Noah on the first underground floor got enough good luck, but for the players on the third underground floor, everything was a little less lucky.

Only the leader of the demon tide in the first half broke through the solid landscape glass and then got under.

The water inside surged like a dam, and everything flowed out.

Those spore people who were lured into the water by the smoker broke out of suspended animation as soon as they left the water.

Ho ho! Ho--

They shook off the water drops on their bodies and twitched unnaturally from time to time.

A hardcore gamer was hiding in a trash can and happened to be holding the lid of the trash can when he saw this amazing scene.

At this time, a spore man also saw him.

Was discovered.

The player immediately jumped out of the trash can and ran wildly.

The wet spores behind him were running after him.

More and more spore people along the way joined the monster tide.

Their numbers are growing.

Ahead is a corner.

"Bless the gods and Buddhas in the sky." The player prayed to the gods and Buddhas while running.

If there were swarms of spores behind the corner, he would be doomed.

"My luck is not so bad." The player looked back and saw the wave of spore man monsters behind him, almost fifty meters away from him.

He sprinted around the bend with hope.

ho - ho -

After turning a corner, a large group of spores appeared in front.

"Ah, dear mother!"

To the player's left is the incoming spore man, as is the front right, and behind him is a solid alloy wall.

out on a limb.

He reluctantly grabbed a grenade, ready to die with the spore man at any time.

Grasping the tab of the grenade latch, the player was about to pull up when he slightly raised his head and saw the vent of a ventilation duct.


He threw the grenade from a distance, took a metal chisel from his belt, and smashed the exhaust hood of the vent.

  The grenade explosion dispersed the incoming spores, but could only delay them for a few seconds.

"Open it to me!"

The player used both hands to hit hard.

  The exhaust hood drooped down.

He jumped up, grabbed the edge of the vent pipe with both hands, and barely pushed it up with his arms.

Ho ho!

A large group of spore men are grabbing upwards, but none of them can touch the player who is holding up his arms.

"Hey, you're stupid," he looked back reluctantly, "I - what is that?"

Three spore men wearing power armor came running in awkward postures.

They were guards in the manor area before they were alive, and they didn't have time to take off their power armor after being infected by the fungus.

The player quickly lowered his head and crawled forward like a gecko.

Snapped!clap clap!

A section of ventilation duct was smashed.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would have been killed in the ventilation duct.

The spore people completely lost the whereabouts of their prey and gradually became quiet.

They walked forward slowly and came to the cargo transportation point where Brother Lang and others passed by.

A scream came from the ground, activating the mycelium in each spore man's body.

The spiritual energy of these hyphae violently enhanced the physical quality of the spore man.

Although it is far inferior to the violent single-target ability released by Mengnan by borrowing Youlin's power, it is still extremely troublesome for the players.

Ho ho.      A spore man heard a voice behind the door.

It began to flap at the double doors sealed by the players.

More and more spores are joining in.

The noise outside aroused Brother Lang's alertness.

As soon as the players started discussing how to take Redbeard out of here, they heard the sound of the metal blocks tied to the double doors vibrating.

"Everyone go in," Brother Wolf waved and shouted, "Don't stay outside!"

The vast majority of players are very obedient.

After all, following the boss can improve your survival rate a lot.

Only one player took the risk and took out two strange devices and installed them on both sides of the passage, facing each other.

He raised his head and saw that the metal block on the double door in the distance was tilted.

"As the saying goes, Qin Shihuang touched the electric door - he won!"

The player turned around and ran back.

Brother Lang grabbed him as he rushed into the inner door: "What are you pretending to be?"

"I got the pulse mine from a military supply warehouse in Thunder City. There is a motion sensor on it. Once a target is detected, it will emit high-voltage electricity." The player smiled proudly. "Brother Lang, you will never imagine how I did it." Steal these two pulse mines!"


The simple door-sealing device can no longer block the violent wave of spore-man monsters.

The cloth wrapped around the metal piece tore apart from the impact again and again, causing the metal piece to fall to the ground.

The next moment, seemingly endless spore people stepped on it.

"Go in!" Brother Lang pulled the player and asked the inner door to close.

He picked up some small cloth rugs and piled them on the transparent plastic window on the inner floor.

Tudou Girl and other players also understood what he meant and began to block any place where the outer layer could observe the inner layer.

Although the spore man's eyesight is very poor, he is not blind. Being so conspicuous is simply asking for death.

"Red Beard, where's the light switch?" Brother Wolf shook his confused red beard, "Turn off the light!"

"In the……"

Redbeard's consciousness was blurred.

Brother Wolf had to shoot the light tube above his head to completely disappear the lighting.

The momentary sound of gunfire will definitely attract the spores, but the constant bright light is even worse.

The lesser of two evils.

Ho ho!

  Ho ho - vomit ho ho.

The voices of countless spore people came from outside.

They didn't find the prey, but their enhanced noses told them that the prey wasn't too far away.

This makes them more aggressive.

Tudou Girl whispered: "Brother Wolf, what if we are stuck here all the time? It seems that these spore people will not leave for a while. We can teleport back, but Red Beard can't."

"Wait until Noah leads his men to kill here," Brother Wolf said, "but I don't think the Brotherhood's engineers will design a fatal dilemma. There must be a place here for us to return to the ground."

"So... so tired." Redbeard opened his eyes drowsily.

Brother Wolf covered his mouth to prevent him from continuing to speak.

"Uh, uh, uh!"

"Be quiet," Brother Wolf whispered in Red Beard's ear, "Don't talk if you don't want to die. Do you hear me? There are all spores outside."

Redbeard listened subconsciously.

The dense shouts of the spore people scared him awake on the spot.

"I, we—"

Brother Wolf asked: "Stop talking nonsense. Redbeard, is there anywhere I can go out here?"

Redbeard reluctantly stood up with Brother Lang's help: "There is an elevator. But the lines in many places are broken. I'm not sure if the elevator can transport people up. If you hadn't come, the food and water here would be running out quickly. When it's over, I plan to take the elevator and bet my life." (End of chapter)

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