Chapter 6

"Okay, I didn't expect that there would be such research materials in the prison of the Giant Spirit Glory Company."

Yao Luo hovered in the air and waved his arm.

Sky Island changed for a while, and finally turned into an ancient arena.

His divine power was consumed rapidly.

Although this is just an illusion, it is also a real illusion.

A ray of light spilled from his hand and transformed into a huge monster in the arena.


The humanoid monster with sharp fangs roared at Yao Luo in the sky.

This monster is as tall as two adults, and it has abnormally many muscles.

It's called "Berserker".

Yao Luo flipped through the prison files, lost in thought.

All the changes happened 500 years ago in that shocking cataclysm.

It seems that suddenly, infinite monsters crawled out from the ground, and human beings retreated steadily.

In order to survive, people can only huddle together to keep warm, and huddle in a corner of the mainland to survive.

Their technological level has grown abnormally and rapidly during the most difficult period.

"It seems that there are many secrets in this world." Yao Luo looked at the monster berserker below, "Let's explore later. Finish here first."

He used his divine power to write a few large characters: Novice tasks.

No matter what Yao Luo wants to do, the first task is to assemble a team of useful players.

To select a good player from sand sculpture players, the easiest way is to put a novice to persuade monsters to quit.

"Catch a player and try it first." Yao Luo cast his eyes on the cyberpunk world, showing a little resentment, "Anchor, I am your loyal fan. The meat muffins you sell made my neighbor's dog vomit .”

He grabbed it lightly.



[Please complete the novice task first]

The fat man sniffed.

He said to the direction of the live camera: "Newbie mission, ah, this is a common practice. I believe all audience friends have played it. Basically, some go left, go right, jump, drill a hole, and take a few shots. .”

The fat man is very confident: "I don't think I need to do novice tasks at all."

He clicked for a long time, but he didn't click the button to skip the novice task.

"Okay, very good." Fatty nodded and pressed the button to confirm the task.


The fat man turned into a spot of light and disappeared in place.


The ancient arena is a huge ring.

All around, there are hard light yellow rock walls, and there are empty auditoriums on the rock walls.

"The scenery here is pretty good. Which ancient ruin did the producer take the scene from?"

The fat man was talking leisurely, when he suddenly heard an astonishing roar.

His heart skipped a beat and he looked forward.

A pair of huge feet, the legs are thicker than the old tree.

He raised his head slowly, and saw the muscular body, ferocious fangs, and those small eyes full of hatred.

[Novice task: Escape from the arena]

【HP: 5】

[The number of times that can be challenged: unlimited]



The heavy fist of the berserker brought up a gust of wind that made the skin sting, and hit the fat man's head.

At that moment, Fatty felt his skull deformed.


The fat man turned into light spots and dissipated.

【? ? ? 】

[The anchor was seconded]

【Didn't you say the novice task】

[Does anyone want the emoticon pack of the anchor just now?Private letter contact]

[This punch is really cool, the anchor will do it again]

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

"I was seconded? No," the fat man chose to reload, "I was careless and didn't flash."


Ancient arena.

Fatty's voice became impassioned: "Friends in the audience, it seems that we have encountered a novice persuasion monster. However, this will not trouble me."

He stood on the edge of the arena, looking at the huge monster looking towards him in the center.


[A mere novice, unable to confront it head-on]

"The task is to escape from the arena," the fat man ran up. "At present, the most important thing is to avoid the attack of this berserker. Actually, it's not difficult."

He had only run 20 meters before he felt weak all over.

what happened?Why is this body in the game so weak?
【Anchor! 】

【Anchor be careful】

The fat man turned his head.

The berserker ran wildly, and the huge shadow of death filled his pupils.

"My day."

The fat man turned into a meatloaf stuck to the wall of the arena, and then turned into light spots and dissipated.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of laughter.

[not difficult]

【It's not difficult】

[Anchor: Ah, I can't beat it, I can't beat it, let's broadcast]

[The host insists on a little longer, let's finish collecting the emoticon packs below]

[Set of pictures?What set of pictures? 】

Pure white space.

The fat man didn't click reload immediately, but thought about everything that happened just now.

His body in the game is almost as weak as his body in reality, and he gets tired after just two steps.

To escape from the arena and complete novice tasks, you can only find shortcuts in the limited world, or simply exploit the loopholes in the game design.

He hit reload.


"My family, I'm back again." As soon as the fat man appeared, he immediately looked around.

The smooth rock wall and the empty ground of the arena turned out to be a dead end.

"The producer is not a good person," he saw Berserker turned around, "At least here's a beginner's tip."

Yao Luo, who was far away on Sky Island, tapped with his finger.

At the exit of the arena, a big green arrow appeared.


The berserker looked up at the sky and let out a deafening roar.

Even though he knew he was in a game, Fatty's palms were still sweating, and his heart beat faster.

Just like the real thing.

It's coming, it's running, this monster is running!

Within a short distance, the fat man rolled to the right, dodging the savage charge of the berserker.

The strong winds raged, leaving the solid rock walls unscathed.

Unfortunately, the Berserker was not hurt.

【HP: 4】

"What's the condition of this body, even if you do a non-standard tactical move, you will be so weak that your blood will be deducted?"

The fat man supported his waist.

His waist flashed, of course, in the game.

The berserker turned his head.

"I said buddy," the fat man tried to reason with the berserker, "this is a novice task, can you put some water. For example, pretend that you are short-sighted or something?"

The berserker grabbed the fat man by the neck and lifted him up.

"I...ahem...this is...too real...I'm going to suffocate," the fat man blushed, "what is animation of devil's execution."

The berserker opened his mouth to the fat man's head.

This scene is simply bursting with chicken chops, chicken taste, crunchy.



[Yes, the anchor's new emoticon packs have been collected]

[It sounds pretty good]

[Prion Warning]

[The mosaic is completely blocked, this is not good]

【Evil Mosaic】


"Ha, ha," Fatty sat up from the game cabin, "It's so real, oh my god, I really thought I was bitten by a monster."

Sweat was all over his forehead, and so was his back.

Sweat drenched his short sleeves.

"Everyone in the audience, let me take it easy first," Fatty shook the gaming chair and took a deep breath while sitting on it. "It's great that I'm still alive. The degree of reality is too high, and that's not good."

【Farewell anchor】

[I want to see the anchor explode]

All kinds of violent barrages flew across the live broadcast room.

At the same time, keywords such as "cyberpsychiatric illness", "anchor explosion", "smoker: it's not difficult", "100% authentic game", and "creating history" are becoming more and more popular on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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