Chapter 90 Sunrise
"This is so strange, Your Majesty the Flying Potato, do you still need to sleep and have breakfast?"

The brain-controlled robot lowered its head and conducted a power-on test on a prosthetic muscle: "The prosthetic technology in this city always makes me feel that something is wrong. Their neural connection technology, although logically sound, is going the wrong way.

The upper limit is greatly reduced, and it is easy to be hacked into the neural network. This kind of transformation is like a civilian product, and it is not even comparable to the castrated version of military products.hacker?The name is too misleading, it should be called the full name 'Neural Network Hacker'.are you listening "

The Flying Potato God Statue stood quietly.

The brain-controlled robot observed the twisting and changing of the prosthetic muscle, and finally a pungent black smoke emitted from the muscle.

At the last moment, the prosthetic muscles cracked the glass test tube.

"It's very interesting," commented the brain-bot Anton, "It gave me a new way of thinking. Anyway, players don't care about permanent damage. We can superimpose overclocking on the prosthesis that has already been overclocked to achieve explosive effects."

The Flying Potato God Statue was still standing quietly.

Anton didn't care: "Please forgive my thoughts, Your Majesty the Flying Potatoes. Sometimes talking is a way to boost your spirits. You may have heard that many doctors will talk about some nasty jokes to keep myself from getting too tired and in a trance."

Outside Warehouse No. 66, a strong wind blew.

Divine power pulled the mind-controlled robot away and flew into the sky.

It pierced through the clouds, flinging its four metal tentacles here and there.

"Oh!" The eyes on Anton's tentacles looked around, "Stratosphere!"

Yao Luo is here.

He squatted on the clouds, eating a bowl of fried noodles with chopsticks.

The sky is dark blue.

The rays of light refracted on the horizon announce the beginning of a new day.

"It's very beautiful," said the brain-machine man Anton, "Your Majesty the Flying Potato, what do you want?"

"Wait a minute," Yao Luo wiped his mouth with divine power, "There is one more person coming."


Company apartment.

Before I finished drinking last night, the half glass of dark red wine left in the glass was rippled.

The company employee, who hadn't realized it, was sleeping soundly on the silver-white metal bed.

An invisible force spread.

The metal bed connected to the wall showed traces of forceful pulling at the joint.

The metal bed and the company man on the bed are connected together under the effect of divine power, constantly accumulating energy.

The foot of the bed slowly left the floor, and the ceiling above the company was also propped up by an invisible force, exposing the abnormal metal guard plate under the normal wall.


There was a big opening in the roof, like a blooming metal rose.

And its stamen is the metal bed that gradually rises from the house.

The company still didn't notice.

The environment was slightly colder, making him smack his lips unconsciously.

The metal bed and company people just broke through the roof and floated in the air.

"Mom, look!"

In an apartment not far away, a little boy pointed out the window: "There is a bed, flying in the sky!"

"What nonsense!" His mother dismissed it and muttered, "You have an exam today. I wake up so early, I don't know if it will affect my memory. Remember it, take the exam well, and you will be in the mobile team later. Get a salary, and then find a female clerk who has authority over the fourth floor of the building to be his wife. Children nowadays, it’s really troublesome to think about it all day long.”

The little boy didn't pay attention to what his mother said.

He turned his head and looked out the window again.

Outside the window, the bed flying in the air was gone.

His mood sank.

Out of the corner of his eye, there was a silvery white trace, and the little boy hurriedly pressed his face against the window glass.

The flying bed has flown to a higher place, and is still increasing in height.

His eyes light up.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up," his mother pulled him away from the window, "it's time for breakfast. Today I have to take the exam hard, be calm, just like the usual exam..."


"There may be something wrong with my prosthetic eye, I need to find a prosthetic doctor to fix it."

At the airship docking station in Djinn City, a Mobile Squad member speaks to his captain.

"What's the problem?" The captain of the mobile team said impatiently, "Everyone is a new combat prosthetic eye, and the quality will definitely not be a problem. Let me tell you, if you want to ask for leave, at least find a more reliable reason. .”

He inadvertently glanced out the window of the airship.

what silver-

The captain of the mobile team slowly stood up, and saw a silver-white bed outside the airship, flying into the sky like a rocket.

"Am I cyberpsychotic?" He adjusted the magnification of the prosthetic eye.

The silver-white bed flew above the clouds and disappeared.

A quilt produced by the company floated down from the sky.

"Captain," the mobile team member asked cautiously, "how about we all ask for leave today?"

The captain of the mobile team watched the quilt land and said, "Please take a woolen leave and immediately notify the Giant Spirit Building that a UFO has appeared."

The members of the mobile team did not understand: "Captain, we have all seen it, it is a flying silver bed."

The captain of the mobile team glared at him: "I don't want to be thought by the Giant Spirit Building that I have some mental problems."


Flying silver metal bed.

The company man felt terribly cold and opened his eyes in a daze.

A white cloud drifted past him, giving him a moist feeling like thick fog.

"Who?" The company man jumped up from the bed, "What happened?"

He looked down, and the giant spirit buildings in the fourth district were all under his feet.

Here is the air.

"System, self-inspection!" The company staff panicked, "Confirm that the system is running normally and there is no abnormality? What's going on here?"

He was just taking a nap, but he didn't expect to close his eyes and open them, and he and his bed were floating in the air.

The silver bed broke through the thick clouds, and there were very few clouds above, and even the cold wind almost disappeared.

"Oh, hooded, here you come. A controlling corporate puppet? Never mind."

Yao Luo handed him a bowl of fried noodles: "It's already here, let's have breakfast by the way."

The company staff looked at the bowl in their hands, then at Yao Luo, and finally understood what happened.

His mouth opened and closed in silence, and finally he made a sound: "Mr. Shenming, you are a god, and you may not have the experience of being a human being. However, please be considerate, it is not easy for me to find a suitable company employee. .”

Yao Luo also gave a bowl of fried noodles to Anton, the brain robot next to him.

Anton said: "Your Majesty the Flying Potatoes, I have neither a mouth nor a digestive system. How can I eat it?"

"It's okay," Yao Luo said, "This is fried noodles imitated by divine power. It can directly affect your brain and let you feel the real taste."


Brain-bot Anton picked up the noodles with chopsticks and put them where his mouth should be, and the noodles disappeared immediately.

"Long-lost taste," it sighed, "I never thought that I could still have the feeling of a human being. I am so happy!"

The company person on the side asked: "Mr. Shenming, you pulled me up just to eat noodles?"

"Of course not," Yao Luo looked towards the horizon, "It's about to start."

On the horizon, the light is shining.

The golden sun first revealed a head, and then in less than 5 minutes, the whole body was revealed.

The sunrise was so fast that everyone was caught off guard, and a new day was ushered in while bowing their heads.

"Watch the sunrise, it's done!" Yao Luo ticked off a piece of paper, "Next, we need to make up something to fool the players into visiting the wasteland!"

(End of this chapter)

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