Chapter 85 Thunder
In the distance, there was a loud explosion, like thunder.

"Thunder?" The smoker looked up through the car window, "My family, does anyone know that there will be thunder in a sandstorm? My geography knowledge has long been returned to my dear teachers."

Another thunder.

world channel.

[Player A]: Did anyone see something flying over?

[Player B]: I was just about to type. Something fell next to my car and it was still burning. The fire was very fierce.When I open the car door to have a look, I hope it won't be blown away by the wind.


Player B opens the car door.

The wind howled, and countless sand seemed to be drilled into his nose and mouth.

"I've said so many times that I'm too poor to eat dirt, ah bah," he spat out a mouthful of sand, "this time I'm really going to eat dirt."

Beneath the gale, the strange thing was still burning.

It looks like a fragment of some kind of mechanical creation. While burning, black smoke rises and is blown away by the wind.

[Player B]: Whose car burned?or something else?

As the players' convoys go deeper into the wasteland, more and more players are left behind.

The unimpeded car in the city of the giants is almost impossible to move on the wasteland.

"One half!" Pointing to the game map, the smoker said to the audience in the live broadcast room, "There is still one half of the way! But now there is no thunder!"

"Anchor! Come and watch!" The player sitting in the driver's seat shouted.

"I'm here, I'm here."

Smokey looked out the front windshield.

In the dark and dim sandstorm, a fire burst out.

Another thunderclap!
The huge fireball made a scream of metal breaking in the huge sandstorm.

After that fireball, there were literally two bolts of lightning in the sky.

The sphere fell obliquely and scattered into countless burning fragments.

One of the pieces was smashing towards the smoker's car.

"What a bad luck!" The smoker opened the car door and fell out.

The burning debris hit the off-road vehicle, and even the player who just opened the door and was about to escape was blown into a spot of light.

"What the hell?" The smoker was overturned by the blast.

He turned on the world channel and saw a large group of players venting their emotions, saying that after driving so far, they died inexplicably under a burning unknown falling object.

The main body of the fireball, like a falling sun, fell to the wasteland, causing an even bigger explosion.

The smoker turned his head, barely hugged a piece of flying debris, and rolled for a long distance in the strong wind.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were not worried.

[Wasteland Challenge: Whoever rolls the farthest wins]

[The anchor's head, like a ball, was kicked...]

【Where did the meteorite come from】

[Let's watch together - Meteor Shower!Make a wish! 】


Bang Bang Sauce No. 0521: "What's happening?"

Its electronic eyes looked up to the sky, and on the light screen in the car, King Kong Barbie made a surprised expression at the same time.

A piece of debris larger than six Pang Bang Jiang armored vehicles was falling towards it.

Bang Bang Jiang No. 0521 drifted urgently and finally escaped the falling objects at the last moment.

The light screen in the car stretched out in front of the cute boy, and the King Kong Barbie on it said, "Guest, can you tell me what's going on at your destination?"

The cute boy shook his head: "I don't know either."


Everyone in the car suddenly went blank.

The King Kong Barbie flickered on the light screen, and it took seven or eight seconds for it to reshape.

"Guest," the voice of Bang Bang Jiang No. 0521 continued intermittently, "Are you sure you don't need to explain anything?"

On the light screen, the roof shell of the Bang Bang Jiang armored vehicle was revealed.

A piece of the shell was dented inward, almost breaking through Bang Bang Jiang's armor.

Bang Bang Sauce No. 0521: "Guest, you may not believe it, the unknown object just now is three times more powerful than a single-soldier rocket launcher. My electronic eye is damaged, and I have no high-speed camera capability. I have not photographed the actual object Of course, for my dear white-haired sister, I tried my best to expand the damage and forcefully reduce the impact of the shock."

"Cute boy!" Brother Wolf had a strange expression.

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, his hands clenched into fists, and the veins on his neck bulged.

"Get out of the car!" Brother Wolf yelled in the team's voice, "Everyone get out of the car! Crawl forward!"

"Brother Wolf—" the cute boy turned his head.

"Don't ask," Brother Wolf opened the car door, "You all stay here, no, let Bang Bang Sauce drive back! Drive back to Giant Spirit City!"

The cute boy also got out of the car.

He grabbed the door of the back seat and said to the brothers and sisters inside: "You stay here. This is about me and brother wolf."

Bang Bang Jiang No. 0521 sticks out a light screen from inside the car: "Guest, are you sure you want to get off the car? We are not far from our destination."

"Let's go. 0521, your last business trip is over."

Bang Bang Jiang No. 0521 cheered happily: "Great! I want to be with my love partner! Walking in a huge sandstorm, it's so romantic!"

It honked the car horn three times, turned around on the spot, and drove away at an extremely fast speed.

[Shen Ruoxue]: Cute man, 0521 won't let me get out of the car!
[Big-eyed cute boy]: Stay in the car.I don't know what brother wolf guessed, but his state is not right.

[Shen Ruofeng]: I won't let this broken car drive too far, cute man, if you want to help, contact me immediately!The signal here is too bad, and you won't be able to get in touch if you go a little further.

"To be honest, I have no experience in combat in desert terrain."

The temporary deputy captain jumped off the old off-road vehicle and immediately got down on the ground.

Followed by six recruits.

The other people either lost their HP to zero in the crash just now, or the vehicle they were riding on turned over and temporarily lost their ability to move.

Brother Wolf squinted his eyes and looked ahead.

No more weird stuff coming.

"Load the bullet," he commanded, "Go up and drive alone, and drive on your stomach, and don't show your head in front of the window. Others, two on the left side of the off-road vehicle, two on the right side, and three at the back of the vehicle."

Brother Wolf climbed up to Mengnan: "Mengnan, you and I walk on the right side. Remember, you must go parallel to the wheels of the off-road vehicle. Don't ask why now, just do as I tell you."

The cute boy nodded.

The sand smells really bad.

What's going on ahead?
Another thunder.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: Cute boy, brother wolf, where have you been?

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Very close on the map.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: It seems that this one depends on you to explore the grass.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: What is Tancao?

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: It is to uncover the fog of war, or to scout places that may be dangerous, a game term.Speaking of which, Tudou girl, where have you been?

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: It's still far away.The front two wheels of my car were smashed by the meteorite just now, and Xiao Dai was so frightened that he cried louder than me.Alas, Xiaodai is already a freshman, and his psychological quality is still so poor, he should learn from me.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: ...

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: ...

The cute boy was typing and chatting while walking.

Suddenly, brother wolf who was walking in front of him rushed forward and knocked him down.

He ate a mouthful of sand, and just wanted to ask Brother Wolf——

The old off-road vehicle was blown to pieces by a sudden unknown object.

The tattered frame toppled to the left, crushing the recruits on the left into a speck of light.

The recruit behind the car had already died at the speed of light in the explosion.

The cute man coughed violently, feeling like his ribs were about to break.

He got up and lay down with brother wolf.

Brother Wolf stared straight ahead without even looking at him.

"Brother Wolf?"

The cute boy also looked forward.

He saw things he had never seen in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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