Chapter 42 Wasteland Racing
An old extended off-road vehicle, spraying black exhaust, was driving unsteadily on the wasteland.

Outside the car window is a barren and lonely, boundless desert.

Shen Ruoxue in the back seat was lying on the car window, her messy shawl and white hair fluttering in the wind.

She sometimes rests her chin with one hand, looking at the dead trees by the roadside, the mutant species looking for food, and the dazzling sun—they decorate the end of civilization outside the window.

The white-haired girl just looks out the window, not realizing that she herself adorns another's eyes - perhaps sneaking into a dream.

The cute boy is sitting in the back seat, another seat.

He stared at Shen Ruoxue and smiled naturally.

As soon as he saw this girl, the cute boy's mood jumped up.

What kind of dead trees, abnormal species, and annoying glare of the sun, it doesn't matter.

She was half wearing the old black coat, letting the gravel wind blow over her snow-white shoulders.

Shen Ruoxue turned her head, the blush makeup on the corners of her eyes added a hint of charm.

"What are you looking at!" She pouted slightly.

"I do not watch."

The cute boy smiled and tried his best to turn his head away, but he still chased the girl's figure out of the corner of his eye.

He casually looked out the window, but what caught his eyes was a big smiling face.

"I go!"

The cute boy was startled.

"Are you also here to participate?" The big smiling face was a little crazy, "You also brought NPCs? What a creative idea!"

ID [Everyone follow me to kill the enemy]

It turned out that Brother Zhu Jun stepped on the roof of another car, no, there was a thick metal pole behind him, and he was just tied to it.

"Cute boy, this way I won't fall!" Brother Zhu Jun patted the black walkie-talkie, "I'm such a genius!"

The radio in the extended off-road vehicle sizzled, and after a while, brother Zhu Jun's voice came.

"Hey, can you hear me? Hello? If you can hear me, press the horn."


The horns of cars and motorcycles were heard from all directions.

"All contestants, please arrive at the designated location!" Brother Zhu Jun shouted on the radio, "The first wasteland rally is about to begin!"

In front of the road, there is already a whole row of cars and motorcycles densely packed.

Don't ask how players with little money got it, it's not legal anyway.

"Do you know those people?" Shen Ruoxue asked.

The cute boy nodded.

He was blinded by the beauty, and only now opened the world channel of the game interface, and found the competition rules above.

Brother Zhu Jun shouted on the radio: "From here to the den of the mutant species, the road condition is very bad. Be careful not to crush too many mutant species to death, or we won't have enough mutant species to eat!"

"Do you dare to eat mutant species?" Shen Ruofeng in the driver's seat stepped on the brakes, "Who are you?"

Brother Zhu Jun shouted excitedly on the radio: "Three, two, one!"

Brother Zhu Jun, who was strapped to the roof of the car, fired into the sky, emptying the entire magazine.

Bang bang bang!
The smoker sat in the co-pilot, rolled down the window and shouted: "Long live the Flying Potato God!"

"Long live the Flying Potato Sect!"

A shouting player also emerged from a car next to him.

"Long live the Flying Potato Sect!"

Players from all directions began to shout, one after another.

"Flying Potato Sect?" Shen Ruofeng turned his head, "When was this gang established?"

"Now?" The smoker showed his double chin with a smile, "Hurry up and drive! Brother, you are blocking the road."

Shen Ruofeng looked in the rearview mirror, the people behind were cursing, and some of them took out their rifles and gestured at their car.

The old stretched off-road vehicle accelerated to a start.

"Who are you all?" He looked at the car in front of him, there was a man tied to the roof, still dancing hard, looking like a cyberpsychopath.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: Cute boy, it's time for you to behave.Quick, put on a magic stick!
The cute boy cleared his throat and said loudly:

"We are the people of the Flying Potato God, and we worship the incomparably great Flying Potato God!
He has a huge potato-like body, which symbolizes strength and tolerance; he has angelic wings, which symbolizes freedom and justice; and a ring on his head, which is a symbol of the supremacy of divine power.Long live the Flying Potato God! "

After finishing speaking, the cute man himself felt ashamed.

How did the Tudou girl say such a second grade?Because it was in the game, did she let herself go?
"Are you guys joking?" Shen Ruoxue looked out the car window.

She had never seen such a scene: a large group of people laughed like lunatics, didn't care about their own lives, crashed cars together at every turn, and even attacked the wheels of the vehicles in front with guns in order to compete for the ranking.


world channel.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: There are NPCs in my car, and they don't compete for rankings. Everyone, pay attention.

[Player A]: Received.

[Player B]: Received.

[Player C]: Received.


"We defeated the wolf gang. The cute man killed the leader of the wolf gang with his own hands." The smoker said with a smile.

Shen Ruoxue blurted out: "You are the group of lunatics stationed in the warehouse area? You cut down most of the green plum trees on Meizi Street, tortured half of the businesses that left, occupied public toilets to prevent people from entering, and broke into other people's homes in the middle of the night Stealing in front of you, and always playing music and dancing in the downtown area?"

"It should be... all of us." Meng Nan said.

Some things, even though he didn't participate, the lawless players really did it.

"Old sister!" Shen Ruofeng stopped his younger sister's words, "You replaced the Wild Wolf Gang and occupied Meizi Street, and there are a lot of people. I just want to ask, what are you going to do in the future?"

"What should I do?" Meng Nan was puzzled by the question.

"My brother means, how do you collect protection money?" Shen Ruoxue never thought that she would share a car with important members of the gang.

She continued: "When the Wild Wolf Gang was here, they collected protection fees as reasonably as possible according to the area and location of the business. This is a mathematical problem, sometimes quite complicated; few people in the Wild Wolf Gang have read books. , and hired me a few times to measure. In exchange, they gave special treatment to the community where my family lives and rarely bothered.”

What gang economics?Do gangs need culture these days?
The cute boy complained secretly.

The players have caused quite a bit of havoc on Plum Street, but never thought about it.

"Our Flying Potato God Sect is committed to liberating all human beings, and we won't charge protection fees," Mengnan explained, "What age is it, we need to liberate productivity."

Brother Zhu Jun's passionate voice came from the car radio:

“We could see that a rider on a motorcycle had the best of it. The place was full of potholes, the cars were not easy to drive, but the small motorcyclists had a slight lead.

Someone is chasing him!The contestant couldn't dodge and hit a cactus, breaking it!He crashed!It's a pity, but this catch-up car redefines No.1!
I think this driver should be a professional racing driver for a virtual reality game.He drives the car deftly and with great imagination!There was a big pit ahead, and he accelerated again!He is flying!The car is spinning in the air!Look at his smiling face, so happy!
(End of this chapter)

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