Chapter 34
【Second Floor】

The smoker and the potato girl got out of the elevator.

Behind them, the elevator panel instantly showed no authority.

"Your profession is so cool," the smoker looked around vigilantly, and whispered, "It's just like in the movie, the top spy."

"It's a cyber hacker, not a spy." Tudou Girl retorted.

She looked around, her little heart pounding.

On the second floor of the Giant Spirit Building, the employees of the company are no longer as slack as on the first floor, and are basically doing things seriously.

They sit in the monotonous cubicle and work hard, paying no attention to the people and things around them.

This gave the two people a lot of room for movement, at least they would not run into a company person who had nothing to do after taking two steps.

"Twenty, 21."

A company man with decadent eyes stood up numbly, and skillfully grabbed his short, shiny hair with his hands, grabbed a handful and threw it into the trash can.

"22, 23."

He muttered: "Twenty-four, all the way to two hundred and eleven."

The company man came towards the two of them, but suddenly stopped.

"Five hundred, a new task." His dark circles deepened, his face was haggard, "There is still a lot of work to do. Activate the excitement system."

The company man said so, and soon his face turned rosy.

Apparently, he activated some kind of stimulant in his body.

Even so, his eyes were still dull, and he walked past the two of them in a daze.

"25, 26..."

While talking, the company people walked away.

The smoker complained: "Tudou girl, that company person is working too hard. Looking at him like this, it feels like he drank ten cups of espresso in one breath. Wouldn't this be a sudden death?"

Tudou girl did not respond.

She pointed to a company person in the corner.

There are many tubes protruding from the stomach of this company man, so dense that they almost cover the lower body.

[Nutrient: remaining 22 hours]

[Waste Disposal Monitoring: 3-hour countdown]

[Welcome to use the Metabolism System of Giant Spirit Glory!The glory of the giant spirit, the ultimate quality! 】

"Ah, here," the smoker shook his head and sighed, "This person is even more ruthless. He doesn't need to eat or go to the toilet. How could he get so involved?"

Nothing to see here.

The two of them were going to the third floor.

Tudou girl turned her head and saw a company employee open the window of the office.

The company man gave a silent scream and fell forward.

If you fall from here in this position, if you are lucky, you will only have a broken bone, but if you are unlucky, you will die on the spot.

A robotic hand protruded abruptly from the wall, grabbed the company worker by the waist, and pushed her back to her workstation.

【Your work is not yet done】

[If your life has come to an end, please pay off the debt you owe the company: 30 Groschen.Estimated time to pay off at present: [-] years]

[If you are unable to repay, you can choose to apply for donating your remains to the company's research department to repay the debt]

[Small tip: The value of applying for in vivo research is even higher! 】

Potato girl has been unable to complain.

This is the core company of Giant Spirit Glory in Giant Spirit City?Is this the arrogant company people outside?

She felt that these people did not live as easily as the drunken homeless people on the roadside.

"Let's blow up this place one day," the smoker babbled, "They are too miserable."


【No permission】

The elevator panel flickered for a while.

[Authority: Third Floor]

The difficulty of cracking the third floor is twice as high as that of the second floor.

Potato girl doubled the time.

This building has at least fifty floors. If the difficulty of deciphering each floor is doubled, then the top floor is so guarded that not even a speck of dust can enter.

"Ten seconds."

The third floor is the warehouse, which is simple office equipment, nothing fancy.


【No permission】

[Authority: Fourth Floor]

Tudou girl covered her head.

A little dizzy, it's because I use my brain too much.

"Does it matter?" The smoker asked with concern.

Potato girl shook her head.

This level is still within her acceptable range.

The elevator door opens.

"Don't panic, it's just a minor operation."

Through the translucent glass window, the two saw a man in a white coat with a red face taking out a palm-sized machine from the company man lying on the operating table.

"Oh, it seems that I took it wrong, but it doesn't matter."

The doctor let out a full belch, and the strong smell of alcohol was smelled by the potato girl behind the window.

"It must be because I drank less and my hands were not steady."

He picked up a transparent bottle marked "medical alcohol", added a few drops of an unknown liquid with a dropper, then turned it around twice, and drank the alcohol in one gulp.

The company man lying on the operating table appeared to be out of pain, but not unconscious.

Seeing this horrifying scene, she struggled violently, and two tears flowed down her cheeks.

It was only then that Tudou girl realized that the company man's limbs and head were tightly fixed and he couldn't move.

"Hi'er!" The doctor hiccupped again, "Don't move, don't move, this is an operation, please cooperate with the treatment, please trust my skills. It's just a sip of wine, it's okay. Be obedient, come! Open your mouth and shut up Mouth, spit! Ah, you can’t move, then I’ll help you.”

The doctor roughly opened the company man's mouth and inserted a tube as thick as a finger.

"Okay, look, isn't it much more comfortable?"

He was elated.

"I know him," the smoker whispered, "the last time I went to jail, this doctor was imprisoned for several days because of drinking during the operation. I didn't expect, good guy, the last time he was drunk to practice medicine at most, this time he was simply drunk Practice medicine!"

"Take...take it out!"

The doctor spoke with a bit of a tongue, and Wei Wei could not stand still.

He held a piece of metal with tweezers, and stretched it out in front of the company person lying on the operating table: "Look, do you want this thing?"

The company man gasped for breath.

"Ah, another heart problem? Don't be afraid, I have rich first aid experience."

The doctor clapped his hands, coming and going freely through a whole set of mechanical facilities.

It can be seen that he does have a wealth of first aid experience.

How did this come about? Just look at the doctor's flushed face and you will understand.

The Tudou girl and the smoker looked at each other in silence.

This prosthetic doctor's skills are definitely not bad, and he can still have no problems after drinking so much alcohol; but, he drank like this...

The two decided to go to the fifth floor.


【No permission】

Tudou girl held her head, and the cracking speed became slower and slower.

The blockade of the elevator became more and more complicated and brain-intensive, and she almost gave up.

[Authority: Fifth Floor]

"The fifth floor is already too difficult," Tudou girl said weakly, "The sixth floor is fine."

"The fifth floor is enough. I don't expect to break through many floors. Come back later when the level is higher."

The smoker leaned against the side metal wall of the elevator, staring warily at the elevator door.

"Camera," he whispered.

There is a surveillance camera just outside the elevator.

"It's okay." Data flashed across Tudou Girl's left eye.

Her mind was dizzy, and her limbs were a little numb.

[Hacked: Surveillance camera]

A series of cameras show either empty corridors or empty rooms.

Turning to one of the cameras, Tudou girl heard a sentence:

"The crash of the airship..."

(End of this chapter)

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