Chapter 129 Sun-dried salt method is a big success, dispute!
Said to be a Mohist master, is a Mohist master!
There are not a few Qin Mo who will be the young mansion, and Liu Pi wished to give them all to Zhao Si, but due to the consideration of the number of people, in the end he only selected 27 people carefully.

"If Zhao Shilang is short of manpower, you can come here to ask me to transfer at any time." Liu Pi introduced Zhao Si one by one with an eager smile on his face.

Most of them are young people in their 30s and [-]s, Mohist disciples who have mastered certain professional skills, knowledge, quick thinking, and good cultural accomplishment.

Liu Pi is very smart, and he didn't assign Zhao Si an old antique who likes to preach.

Seeing this, Zhao Si was not overly polite, and went straight back to Lang Zhongling.

"Second and third sons, this is the art of papermaking... that is, to make paper that is comparable to silk from grass and trees to replace bamboo slips. Now the art of papermaking has been slightly accomplished, but if you can improve, you will be awarded titles and rewards." Not less."

"This is the technique of printing!" After introducing the technique of papermaking, Zhao Si began to introduce the technique of printing to them before a group of Mohist disciples curiously observed the process of papermaking technique and the hemp paper that had already been produced.

"Just like this seal, if you cover it with ink and print it on paper, you can save the inconvenience of copying and engraving it." Zhao Si briefly introduced the principle.

The most important thing about printing is the production of engraving...

Printing is divided into movable type printing and engraving printing. It seems that printing is movable type printing, and engraving printing is an antique.

But it's not...

The advantage of woodblock printing lies in large-scale printing, which saves time, effort and money. On the contrary, movable type printing is expensive and difficult to produce. In fact, woodblock printing was the mainstream until the end of feudal society.

"Liu Zhonghou must have already told you about it, so I won't repeat it. In short, these two things are the most important things. As long as they are made well and can be mass-produced, there will be no shortage of titles or monetary rewards." After Zhao Si finished speaking, he looked at the military craftsman dispatched from Lantian.

"Is there any spare time in the calculation?"

The calculation book is the calculation book that Zhao Si got out in Lantian before, which records all the mathematical formulas in Zhao Si's memory, as well as the calculation methods of Arabic numerals.

Zhao Si didn't hide his secrets, but he also didn't have the ability to promote it widely. Currently, it is only widely circulated in Lantian.

There is no way, there is no paper, no printing in this era, only relying on manual transcription and word of mouth, it is beyond ordinary people to write a book.

Numbers are the most important thing and the foundation of everything.

Zhao Si intends to correct and typeset the calculation books he summed up during the research and development process of papermaking and printing techniques, and also intends to collect the few basic knowledge of physical chemistry in his mind.

When papermaking and printing are completed, the three books of mathematics, physics, and chemistry will be published together.

Zhao Si is neither a scientist nor a good teacher.

He can only read dead books, and the most knowledge he can remember is at the level of junior high school.

But this is enough. Just the knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry in junior high school is enough to save hundreds of years of detours in this era.

The military craftsman presented the calculation book written by Zhao Si, and Zhao Si handed the calculation book to Zhuo.

"This is a book of calculations that I wrote in my spare time. You can take a look at the words of the family."

Compared with the military craftsman who was already old and didn't have much cultural foundation, and only knew how to read dead books, Zhao Si had more expectations for the 27 young Mohist disciples in front of him.

Zhuo didn't care about it, but silently took the calculation book to thank him, and kept staring at the papermaking production line, thinking about how hemp is turned into paper through these processes, what role these processes play, and what kind of effects are there? reason……

As for the calculation book sent by Zhao Si, he didn't really care about it...

The main reason is that Zhao Si is too young and has no education. Although he is in a high position, the pride of a cultural person still doesn't make them pay attention.

"During this period, in addition to papermaking and printing, if there are other techniques that benefit the people and the army, you can do whatever you want. As long as it can benefit the people and the army, I will personally ask for credit for you. If it benefits the country Limin, it is not an exaggeration to go up to the third level." Zhao Si smiled.

"Zhao Shilang's words are serious?" A Mohist disciple heard this with suspicion on his face.

"One promise, one gold!"

"I can design a kind of waterwheel. Has Zhao Shilang ever heard of a waterwheel?"

Zhao Si nodded.

"The waterwheel I built is [-]% cheaper than ordinary waterwheels in the same environment, but it can double the power. What reward is it worth?"

Zhao Si smiled, shook his head and said with a smile, "Will it hinder downstream production and farming?"

"There is some influence, but not too much." The other party said after a moment of pondering.

"If the waterwheel you designed can only benefit a few dozens or hundreds of people, it can only reward you with some money." Zhao Si said after pondering.

"If the waterwheel you designed can benefit thousands of people, I will guarantee you a higher rank."

"If the waterwheel you designed can benefit a whole county, I'll guarantee you a three-tier upgrade."

"If the waterwheel you design can benefit counties and counties all over the world, I will guarantee you to upgrade to five ranks!"

"It's not just waterwheels, it doesn't matter what you design, as long as it can benefit the world..." Zhao Si looked at everyone with burning eyes.

Papermaking and printing techniques are the ideas and main ideas proposed by Zhao Si himself, so to come to a grand duke, three not to change, and a large number of low-level titles, to be honest, the first emperor made an exception.

With Zhao Si occupying the main idea and main creative direction, this group of step-by-step craftsmen are not worthy of so many titles.

But Zhao Si was just buying horse bones for thousands of dollars.

"Everyone should know that the title I want to come this time is a doctor, and three will not be changed." Zhao Si looked at everyone and said in a deep voice.

"Unless you change, you will be rewarded for your merit."

"These titles are only for papermaking and printing. I will give you extra credit for the things you design!"

After the words fell, the 27 Mohist disciples were clearly agitated.

Benefiting the land of a county, the noble is promoted to three levels...

Benefit the world, upgrade to five ranks...

What kind of temptation is this?God is pitiful, if Daqin had rewarded him so much long ago, Qin Mo, who flooded into Daqin in the past, would not know how many would be able to become marquises.

You know, the smelting technology of the Qin Dynasty back then, as well as the design of engineering equipment, the design of irrigation channels, and even the weaving of mulberry and hemp...

Essentially speaking, a large number of Mohist disciples poured into Great Qin to become Qin Mo, which directly raised all aspects of Great Qin to a higher level, and even allowed Qin to innovate, causing a crushing blow to the six countries at the technical level.

Why is the Mohism divided into two, one is against Qin and the other is helping Qin, but Qin has been promoted the most?
Because the Mohists are not welcomed everywhere, they can be used but not reused.

Although Qin State's rewards are low, at least the rewards are clear and implemented in place, while the rest of the countries... either the rewards are ridiculously low, or the credits are easy to be embezzled...

And what is Zhao Si's promise?
Up three levels in a row, five levels in a row!
Compared with the current title rewards of Daqin, it is more than an order of magnitude higher?
Originally only worth the credit of the first-level title, now it is worth the third-level title, or even the fifth-level title...

Right now, the 27 Mohist disciples are all carefully selected by Liu Pi, and they can be regarded as the most intelligent Mohist disciples in the entire Jiangzuo Shaofu, and the most successful Mohist disciples of the younger generation.

Who doesn't have a little technology in their hands?
Zhao Si simply announced a standard for asking for merit. After all, it has not yet become a custom. This is just a small experiment, but for this group of Mohist disciples...

More than a dozen Mohist disciples gasped, eager to invest in technology research and development immediately.

After Zhao Si finished speaking, he didn't stay for long. The title of title is touching, not just because of the title, but because titles are linked to rights in this era, and they have not reached the corresponding titles, and many powers are not eligible to compete.

What Zhao Si wanted was not to open up a political career path for this group of technical talents.

Similarly, he didn't want to break Shangjun's regulations, destroy Daqin's promotion system, and leave an opening for credit.

What he wants is to let this group of technical talents receive reasonable and favorable treatment to stimulate their creative enthusiasm, and at the same time, let this group of technical geeks not participate in politics, not be linked to politics and rights, but to honestly invest in scientific research and development and the theory innovation. among.

Facts have proved that the political skills of the Mohist school cannot be said to be poor, it can only be said to be a complete mess.

In order to devote himself to politics, he even came up with all kinds of weird theories, and finally the internal division was serious...

Zhao Si doesn't care about the Mohist family, what he cares about is the group of technical nerds who live in the Mohisth.

Leave here and report to Meng Yi. After all, Lang Zhongling has more than 30 people at once, and the salary still needs to go to Lang Zhongling's side. Activities and office space are also needed, so there must be an official report.

After the report was over, the sun had set to the west, and Zhao Si went straight to the palace.

After Tong Bing's body search and inspection, Zhao Si went straight to Shi Huang's office.

"Minister Zhao Si, see Your Majesty!"

Zhao Si stood still outside the door.

Emperor Shi Huang, who was talking with Li Si, nodded to signal Zhao Si to enter.

"Your Majesty, I think...there is no need to adjust the salt price, just maintain the status quo." Li Si didn't look back, and the First Emperor signaled Zhao Si to come in, and he didn't talk to Zhao Si again.

It has been several months since the sun-drying salt method was put into use and officially popularized to reform the saltworks.

Today, one-third of the production methods in Daqin's seaside salt ponds have changed from boiling salt to sun-dried salt.

The rest of the sun-dried salt ponds along the coast are still under construction and put into production in an orderly manner.

It is estimated that in the next year, the coastal areas of Daqin will be able to change from the original backward boiling salt method to the more advanced drying salt method.

You know, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the sun-dried salt method was still the largest salt-producing technique in the land of Zhuxia.

Now that the first batch of salt ponds in Daqin has started production, the intuitive change brought about is that the salt production has been greatly increased and the cost has been greatly reduced.

Compared with the time-consuming and labor-intensive production method that requires firewood to cook salt, today's sun-dried salt method is almost beyond advanced.

Now that the construction and production of salt ponds are on the right track, they have been handed over from Langzhong Ling to Shaofu. However, Meng Yi, as the leader of the initial work, knows the increase in salt production and the reduction in salt production costs, so Shangzuo proposed to reduce the price of salt.

Meng Yi's move aroused the dissatisfaction of the Shaofu You Cheng Chi Gong.

Shaofu is responsible for production and construction and taxes for mountains, rivers and rivers.

In human terms, it is the autocratic taxation of salt and gold, which is the purse of the Shaofu. How could Chi Gong agree to lower the price?

The output of his cat has just increased, and the cost has just dropped, and he is about to make a fortune. You Meng Yi said that it can be reduced?

As for the left prime minister, Li Si, he was obviously more inclined towards the Shaofu right prime minister, Chi Gong.

The so-called Guanshanhai salt monopoly is nothing more than cracking down on private salt and at the same time incorporating tax into the price. To put it bluntly, the salt tax is added to the salt price. It is a completely monopoly business, and it is also the bulk of Daqin's current fiscal revenue.

Li Si is a Legalist...

(End of this chapter)

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