Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 217 Changes in Qin State, Chen Ping's change.

Chapter 217 Changes in Qin State, Chen Ping's change.


Zhang Cang sat in the courtyard, and Chen Ping sat opposite him.

Both of them were from Yangwu County, and Zhang Cang had been famous for a long time. After all, he was a censor in Qin State, so he was considered a celebrity in Yangwu.

As for Chen Ping, he can be regarded as a dilapidated household in Hutan Township, Yangwu County.

Originally, the two would not have much intersection.

The family backgrounds of the two are very different, not to mention that Zhang Cang learned from Xunzi a long time ago and went to Xianyang under the recommendation of Li Si, while Chen Ping was still studying abroad at that time.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a study tour. To be precise, it should be a teacher.

Chen Ping's elder brother supported Chen Ping with all his strength, and even divorced his wife angrily because of her bad words towards Chen Ping.

After Chen Ping learned a lot, he stayed at home, reviewing what he had learned while helping his elder brother Chen Bo in farming.

When Zhang Cang fled to Xianyang and returned to his hometown, Chen Ping met Zhang Cang when he was buying goods in the county town.

With just a few words between the two, Zhang Cang, who was anonymous, discovered Chen Ping's extraordinaryness. However, Chen Ping, who had no famous teacher to teach him, was full of doubts.

The two thus intersect.

In this way, the two can be regarded as both teachers and friends. Up to now, Chen Ping has completely digested the knowledge he gained from his study tour. In terms of knowledge, Zhang Cang thinks that Chen Ping is not weaker than himself, but now he just lacks practice, so Chen Ping is full of ambition and is about to show off what he has learned.

"In my view of Qin, although it has only been more than [-] years since he ruled the world, the King of Qin did not set up a crown prince, he raised doubts from top to bottom, and employed people to handle affairs. Look, this is not a good place to go." Zhang Cang said.

"I thought the same way before... so I don't know where to go because of my knowledge. Now the situation of Qin State may be different from what you said." Chen Ping smiled and said.

"Some time ago, the first emperor sent a team to search for immortals. Although they didn't bring back the immortal medicine, they brought back three kinds of grains, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corns, which can produce thousands of catties per mu. Now they have been distributed everywhere." Chen Ping said.

"Of course I know this, but the trouble of the Qin State is not the food." Zhang Cang had to hide from others because he returned from a fugitive.

"Not only that, not long ago, Qin State planted rice, millet, millet, and bean with an yield of four stones per mu. I guess the output of wheat will not be less." Chen Ping said.

"In the past, there were people who could grow food four stones away." Zhang Cang shook his head.

"No, the king of Qin has ordered that these grains be distributed everywhere. You should know what that means." Chen Ping said in a deep voice.

Zhang Cang's heart was shocked, and he popularized the place...

That means that it is not an accidental phenomenon, that means that with the current farming techniques and conditions, high yields can be achieved everywhere in the world.

This... has a different meaning.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhang Cang shook his head again.

Why does he keep a good censor and doesn't know the law and break the law?
Why didn't he even let his senior brother Li Si intercede for him before running away?
To put it bluntly, his censor was recommended by Li Si. After getting along for a period of time, Zhang Cang discovered many problems.

Nuo Da's empire was in chaos, and the root cause was not others, but the first emperor.

It can't be said that the first emperor was a fool, but the first emperor's ambitions were too great. As a subject, Zhang Cang thought it was difficult to meet the first emperor's ambitions, and even Daqin would be destroyed because of the first emperor's ambitions.

The most terrible thing is that the first emperor seemed to be a listener, able to retain different opinions, and tolerate criticism from others. In fact, he was a very determined person.

Zhang Cang only felt a heavy shadow over his head during his short time together.

He seems to have seen through all your thoughts and behaviors. The so-called tolerance of different opinions by this king is essentially to bring out the things he has decided to discuss with you again.

Even before the discussion, he knew what kind of reaction and rhetoric the ministers would have, and he had made all the plans.

There are many similar things. The civil and military officials under him are not like courtiers, but like beasts tamed by him.

This made Zhang Cang feel deeply disrespected and feared.

Once such a person makes a mistake, no one can stop him.

The most terrible thing is that, in Zhang Cang's view, the state of Qin is already on the road to subjugation.

He couldn't face the senior brother Li Si who recommended him, so he simply made a mistake on purpose and left without saying goodbye.

How can Qin's worry lie in food?
The worry of the Qin State is that the king's ambition is too big, so big that most people think it is nothing more than a dream. What did the first emperor want to do?Zhang Cang couldn't explain it clearly, but he could realize that he was trying to complete the journey of hundreds of years in ten years.

"This is not the trouble of Qin." Zhang Cang shook his head.

In fact, Zhang Cang agreed with and recognized the Qin system very much. After the Han Dynasty ruled the world, it was Zhang Cang who presided over the unification of weights and measures and currency. Eight tones, and other analogies, to formulate laws and regulations.And from this, the measurement standards of various utensils were formulated as the norms of all kinds of craftsmen in the world.

Zhang Cang is the censor of the Qin State, in charge of the royal collection of rare books, and Zhang Cang himself is also Li Si’s younger brother, who also learned from Xunzi. Li Si’s ruling philosophy is the most familiar with the Qin system. Objectively speaking, the so-called Han inherits Qin Zhang Cang is actually the most important person.

Without Zhang Cang, no one could perfectly restore so many legal systems in Qin State, and no one could figure out the meaning of what the first emperor did. You must know that the death of Qin was already politically correct at that time, if Zhang Cang did not reject all opinions , Many Qin laws and systems will be canceled or changed beyond recognition.

Not only that, Zhang Cang also corrected some things that were too hasty, and made a century-old plan for the unification of the Han Dynasty, and he did not act too hastily like his senior brother. This also achieved the situation where people's hearts were completely unified after Qin and Han.

Zhang Cang saw the state of Qin's subjugation early on. This is not something that can be saved by one or two kinds of food. The most terrible thing is the king sitting on the top. His ambition is too great, and the whole world can't bear it. The first emperor is the typical king I want all of them.

He was too domineering and he couldn't make a choice, and no courtiers could persuade him. Once this kind of core issue was involved, the first emperor would do what you said, and he would not listen at all.

The first emperor's so-called concurrent listening means that you are allowed to speak, but I just don't use it.


"There is one more thing..." Chen Ping smiled.

"The price of Qin's official salt has dropped."

"Of course I know, but Chen Ping, don't you know? The worry of Qin is not the price of salt. If Qin is regarded as a carriage, the king of Qin is the driver, and the nobles of military merit are pushing the carriage. People who are going forward, if the carriage is too fast, it will bump, and there is even a risk of overturning. If you want him to move smoothly, you have to slow down, but King Qin wanted the carriage to move smoothly, so he kept raising the whip He urged the horses to think that they could not run fast enough.

Someone should have persuaded King Qin, telling him that the carriage would be too bumpy if it ran too fast, and asked him to slow down, but King Qin would not listen to these opinions. If you yell around him, he will only say that you are right, Then continue to swing the whip.

Over time, what the officials of the state of Qin wanted to do was not the right thing to do. They had to consider how to make the chariot run more stably when King Qin kept waving his whip.

But Chen Ping, this is something that manpower cannot do.

The senior brother knows that he can't persuade King Qin, so he blindly follows King Qin's wishes. Is this a strategy to make the country long-term peace and stability?
Can my senior brother really make the carriage move smoothly while satisfying King Qin?

At least I couldn't do it, so I ran away because of it.

The state of Qin is like a horse-drawn carriage that is out of control. The civil and military officials under the king of Qin blindly obey the will to drive the carriage to continue to speed up. Even if someone persuades him, no one can persuade the king of Qin. what? "Speaking of this, Zhang Cang's chest was full of indignation.

There is no doubt that he was the one who advised Shi Huangdi not to drive too fast.

The only response I got was the rushing wind, and I couldn't hear what you said.

For the sake of power, the senior brother catered to the first emperor's thoughts, but he never thought about whether the chariot of the Qin State was at risk of getting out of control, and no one could persuade the first emperor to tighten the reins and slow down.

Can this be changed by increasing grain production and lowering salt prices?

No, the increase in food production and the reduction of salt prices are at best just making the roads for the chariots smoother. It is still expected that the chariots will get out of control.

"But what if there is someone who can persuade His Majesty, or even stop His Majesty's driving?" Chen Ping smiled.

"Before, His Majesty was assassinated in Dongjun, and his attendant Zhao Si was seriously injured when guarding Wang Jia. King Qin drove him to stay in Dongjun for a month. Because of this, King Qin went on a killing spree. Thousands of corpses lay in Dongjun, and blood flowed like rivers." Chen Ping smiled gossipingly.


"Why do you believe this kind of nonsense? The King of Qin is not someone who would vent his anger because of private affairs. The reason why he killed so much was because he needed to do so...

Besides, that's not what I meant when I said parking. "

"It's not bad... Zhao Si proposed the salt price reduction. Your senior brother Li Xiang is against lowering the salt price..."

Chen Ping explained the whole story.

Zhang Cang knew his senior brother very well.

Senior brother Li Si is used to guessing what he wants.

In other words, Li Si's ideas will basically not conflict with Shi Huang.

Even if there is a conflict, the senior brother usually changes it on the spot.

Especially small things like lowering the price of salt.

So...According to the inference, that is to say, the senior brother thought that the first emperor was unwilling to lower the salt price, and because of Zhao Si, the first emperor changed his mind?

(Because the left foot is the first to enter the door, a new chapter is hereby added.)
(End of this chapter)

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