players' fortifications to make them stronger, and then tried the second key.

It's inserted and it doesn't turn, obviously not.

He picked up the third key.

Under the gaze of the players, Brother Wolf finally turned the door lock.

He was careful, changing the angle little by little.


The sound of the door opening was loud, making the players' hearts skip a beat, but not enough to attract the spores.

Brother Wolf opened the door slightly and looked through the crack in the door.

There are more than forty spore people, and they are still within the range that the players can fight against.

The most troublesome one is one wearing power armor.

Although its power armor is in tatters, it will definitely pose a serious threat to the players' simple fortifications when charging.

Brother Wolf's eyes were fixed on the spore man wearing power armor, and he took out a sniper rifle from his game backpack.

He squatted down slowly and steadily, then slowly climbed down and set up his sniper rifle.


The sniper rifle is ready, as is the target in the sniper scope.

  Dust suddenly rose on the ground.

Brother Wolf fired a shot and immediately stood up and ran with the sniper rifle in his arms.

The most troublesome spore man had been head-shot by a sneak attack from a sniper rifle bullet.

It fell heavily in its power armor.

The spores attracted by the loud noise screamed and rushed towards the security door.


When the players saw Brother Wolf retreating, they immediately threw grenades as agreed.

They were immersed in the simple fortifications they had built.

  Boom boom boom!
  When the explosion disappeared, the spore man's shouting also stopped.

"What the hell?" A player touched his head and grabbed a piece of Ganoderma lucidum with flesh and blood. "It's a bit ripe. It seems edible."

[System reminder: Eating is prohibited. The first consumption will result in a fine of 200 Groschen; the second consumption will result in a fine of 1000 Groschen and a ban from logging into the game for a week; the third consumption will block the game account and cannot be online unless it is reviewed]

He sighed: "It's a pity, it's obviously quite delicious."     If it weren't for the system's explicit prohibition, many players would quickly develop in the direction of perversion - although they are already perverted enough now, at least their behavior has not yet reversed. Humanity.

The game system deserves most of the credit.

After being baptized by the explosion, the safety door did not leave even a scratch.

The brawny player waved the smoke-smelling air in front of him and kicked open the half-open safety door.

He hummed an unknown hometown tune and stepped over the corpse of the spore man.

What will the Brotherhood do with the bodies of these infected people?

Do you treat them like infectious disease patients and burn them all like Noah did?

Then they're going to burn down the entire underground building.

Tudou Girl frowned and looked for a relatively clean place to set her feet among the corpses.

She was carrying a backpack with a signal receiver in it and walking like a drunk.

"Yo yo yo, it feels like stepping on shit perfectly," a player passed by. "It must be nice to walk barefoot here. Well, there are just some metal fragments that hurt your feet."

This player also wanted to share his experience with Tudou Girl, and the spore man under his feet moved.

He jumped up in fright and shot the spores below to pieces.

"Phew, I was shocked."

The player raised his head and found that Tudou Girl had run far away, and he himself was covered in unknown objects.

Facts have proved that although Potato Girl likes to be clean, stepping on the corpse of a spore man is nothing in the face of more terrifying things.

Brother Wolf withdrew his gaze from the player who fired the gun, and then glanced at Tudou Girl who was muttering that her shoes were dirty.

This is the outer layer of the disaster shelter, and the space is smaller than he thought.

There are so many spores in the manor area, which means there are the same number of employees.

They couldn't possibly build a shelter with just this little space.

The most reasonable guess is that the Brotherhood has a small disaster evacuation shelter in each block of the manor area to facilitate employees to take refuge nearby.

In this way, the survival rate of fraternity staff should not be too low.

Tudou Girl walked to his side.

The beeping sound of the signal receiver was so dense that it almost became a continuous sound.

Redbeard is on the inner floor of the disaster shelter, at least his signal generator is inside.

There is a door on the inner floor, but there is no key or keyhole.

"Red Beard!" Brother Wolf knocked on the inner door and shouted, "Are you in there? We are members of the Flying Potato God Cult, and we are here with the Chief of Staff Noah who is in charge of the rescue!"

There is no response inside.

Brother Lang didn't know how good the sound insulation of this door was. Maybe the people inside couldn't hear it at all.

"let me."

Data flashed in Tudou Girl's eyes.

She said: "The cracking is completed. There are still conditions...it must be authorized to open from the inside. There is no permission from the outside? It is still a bottom-level setting. How to set it up like this?"

"Flying Potato God Cult?" A red-bearded voice came from the player hole above the door, "Is it you? Has anyone been bitten or scratched by those infected? Are there any wounds? Put your hands where I can see !”

It seems that there is a camera on the inner floor that can observe the outside.

After five minutes, the inner safety door slowly opened.

The player's impression of Redbeard has never been so messy: disheveled clothing, messy hair that looks like it has been burned by fire, swollen eyelids, and pale and chapped lips.

He nervously held an assault rifle and pointed it at the players entering the inner level.

"Noah, Chief Noah, you said people from the Brotherhood are here?"

Brother Lang nodded slightly: "Yes, they are still on the upper floors. It will take a while to get here."

Redbeard rolled his eyes, and finally let go of the heavy stone in his heart.

He nearly fainted. (End of chapter)

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