Chapter 96 Last Words
The pilot's judgment was broadcast throughout the entire airship.

Everyone knew that after some time, maybe an hour, the airship would crash into the wasteland.

Even if they survived the shocking explosion of the airship crash, the aberrant population that smelled the energy liquid would gnaw the survivors until there were no bones left.

"Why!" A female customer in a company uniform covered her face with tears, "I'm still so young, I haven't realized my dream of going to the Beauty Bar for a day's reservation!"

"Day dog!" The burly man with tattoos on his arm walked around anxiously, "Day!"

In the corner, a pregnant woman weeps silently; beside her, her husband comforts her in a low voice.

Although the husband was comforting his wife, his hands were trembling slightly, and his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

in the cockpit.

"How long can the airship fly?" Brother Wolf asked.

"I activated the emergency energy system," the pilot drank the juice. "One hour and 15 minutes, the error is not more than 5 minutes. I can't fly out of the danger zone."

He turned his head: "You robbers, why are you all so energetic? Don't you want to leave some last words?"

Last words?

The smoker leaned against the metal wall of the cockpit, using a straw to slurp the thin-walled juice cup.

There are only more than 100 players on this airship, even if they are teleported back to the resurrection point collectively, it will only take 5 minutes at most.

It is impossible to panic. Only by empathizing with those guests who are about to collapse can you experience a little bit of tension.

Not only did he not panic, he even loudly promoted it in the live broadcast room:

"Shocked! Audience friends, have you heard of the plane crash? Right now, I'm on an airship flying in the air. This airship is about to crash! Listen to the crying outside, it's miserable, it's so miserable How about we go out and have a look?
Anchor, I'm so poor that I can't even afford meat muffins, please have pity on me!Reward gifts to fly the plane, siu mai steamed buns and steamed buns.I heard that if you click three times in a row, you will have good luck in the next few days! "

The driver choked on the juice.

He said to Brother Wolf beside him, "Are the last words of you robbers so distinctive?"

Brother Wolf raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

The smoker who received enough rewards walked out of the cockpit.


"Is this airship going to crash?" the potbellied company man asked the gun-wielding player beside him.

"Yeah," said the player, "I still have a car in the parking lot. I got that car from a company guy. Pull the guy out of the driver's seat and drive the car away. Look at him Emoticons, so much fun!
Hey, why do you look so similar to that company guy?So is the hair, so is the shape of the face, and this figure... Is it really you?Classy, ​​your car has been smooth on the wasteland for me. "

The company people also recognized the player.

Now, the guy who snatched his car is right next to him, saying something like "Your car works great, I'm very satisfied" with a serious face, with a look on his face that it's your pleasure to make me happy.

His face was flushed with anger: "You shameless, vile, dirty fool!"

"Yo, you know how to swear, come on, say a few more words," the player started the screen recording, "I haven't heard of the company dog ​​NPC swearing, hurry up, say a few words, I'm going to upload the video to In the forum. There must be a lot of people like this.”

The company man opened his mouth, so angry that he couldn't utter a word.

He has been in contact with other company people, and he has never been in contact with those inferior people since he was born. All his life goals are all realized in the struggle for power, so how can there be any accumulation of curse words?

"I'm so disappointed, company dog," the player yelled one company dog ​​at a time, "Are you so lacking in lines? It's just a sentence that doesn't hurt, just like a shrew in the countryside scolding the street!" How entertaining it is.”

The company person snorted, bowed his head and said nothing.


"I can't take it anymore!" A guest stood up, ignoring the threats of the players, and yelled, "The airship will crash and die, and being eaten alive by the mutant species is also dead! I would rather jump from here!"

The players were still hesitating whether to shoot or not. The guest who had a nervous breakdown had already run to the railing of the airship deck, and was about to flip out and fall.

He convulsed and fell down in pain.

Tudou girl pressed her temples, and the numbers in her eyes gradually disappeared: "Another one who wants to jump down. Cute man, we can actually teleport back now, anyway, this airship is destined to be useless. Before the news reaches Giant Spirit City, We can still take the next blimp to the parking spot."

Meng Nan looked at the surrounding guests worriedly: "Although I know that they are all NPCs in some games, I still want to do something for them."

The huge shadow of the airship, cast on the wasteland floor.

More and more mutant species, smelling the volatile energy liquid, followed the shadows.

They gathered more and more, more and more, the terrifying roars could be heard even by the people on the airship.

"I still have a lot of things to do." A customer listened to the roar of the monster in his ear, carved his last words on a metal plate, and then fastened the metal plate close to his body.

Last words: No matter who you are, no matter where you picked this up, if I become a mutant, please shoot me in the head and give me a merciful ending.

The burly man carved words on the metal wall of the airship: "If you see this, tell the fuck to Broken Arm Locke, the owner of the Beauty Bar, I have been greedy for her body for a long time. Fuck the airship!"

The couple asked the players for a rope, and tied their wrists tightly together.

"I love you." The wife covered her bulging belly with one hand.

"I love you too." The husband looked at his wife with affection in his eyes.

"Ah—" the wife cried out in pain, clutching her stomach.

Data flickered in her prosthetic eyes: "I, I'm going to give birth."

The husband was flustered and at a loss.

He couldn't speak fluently: "Now, now, we are all about to die, this, the child came at a really bad time..."


The surroundings were in a mess, and the cute boy looked dizzy.

He hurriedly typed on the World Channel: "On the airship, will someone deliver the baby?"

[…]:? ? ?

[Player A]: Who is going to give birth?

[Big-eyed cute boy]: An NPC.

[Player A]: Big boy, are you kidding me?In the game, when an NPC gives birth, isn't it a few recorded screams of pregnant women, and then the baby's modeling is pushed out by the console, followed by the baby's recorded crying?
[Player A]: Although this game claims to be 100% real, it doesn't have to be so real, right?
[Big-eyed cute boy]: Be prepared.

[Psychiatrist]: I'm on the airship.However, although I studied obstetrics in medical school, I later studied in psychiatry, and now it is inevitable that births will be hand-delivered.

A female player wearing glasses ran over and said to the cute boy: "I don't have any tools at hand now, this is not okay. I want some-"

"By the way," Tudou girl asked, "Even if you take off the mother's pants, there is still a mosaic underneath, right? How do you deliver the baby?"

The female player pushed her glasses: "You may not know that as long as you change your job as a prosthetic doctor, this game will lift the mosaic restrictions on you. Speaking of which, what happened to the pile of dead arms in the warehouse area?
I just changed jobs and went back to find sixteen arms protruding from the dirt at the door, which is too scary for normal people.No wonder people in Djinn City call us cyberpsychopaths.Who would bury a pile of dead bodies in front of their house, and still bury them like this? "

The cute man frowned: "I can only see a little mosaic. I thought it was buried deep enough. I'll go back in a while, so I might as well dispose of those NPC corpses. Strange, won't the corpses in this game disappear?"

(End of this chapter)

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