The so-called myth

"What's going on here?" The smoker slowly put down the individual bazooka on his shoulders.

The cute man stepped forward and looked at the mosaic-covered head: "At least the result is the same. He died."

The players were talking.

A guest squatting on the ground suddenly ran towards the deck railing at an extremely fast speed.

Mengnan heard from other NPCs that it was the health doctor of the dead company employee.

The Doctor leaped over the edge of the deck, blowing his ill-fitting coat away, revealing the bat-like membrane between limbs beneath it.

He opened his hands and let the high-altitude wind take him to glide into the distance.

"We also missed a saboteur." The smoker picked up the bazooka and pointed it at the health doctor gliding in the air.

The cute man stretched out his hand to stop him: "We are not from the Giant Spirit Glory Company, so there is no need to fight desperately with the Brotherhood."

"Also." The smoker put the bazooka into the game backpack.


world channel.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: This airship is about to crash in half an hour. Everyone try to fill up their backpacks, and then count down the seconds together to teleport back to the resurrection point.

The cute man closed the game interface and watched the pilot check in the downed miniature airship.

He asked: "How is it, can it still be used?"

"It's basically usable, but it's a little bumpy," the pilot said overjoyed. "The airship can take up to two people, so there must be a pilot, right?"

The players suddenly became excited and gathered together in one place.

"What's wrong?" Meng Nan stepped forward.

"It's born! It's born!" A player applauded.

"Don't squeeze, let me see!" Another player poked his head out.

"Are you sure it's a baby? Ugly."

The cute boy pushed away the layers of players and saw the little thing that was just born.

Red, wrinkled, did not open his eyes.

It's ugly.

The female player stretched out her bloody hand and patted it, and the little thing let out its first cry.

"It went very well," she asked the mother. "Is this the first baby?"

The mother nodded weakly.

The female player breathed a sigh of relief: "The little girl is very healthy, at least there is no problem now."

"You guys." The mother's voice was very low.

Her eyes were full of expectation: "You are not panicking at all, there must be a way to survive, right? Can you take my child away?"

The players were silent.

The airship is about to crash in half an hour.

"The small airship of the trauma team can carry one person," Mengnan said. "You take the baby and go to the airship. The driver will take you to the city of giant spirits."

The mother didn't say anything, just looked at her husband.

Her husband gave the baby a deep look and nodded slightly.

When the mother took the newborn child and sat in the only vacant seat on the airship, the guests who were desperately trying to please the company people in order to survive, surprisingly did not object.

This is an airship destined to die, and now, someone will leave with a life that has just come into this world.

Players don't care at all, though.

After watching the newborns, they are busy stuffing things into the game backpack.


"I want this too, this is delicious."

"Don't just take food, don't you think the shape of this fork is very handsome?"

The smoker took a breath, lifted a piece of the floor of the inner corridor, and put it into the game backpack.

"You also want this?" Potato Girl asked in surprise.

"Look, Potato girl," the smoker pointed to the bullet marks on the metal floor, "the bullets can't even pierce them, so they must be useful."

Tudou girl walked out of the inner corridor and saw players tearing things apart.

A rocket blasted down, and the room on the second floor of the airship was blown through.

A player held up a piece of exploded metal fragments towards the sun with a proud smile on his face.


Players are everywhere shouting: "Tear this down too! It's shiny and beautiful!"

Together they broke down the walls and pried away the floorboards.

Tudou girl even suspected that if it wasn't for the lack of space in the game backpack, this group of players could have packed and taken the entire airship away before it crashed.

Brother Zhu Jun used his traditional arts skills to leave a portrait of the Flying Potato God on the metal wall next to the unremovable deck, and he also publicized the great achievements of the Flying Potato God to the ashen-faced guests.

Of course, they are all made up now.

The ghost knows what fairy tales he copied, and the guests were taken aback when they heard it. Someone really prayed to the God of Flying Potatoes.

Not to mention potatoes with wings, Tudou girl felt that even if it was a dung beetle, they would be grateful if they saved them in this situation.

[Wolf that meows like a cat]: Come and see.

Brother Wolf stood in front of a pile of strange fabrics.

This was discovered by the players from a certain room during the demolition, and it seemed to be a tarp originally used to wrap the transmission.

Very light, yet tough and boxy.

"Make a slow-descent device," Brother Wolf said, "very simple. Although it is very likely that the bones will be broken after landing, or you may die on the spot, but it is better than waiting to die."

The cute man said, "I think you can try it."


"The God of Flying Potatoes said that the evil in human hearts cannot be erased, so he created a mutant species that punishes human beings." Brother Zhu Jun was in high spirits, "He also stipulated that since the crime is so serious, it is better to bring a boundless disaster. Destroy everything in this world!"

The guests exclaimed.

Brother Zhu Jun's tone slowed down and gradually became gentle: "The holy lady prayed to the gods, saying that although human beings are infinitely sinful, there are also kindness. Go to the pure land, where there are no mutants, everyone is equal, and everyone can do what they want to do."

The eyes of the guests are full of anticipation.

Although with the level of knowledge of these people, most of them will not believe the words of these gods and gods, but when it comes to life and death, they are willing to indulge temporarily, absorbing a little energy from these illusory stories, so as to reduce the fear of death.

[Everyone accompany me to kill the enemy]: Tudou girl, come on stage, you are now the living saint of the Flying Potato God Sect.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Brothers, are you sure?How did I become a saint?
[All gentlemen accompany me to kill the enemy]: Oh, come on stage!

Potato girl sighed and walked to the high platform made of round dining tables.

She could clearly see the disappointment in the eyes of the guests.

Yes, the saint in the last fantasy of the guests is radiant, how can she be so ordinary?
"Saint," a visitor shouted, "Since the Flying Potato God is omnipotent, why doesn't he save those of us who are willing to join the Church?"

Tudou girl said in her heart, this Flying Tudou God is all made up, how can he be omnipotent?

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Potato girl, the God of Flying Potato can do it.Follow the words I type, and you organize the language.Things are turning around now, but it's troublesome.

Tudou girl still believed the cute man's words.

She raised her head and chest, and said to the guests in the audience: "There are a total of [-] of you, are you willing to join the church?"

Seeing that Tudou girl didn't say that God can't save people, the hope in the hearts of the guests rose a bit.

"We do." "I do."

"In that case," Tudou Girl said, "Flying Potato God Sect needs devout believers. What kind of believers are devout?"

She smiled and said: "You open your hands, jump off the airship with the god-given thing, and advance on the wasteland where the mutants are rampant until you return to the giant spirit city. Such believers are devout believers! "

"God-given" was brought up by the players.

It was a very simple parachute, so simple that it would fall apart.

(End of this chapter)

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