Chapter 51 The Beauty Bar
[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Brother Wolf, I'm almost there.

[Wolf who meows like a cat]: The smoker is waiting for you at the door.

Tudou girl stopped the motorcycle and put a white baseball cap on her head: "I'm not a three-year-old, do I need someone to pick me up?"

She compared the position on the game and came to the predetermined position.

The entrance is very simple, and inside is a long twisted alleyway, which leads to nowhere.

Directly above, a red woman image outlined by neon lights is changing graceful dancing postures in the flashing breathing lights; another blue woman image outlined by neon lights is sitting on the ground, with a pair of long legs intertwined, holding a wine glass.

"Sister Tudou, I've been waiting for a long time," the smoker came out from the shadow of the alleyway, "Is that dress you just bought? It's cool."

Potato girl changed the main color of the sweater to dark blue: "What is this place?"

"Bar, Beauty's Bar. I didn't expect Brother Wolf to find this kind of place."

She followed the smoker through dark alleys.

The smoker grabbed the doorknob and pulled it hard.

The overwhelming noise, mixed with the strong smell of alcohol, hit Tuomei.

There was a whole band on the stage, the dense drum beat echoed around with the hoarse shout of the lead singer.

"We lost everything!"

The lead singer of the band shouted very rhythmically: "We lost everything! Seeing you, I know that there is something missing in this world!"

Under the stage, a large group of people twisted their bodies and danced wildly.

It's not just a band's stage, it's everyone's stage.

Even those half-drunk women with cockscomb heads were immersed in their dancing postures.

In the canopy of the bar, the red ambient light floated across, and then blue, which made the face of Tudou girl change from red to blue.

The bass player with the least sense of presence frantically flicked his fingers on the low stage; the three people in charge of harmony opened and closed the same mouth shape.

Tudou girl finally understood why Brother Wolf asked the smoker to pick him up.

If she saw this scene in reality, she would definitely turn her head away; even in the game, she felt a little uneasy.

Potato girl has never been to a place like this.

People sing and dance rap, hormones and crazy alcohol.

At the receptions she's been to, people don't lose their temper like this; their biggest task is to taste wine and talk business.

"It's too noisy in here," shouted the smoker, "let's go to the other side."

They pushed their way through the lively crowd.

When Tudou Girl managed to squeeze through the crowd, she immediately took off her hat.

Under the alternating red and blue ambient lighting, a woman's lipstick, a heart outline, and a string of numbers were printed on the original white baseball cap.

Tudou girl turned her head and saw a coolly dressed woman, pursed her lips, and blew her a kiss with her index finger.

She suddenly felt that this was not bad, so she put a baseball cap with lip prints on her head.

Following the smoker through the two glass doors in a row, the band's singing suddenly became indistinct.

The soundproofing here is pretty good.

"Try it, a real depth charge."

A woman with earrings on her earlobe, smoking a women's cigarette, pushes a glass of wine to Brother Wolf sitting on the sofa.

Brother Wolf didn't drink immediately, but said, "He's dead. Before he died—"

"I know what he will say," the woman held a thin female cigarette between her fingers, "It's strange, but the man still said he wanted to raise me. Just rely on him, can he afford it? Can the man chasing me start from Here, the queue goes all the way to Cross Street."

She chuckled and said, "I'm just in a good mood. I treated him to a glass of glacier whiskey, and he thought I was interested in him? It's ridiculous."

The woman raised her wine glass: "To death!"

In desperation, Brother Wolf could only raise his glass: "To death."

The woman lowered her head, a series of data flashed across her eyes.

"There are two people here, a fat man and a girl," she said, "is your friend?"

Brother Wolf nodded.

The woman gave the order through the prosthetic eye.


The tall and big strong man, with the light of the metal prosthesis all over his body, blocked the way of the smoker and the potato girl.

His right eye flashed the data, and then he turned sideways, out of the way to the backstage of the bar.

Tudou girl followed the smoker and found that the bodyguard's expression was indifferent, motionless like a machine.

"Sit," said a woman.

On her left, separated by a body, was sitting Brother Wolf; next to her were two strong men standing upright, and a bar girl with her head bowed.

The girl at the bar wanted to clear away the finished glass, but was stopped by the woman.

"Take two more glasses and pour two more for the new kid."

The girl at the bar is submissive and does what the woman says.

The smoker and the potato girl sat down on adjacent sofas.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Who is this?
[A wolf who meows like a cat]: The female owner of the beauty bar, "Broken Arm" Locke.

Potato girl looked at the woman's arm.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Her arm is not broken.

[Wolf that meows like a meow]: According to my investigation, she has this title because she cuts off the opponent's arm every time.Of course, the dead don't need to be chopped.To be an enemy of her, you must first go to the prosthetic doctor to order a pair of prosthetic arms.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: So cruel.

"Is your team here?" Broken Arm Locke asked Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf let out a breath of alcohol: "Yes."

Broken Arm Locke reached out and touched her own earring:

"Then I'll be straight. I do know something about this matter. After all, as an intermediary, if you don't know anything about the new news, you will be killed and thrown into the stinky ditch.

Still, intelligence is valuable.Seeing that you are all poor and white, you can't come up with any good things even if you think about it.Well, you guys do one thing for me.If it succeeds, I will give you the information again. "

"Tell me," Brother Wolf said, "what are you doing?"

"It's very simple. Go to Cross Street and get a cargo. That's the territory of the Fire Gang. Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you are caught, you will be tied to a cross and burned to ashes. The cargo is packed in this thing."

[Discovery Mission: Mysterious Cargo]

[Broken Arm Locke shared with you: Storage Cabinet for Cargo]

[Broken Arm Locke shared with you: the approximate location of the cargo]

The smoker asked, "To steal?"

Broken Arm Locke raised his eyebrows: "If you think you are strong enough, you can go for it."

The smoker stopped talking.

He's not crazy yet, this kind of mission is obviously quite dangerous.If the level and strength are overwhelmed, you can still go in head-on.

【Level: 2】

Going to grab it at this level is obviously life-threatening.

"When you bring the goods out, there will be a bulletproof car waiting for you at this location. The driver of the car will take you to the gate of the wasteland, and then the mission will be over."

[Broken Arm Locke shared with you: the location of the vehicle responsible for the response]

"Look at all of you poor, you don't even have a decent prosthetic body," Broken Arm Locke looked at Potato Girl, "Only this little girl with a chip... Well, this is a chip from the spider series? The sequence level is too low , doesn’t work. How about this, finish the task, and I’ll give each of you five hundred Groschens.”

Potato girl is beaming.

She has money again, and she can go to the street to buy new clothes!She also took a fancy to a lot of good things, but unfortunately in the game, she was pitifully poor.

(End of this chapter)

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