Chapter 32 Network Hacker
"Hello, where can I find cyber hackers?"

Tudou girl asked a passing company person.

"You must be crazy." The company employee gave her a disgusted look, and hurried away.

"Hello, where can I find Internet hackers?"

She asked a resident who was waiting for the next train on the suspended subway.

"Cyber ​​hacker?" The resident looked contemptuous, "You are so young, why would you want to do this kind of work? Take it easy! Look at me, it's an honor to serve the great Giant Spirit Glory Company every day!"

Observing the resistance attitude of the people of Giant Spirit City, Tudou girl felt that something was wrong.

These people did everything they could to belittle and abuse the profession, but she could feel the horror and uneasiness in their eyes.

Why is this happening?

"Hey," a passer-by took a deep puff of cigarette, and then exhaled two puffs of white air from his nostrils, "I've been watching you for a long time. Are you out of your mind or really don't know? Who would use the term cyber hacker these days? Talk about it?"

"What does that matter?" Tudou girl was unreasonable and confident.

Anyway, she is a player, and the NPCs in these game worlds are just NPCs, no matter how intelligent they are.

"I can't stand you," a passer-by took out a tablet from his backpack and handed it to Tudou girl. "Little girl, I'll give you 2 minutes to unlock this blocking program. We'll talk about other things after you succeed."

Potato girl took the tablet.

Above this is a complex box full of numbers and symbols.

Each number or character will be connected with two rows of numbers or characters.

There is a character string that needs to be reached in the upper right corner, which is quite long.

"A puzzle game?" she judged.

At the beginning, Tudou girl's speed was very slow, and the passerby just smoked on the sidelines.

Later, her speed began to increase.

"It's pretty good, it has potential." As soon as the passer-by finished speaking, he saw that the conversion of numbers and characters was twice as fast.

His face gradually tightened, his eyes fixed on the string transformation on the tablet.

Tudou girl's finger tapping speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that it almost appeared as a phantom.

She handed the tablet that had cracked the blocking program to a passer-by: "It's done. It's fun to talk about it, but the game flow is too short."

Passers-by stared blankly at Tudou girl until the red-hot cigarette burned to the fingers holding the cigarette.

He shook off the tail of the cigarette, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Okay, you're a genius, you're awesome. Sorry, I haven't read many books, so I can't say much praise."

The passer-by looked shocked: "You are really... I will take you to a shop opened by Internet hackers. If you ask this on the street, you will only receive their contempt and blank stares. In fact, these people are afraid of Internet hackers. to die."


Passers-by took Tudou girl around and walked into the small kitchen door of a snack bar, and then took the elevator upstairs from the back.

"In this profession, people with too low IQ can't play well," the passer-by lowered his eyes, "My skills are not bad, but people are more popular than people."

The elevator opens.

"Beauty!" a passer-by yelled frivolously at the young woman at the front desk, "Look what I found for you? A genius!"

The young woman responded coldly: "Smoking is not allowed here, even if there is a smell of smoke."

"Hey, beauty, we are so familiar, let's be accommodating."

The passerby suddenly twitched, opened his mouth, and fell on his back.

Black smoke billowed from his throat, and he remained motionless.

Tudou girl took a step back, walked around the passers-by carefully and walked to the front desk.

"I'm sorry," the young woman said, "did I scare you? This man on the ground is always unruly because he has a little friendship with me. Even if you disassemble this person on the ground and sell them for parts, you won’t be able to pay for it.”

Tudou girl looked back at the passers-by on the ground: "Is he still alive?"

"Alive. I just temporarily cut off his neural network and put him in a coma, nothing will happen."

right!This is what I want!

Tudou girl thinks that this is her dream game career.

As long as you stare, the enemy will die, cool and dazzling!
"I want to be a cyber hacker too!"

Tudou girl's eyes are in the light, as if reflecting a galaxy.


"First, we drill a hole in your skull. Don't worry, there will be no injuries, our technology is quite mature. After drilling a hole, many things will be easy to handle."

Tudou girl covered her dizzy head and sat up from the simple operating table.

It was crazy surgery, taking apart a mechanical object the size of a ping pong ball and putting it back together in her head.

Miraculously, such a horrific operation only caused her to lose a single drop of blood.

【HP: 4】

"Let me tell you, there is nothing to be afraid of." Although the young woman had a cold expression, she said comforting words, "Next, I will teach you to do some simple tasks."

She pointed to the surveillance camera on the pillar: "See that, you just use your head to seize control of it without using any chips."

How can this be?Tudou girl thought, she is not a robot, how could she seize control of the surveillance camera out of thin air?

She looked towards the surveillance camera, and the intrusion panel appeared in front of her.

This is similar to the mini-games I played before.

It only took 1 minute for Tudou Girl to unlock it.

"Nice job! Next, let's do something challenging. Change your line of sight to the camera's line of sight."

The Tudou girl lowered her heart, rows of data flashed through her left eye, and the observation screen of the camera gradually appeared.

She sees herself in the picture.

"Go ahead and hack into another camera."

Tudou girl's gaze shifted to another connected camera.

This is a camera in a snack bar, a group of diners are eating.

"I don't like that woman in the corner wearing red short-sleeves," the young woman's voice rang in Tudou girl's ear, "She didn't pay for the meal in the store last time, she skipped the order, and she dared to come today. We give She's got a lesson."

Potato girl felt that something was precisely stuffed into her temple by a pair of slender and fragrant hands.


[New network access warehouse detected: Spider-[-] chip]

[Crack plug-in detected: Limb blocked]

"Observe the woman through the camera's field of view, then use 'Limb Obstruction' on her."

Tudou girl always feels that this method is not reliable.

Is this a bit metaphysical?

But she did it anyway.


【Crack completed! 】

The woman in the red short sleeve was about to stand up, but suddenly her movements became stiff and she fell straight forward to the ground.

She stood up with great difficulty, and she was a little bit of the same hands and feet, which was extraordinarily weird.

"You're very talented. But with this guy, it's not over yet."

In the field of view of the camera, a woman in a red short-sleeved face was frightened.

She tremblingly picked up a fork with her right hand and poked the back of her left hand again and again.

Potato girl feels pain when she looks at it.

The woman was so frightened that she burst into tears, but she couldn't stop her body movements.

"Okay, your teaching is over. I will give you the spider-[-] chip, and the plug-in 'Limb Impairment' in the slot above will also be given to you. It's not too expensive, but it's not free, you can ask for more in the future Do a few tasks for me."

Tudou girl's vision returned to herself.

She feels so motivated!
(End of this chapter)

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