Chapter 64 Please act like a person

"Are you sure it's here?" A player holds a trash can lid on his head.

"I'm sure," said another player wearing a black mask, only his forehead and two eyes were exposed, "[Big-Eyed Cute Man] is the beta player who gave advice on how to avoid confrontation with novice persuasion monsters and released cheating methods. "

"Oh!" The player with the lid on the trash can remembered, "Twisting his butt backwards, bowing his upper body, spreading his arms like a roc, while saying to the berserker behind him, 'Berserker Sang, let you pick it' , so as to avoid being attacked by berserkers. He was the one who discovered this method? What a shame."

Another player felt something was wrong: "Wait, where did you hear about this method?"

The player with the lid on the trash can said suspiciously: "An old internal beta player told me, is there something wrong?"

Another player sighs: "Dude, you may have been ripped off. The original wasn't like that."

"No wonder," the player with the lid on the trash can sighed, "Because of this, I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed of a strong man who looked like a berserker, staring at my ass behind me and laughing."

Another player felt a chill.

"That's right!" The player with the lid on the trash can pointed at the door of the Beauty Bar and said, "That pervert who looks like a berserker looks just like him!"

In the shadows at the door of the Beauty Bar, the burly bodyguard looked over.


The brawny bodyguard had noticed those two people for a long time.

One of them disguised himself as a metal trash can, and when he saw passers-by, he put his head in his hands and remained motionless; the other walked forward in the shadow of neon lights, still standing on tiptoe, looking left and right, which was very obvious.

They squatted only ten meters away from him, talking strange things to each other and commenting on him.

"He found us!" The brawny bodyguard heard someone say.

"No, of course not, I'm faking it so well!" said another.

"Are you advanced?"

"I am advanced and I am advanced. Maybe there are some hidden missions."

"Wait," the man disguised as a trash can grabbed another person, "There must be a cutscene in this kind of place, right? I'll try to record it. Hey, all right, now we're recording the screen."


The player with the lid on the trash can looked at the strong bodyguard in the shadows.

The monolithic high-tech glasses, the luminous lines on the face, the muscular body, and the angular and resolute face are definitely super good materials.

He looked at the strong bodyguard, and stretched out his left leg little by little towards the door of the Beauty Bar.

The brawny bodyguard remained silent.

The player slowly opened the door and found the strong bodyguard looking at him.

There is a show!That's it!
Come on, say a cute welcome, or a threat in a vicious way!
The strong bodyguard just looked at him without saying anything.

The player is puzzled.

He stared at the strong bodyguard and reminded loudly: "I'm coming in!"

The burly bodyguard had no expression on his face.

The player retracted his legs again, and continued to remind loudly: "I'm out!"

The corner of the strong bodyguard's mouth twitched.

There is a show!Maybe you have to swipe too many times to get special treatment here!

The player stretched his leg through the door and called out, "I'm coming in!"

The legs retracted again: "I'm out!"

"I'm in!"

"I `m coming out!"

"I'm in!"

The burly bodyguard squeezed his fist and swung it out, smashing the player who was constantly probing at the door against the opposite wall.

The player slides down the wall.

"I'm going, I can't breathe," he squirmed, "Where is the pain adjustment button?"

Looking up from his perspective, it happens to be able to find some interesting things from another angle.

"Hey," the player said to another masked player, "Why is the bottom of this NPC so smooth? Could it be that the producer was lazy when modeling the game and didn't make that out?"

"What?" another player asked.

"That's the one." The player who fell on the ground turned over, faced the sky, raised his hand in front of the strong bodyguard, and made a "pinching" gesture with his thumb and index finger.

Another player followed his gaze, saw the crotch of the strong bodyguard, and instantly understood: "It seems that there is not."

The burly bodyguard snorted coldly, raised his leg and stepped on it hard, stepping on the stomach of the player who fell to the ground.

"Ga——" the player opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, " overnight about to spit out. Speaking of which...if I vomit here...won't I also vomit in the game cabin... ..."

"Probably not," another player opened the game interface, "Our game cabin is produced by the same company. Let me ask the customer service of the game cabin."

The player who was trampled on his feet stretched out his hand firmly, tremblingly trying to touch the crotch of the strong bodyguard.

The burly bodyguard couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the player's arm with both hands, pulled the player up, spun a few times in the air, and threw it far away.


Amid the screams of excitement and fear, the player landed on the road outside the alley.

He got up with difficulty and looked at his hands.

【HP: 1】

"Look," he said to the players in the alley, "I'm not dead!"

The burly bodyguard in the alley took out his pistol, and shot the players outside the alley into bright spots.

"Digital life?" The strong man's bodyguard's voice had a strong taste of mechanical synthesis, "What about you?"

Another player immediately betrayed his teammate: "Who? Me? Haha, I'm actually not familiar with him. It's nothing to do with him. I just dropped by."

With a smile on his face, he walked cautiously into the door of the Beauty Bar.


The location of the beauty bar was immediately sent to the world channel by this player.

[The other party is typing...]: Come on!Plum Street has such a good place!picture.picture.picture.

[Player F]: I*!There is such a good place!

[Player G]: Come on!Hurry up!I want to go on stage and sing!Who will PK with me?

[Player H]: Me.

[Player I]: Me.

[Player J]: Me!
About 15 minutes later, the strong bodyguard stood at the door of the Beauty Bar, frowning and looking at a large group of people outside the alley.

In the beginning, there was only one person there, then three or four, then a dozen, and the number continued to increase until now it was close to a hundred people.

The bodyguard of the strong man called Locke with Broken Arm: "Boss, there are nearly a hundred people outside, I think they are here to spoil the situation."

"Smash the field," Broken Arm Locke sneered, "Who doesn't have eyes, dare to come to my place to smash the field? Wake up the rest and take the gun."


Inside the Beauty Bar.

The bartender put down her wine glass, and took out a pistol from the wine cabinet in front of the cute man.

"What happened?" He fidgeted.

"None of your business." The female bartender walked out of the bar.

The cute boy looked around. The waiters and waitresses at the bar, the strong man wearing sunglasses, a dozen guests who had just been woken up, and even the sexy female singer who sang, all took up weapons and walked towards the door.

The cute boy turned on the world channel and immediately understood what was going on.

"This is a misunderstanding!" He shouted loudly, ran to the door of the Beauty Bar, and said to the densely packed players outside the alley, "Come in one by one, don't make any aggressive behavior!"

The cute boy watched the small video on the World Channel and shouted loudly: "Please act like a human being when you enter the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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