Chapter 37 Alcohol
"A VIP sustained a non-life-threatening injury to his arm."

The airship of the trauma team disembarked four people in full-body white protective suits.

They started simple treatment for the middle-aged man who fell to the ground and was accidentally injured by stray bullets from the gun battle.

"Your problem is not serious, but it is recommended to stay in hospital for observation."

The pain of the middle-aged man was suppressed by a painkiller, and then supported by a person, he slowly walked onto the airship of the trauma team.

"Wait a minute!"

The cute boy ran out of the underground space where the corpses were everywhere.

"There's one more person here who needs treatment! He's dying!"

The four people in white protective suits looked at each other, and it was still a company employee who got off the airship.

"What's going on," the company man frowned, "We are pressed for time, and we can't delay here for too long."

The cute man rushed up: "Someone is dying! He was shot in the stomach!"

The company man lowered his head, took out a tablet, and scanned the surrounding environment.

On the flat green radar screen, there was only a red dot inside the airship.

"There are no other VIPs. I'm just a citizen. Maybe I'm a criminal." The company staff looked indifferently, "There's no rescue value."

With a wave of his hand, the trauma team's airship gradually closed its doors.

Mengnan felt a surge of anger welling up in his heart.

These people are doing first aid work, but they only save the so-called VIPs, and they don't even look at the dying "worthless" people.

Watching the airship rise slowly, the cute man took out his rifle angrily.

"You fucking!"

Bang bang bang!
The bullets from the rifle bounced off the trauma team's airship in streaks of sparks, but that was all.

They were so pressed for time that they didn't even have time to stop the cute boy from shooting, so they just drove the airship away.

Just for a VIP who got shot in the arm and was fine.


"They're gone, sorry."

The cute boy stepped over a large pile of mosaics and walked to Brother Wolf.

The bearded man sat on the ground leaning against the wall, his abdomen was carefully bandaged by Brother Wolf with clothes, but the bleeding still couldn't be stopped.

His belly is full of mosaics.

"You don't need to apologize, it's not your fault." Brother Lang comforted the cute boy in a rare way, but also seemed to be comforting himself.


world channel.

[Wolf who meows like a cat]: Everyone, has anyone found a doctor in this world?

[Player A]: No, is there really a doctor here?

【Extreme Crazy Young Master】: Shared the location coordinates

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Here, there is a prosthetic doctor's clinic!An old man, an apprentice.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Thanks, Tudou girl


Brother Wolf made a simple stretcher out of blood-stained clothes, and carried the man out of the dark alley together with the cute boy.

"No passage! No passage!"

The traffic lights are now green, pedestrians are not allowed to pass, and red horizontal stripes are flashing on the ground.

The two still chose to cross the road.

Maybe wait a second longer, and the bearded man will burp.

"How do you see the road? It's a red light now!"

A company man driving a car poked his head out of the car window cursing.

What he saw was the black muzzle of the pistol.

The passing player looked at Brother Wolf and the cute boy who were carrying the stretcher, and said to himself, "What kind of side mission is this? The NPC on the stretcher was seriously injured, the blood bar is about to disappear."

The player turned his head, patted the front windshield of the car, and pointed the pistol at the head of the company employee: "Try to curse again! Stupid NPC! I am the villain today!"

The company people hurriedly raised their hands.


"Here, this is what Tudou Girl was talking about!"

The cute man compared the game map with the location coordinates, walked into the alley and turned right.

The young man in the clinic is raising his right arm, carefully observing the hollow metal products covered on the right arm.

This is obviously different from the shape of the prosthetic body, but there are many similarities.

"Doctor! He's dying!"

The young man put down the hollow metal product, glanced at the bearded man on the stretcher, and frowned.

"Teacher!" he yelled into the clinic, "Gunshot wound! Emergency room!"

An old doctor with gray hair and blue eyes came out of the clinic.

"Go and turn on the Shadowless Lamp. Hell, why are you still alive after being so injured?"


"Tweezers, not this tweezers, they are curved."

"Hang up the prosthetic body monitoring system, and he has no heartbeat."

"Open an intravenous access, he needs some strong medicine."


"I regret that."

The blue-eyed old doctor came out of the operating room, covered in blood: "The operation was successful, but I'm afraid he won't live long. The bullets messed up his body, and there is no condition for replacement with prosthetic organs."

He added: "If you had come earlier, there might still be a chance."

Brother Wolf stood up silently and walked into the operating room.

The dazzling shadowless lamp was turned off, and the light in the operating room was a little dim.

The bearded man opened his eyes, his abdomen was cut open, and the inside was completely clean.

That is the part that experienced old doctors think is no longer usable.

"They smashed a bottle of wine I treasured, so I had to fight them desperately." I don't know what medicine the doctor gave the bearded man, but now he is conscious, "Wolf, I said I would take you to the big bar." , now there is no chance."

[... shared the location with you: Beauty Bar]

【...Transferred the Beauty Bar VIP digital card to you】

【...1651 Groschens were transferred to you】

He smiled: "Beauty Bar, the famous bar in the fourth district of Giant Spirit City. Wolf, you can't miss it. Tell the female owner of the bar, Broken Arm Locke, that I like a fierce woman like her."

"Who did it?" Brother Wolf asked in a deep voice.

"A very honest mercenary organization, but, wolf, don't trouble them, they just take money to do things," the bearded man's expression became serious, "don't go after the employers behind them, they...they are too powerful , You can’t afford to offend me. It was my failure to do a good job in intelligence work that got the whole organization involved in this shit.”

His face gradually lost color: "One last thing, wolf. Forget about your mission, forget about that damned crashed airship, and stay away from that place in the wasteland for a whole year."

The bearded man shook his nose: "I smell wine. Medical alcohol? That's fine too. Wolf, bring it, I want to drink."


"Why, the dead are not worthy of drinking?"

The bearded man exhausted all his strength, took the glass bottle of medical alcohol, lay down on the operating table, and swallowed.

"The taste is not bad. Great life, glorious death."

After he finished the last sentence, he tilted his head and never moved again.

The prosthetic monitoring device beeped harshly.


It's ridiculous to say that self-service cremation machines are clearly displayed on the street, which saves money for funeral parlors and coffins.

So many people die every day in Giant Spirit City, can't even the cleaners take care of it?

The cute boy was thinking, and stared at the automatic cremation machine with Brother Lang.


A small bottle filled with ashes fell from the port of the machine.

Cheap, fragile, no different from synthetic drinks sold in vending machines.

A bearded man in a small bottle will not clamor for a drink.

This is the ending of most people in Giant Spirit City, a dispensable life.

"I want to find out who is behind the scenes," Brother Wolf said in a low voice. "Even if this is a game and what I experience is just a row of data, I still want to find out who is behind the scenes."

(End of this chapter)

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