Chapter 287 Become famous in Jiangdong!

Xiang Yu lifted a thousand-jin tripod, and Zhao Si lifted two.

The effect of suppressing the number was still obvious. The people present held their breath along with Zhao Si holding the tripod, and the scene fell into an eerie silence. For a moment, a needle could be heard.

"I originally thought that Xiang Ji's bravery was unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect someone to be braver than him. Who is this..."

"Zhao Si, the closest eagle dog under the first emperor's command, was originally a boy in Xu Fu's boat to search for immortals. Later, Xu Fu stayed in Fusang and made himself king. It was because he took the boat and fled to Qin, and brought back three kinds of immortal food. Therefore, he was introduced by the first emperor as a close minister, and he was often taken by his side to observe the state affairs, and guarded by the first emperor with a halberd. In the past, the son of Wei Guo of the Eastern Commandery assassinated him, and it was Zhao Si's personal protection that made the success fall short." A disciple of the Xiang family answered softly. .

"Lifting the double tripod! It's more than 2000 catties!"

"Is Ji better than him?"

"Hard to say……"

"Zhao Si is the king of Qin's eagle dog, and he raised the tripod today, probably at the behest of the king of Qin, in order to suppress the reputation of the Xiang family..."

After the silence, there was an uproar!

Some people are whispering, while some people are madly outputting their hearts but shouting loudly on their faces.

"it is good!!!"


Uncle Xiang was the first to clap his hands and applaud, with a sense of awe that he couldn't tell whether it was true or not, he lowered his head and said to the First Emperor: "Your Majesty's warriors are really brave, and no one in the world can surpass them."

Not to mention Uncle Xiang, even the accompanying courtiers couldn't stop praising him.

"Langzhong Zhao is truly extraordinary..." Li Si stroked his goatee with a smile on his face.

Everyone knew that Zhao Si was very strong and brave, but he had never shown such an intuitive performance before, and now it is very clear.

Can lift a tripod, or can lift two!

"I'm afraid this punch will hurt for a long time, right?" a Confucian scholar accompanying him murmured softly.

The one who spoke was a Confucian scholar. Confucian scholars in this era still have to practice the Six Arts of a Gentleman. Naturally, they are not mere nerds, but they are still a little dazed in the face of Zhao Si's intuitive and outstanding courage that has surpassed the limit of human beings.

"It won't hurt." Shu Suntong, the doctor who was waiting for Zhao, shook his head when he heard the words.

The Confucian scholar was stunned for a moment and looked at Shusun Tong who was answering the conversation, he didn't know what to say.

"It will die, it won't hurt." Shu Suntong said with a smile.

"It's a good thing that Zhao Si can't debate classics..." The Confucian scholar was alerted by Shu Suntong, and the image of Zhao Si punching him inexplicably appeared in his mind.

The debates in this era are not only oral debates, but also physical debates. That is to say, during the Qin Dynasty, the laws and regulations of the court were strict.

If Zhao Si went to debate the scriptures, the chances of winning would be too great, wouldn't he be a bad old man with one punch?
Fortunately, Zhao Si is not from any school or faction, let alone the scriptures.

Zhao Si put down the double tripods, only felt his arms were sore and swollen, moved his arms a little, and came to the First Emperor with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, fortunately not humiliated!"

The First Emperor smiled and nodded, and the accompanying courtiers praised Zhao Si's bravery, which inexplicably made the First Emperor feel a different kind of joy.

It seemed that someone was praising his juniors, which made Emperor Shi Huang feel more at ease than intuitive flattery.

"So, how does it compare to Xiang Ji?" Shi Huangshi looked at Uncle Xiang calmly.

"Mr. Zhao's courage is incomparable!" Xiang Bo hurriedly answered submissively.

This is really convinced, not oral dissatisfaction.

Zhao Si really lifted the double tripod. Although Xiang Ji was brave, he had never done such a thing before, and Uncle Xiang didn't know if Xiang Ji could do it.

The first emperor's purpose has obviously been fully achieved.

He looked at Uncle Xiang with deep meaning in his eyes, and then waved his hand to signal that he would drive away from Xiang's ancestral land.

After the first emperor drove away until he disappeared, the atmosphere in the entire Xiang family's ancestral land was still heavy, not active, and not many people opened their mouths.

After a long time, the voices of the people and horses completely died down, and the Emperor Shi Huang's drive probably had completely gone before someone spoke softly.

"The King of Qin has humiliated the Xiang family so far!"

Accompanied by a whisper, as if a switch had been turned on, the children of the Xiang family cursed one after another.

It's really humiliating, this is the ancestral land of the Xiang family and the place where the Xiang family sacrifices.

Zhao Si crushing Xiang Yu here is tantamount to shitting on Xiang's head.

Leaving aside the small thoughts of the Xiang family, why is Zhao Zheng, a maidservant, so unqualified?

Xiang Bo stood where he was, looking at the disciples in the clan who were indignant with each other, with a trace of bitterness on his face.

The first emperor's driving has gone far, who can hear it now?
This time, it's not about overwhelming others.

The first emperor's close-fitting hawks and dogs really lifted the double tripods, and they really crushed people with force.

He has nothing but fear.

Compared with the swearing at each other by the disciples in the clan, Xiang Bo thought more.

How did the First Emperor learn of these rumors?

When did the first emperor master a team of people to explore places?

How much did the First Emperor know about the Xiang family?Perhaps, it's not just about Xiang Ji Juding?
There's no way, the Xiang family's butt is really not clean!

Did Emperor Shihuang come here on purpose, but did he have any deep meaning?
Xiang Bo scanned the entire Xiang family's ancestral land, and found that there were not a few people who were as silent as himself.

Not everyone has the courage and need to scold the first emperor angrily, and not everyone feels the glory and hatred of the Xiang family in the past.

But everyone is well aware of the fact that Xiang Ji, the core disciple of the Xiang family, will become a stepping stone on Zhao Si's road to fame and a foil for him.

The world will no longer lament Xiang Ji's bravery, but only lament Zhao Si's terror of overwhelming Xiang Yu.

"This is the state of Qin..." Xiang Bo let out a long sigh!
Yes, this is Qin State!

This is the nightmare that hangs over the hearts of the people of the world!

It seems that no matter from any aspect, military, political, financial, generals, courtiers, Qin has undoubtedly crushed the six countries, and is the only one that deserves it!
So much so that Zhao Si forced Xiang Yu to raise the double tripods, which inexplicably gave Xiang Bo a sense of course.

That's right, Qin State has already proved his status as the strongest in the world with the fact that he has destroyed the six kingdoms, so it seems reasonable for Qin State to come out with a brave and unparalleled Zhao Si.

The hideous big boss of Qin State did not become weak and powerless with the passage of time, on the contrary, it just became more terrifying. The cloud that shrouded the world seemed to show no signs of dissipating, on the contrary, it became heavier and heavier .

After Zhao Si raised the tripod and overwhelmed Xiang Yu, the first emperor's driver set off again.

Of course, there is no need to talk about the initiative of the court and even the local government to build momentum for Zhao Si.

With the passage of time, Zhao Si's statement that he used double tripods to suppress Xiang Ji in the ancestral land of the Xiang family gradually spread in the Jiangdong area.

People in the world are very lively, some people angrily scolded Zhao Zheng for being careless, some scolded Qin for being domineering, but more people felt afraid in the constant setbacks.

Qin is very strong!

It is so strong that it seems that it is invincible from any angle.

Even if it is the bravery of a common man, there is no one in Qin who can surpass Zhao Si!
This time, Zhao Si's reputation was finally no longer limited to the aura of immortal food brought back from the ship.

His name is also more well known by Jiangdong's disciples.

His reputation was neither good nor bad, some people lamented Zhao Si's bravery, while others scolded Qin for being domineering.

But there was no doubt that everyone recognized Zhao Si's well-deserved terror in terms of personal force.

Zhao Si's image became more and more full in the Jiangdong area. When discussing personal martial arts, and even wrestling, Zhao Si has become a name that cannot be avoided.

The spread of new things is inherently faster, because the public likes to eat melons in their hearts. This time, the spread of public opinion is much faster than the speed of government orders.

Even the first emperor's drive could not keep up with the rumors about Zhao Si's brave deeds.

When Zhao Si was mentioned, everyone had a specific impression in their hearts, instead of using sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn instead.

"Wearing golden armor, holding a big halberd in his hand, and carrying a three-stone strong bow on his back, he is Zhao Si!"

Someone whispered after driving away...

Everyone knew that the burly man in full armor wearing golden armor, holding a big halberd in his hand and carrying a three-stone bow on his back was Zhao Si.

And Zhao Si has always been close to the king, now it is much easier to lock the car of the first emperor, Zhao Si is wearing a golden armor, and his figure is far beyond ordinary people, he must be the brightest boy in the car.

The first emperor was easy to send suspicious vehicles, but Zhao Si was easy to find.

Zhao Si, as the interim order of the CRRC government, is naturally aware of this risk. He drives the first emperor every day, and he has almost become the mark of the first emperor. Take precautions.

"It's strange, the Jiangdong area is so peaceful?"

It's a pity that Zhao Si stepped up his arrangements and raised his vigilance, but the driving was inexplicably quiet, and even the fools who were sent to death were gone.

Not to mention that someone planned to enter the first emperor's team and lock the first emperor's car through Zhao Si's beacon.

"If I were an assassin, I wouldn't come..." Liu Bang, who was driving for Zhao Si, smiled.

"My lord, if you hit this halberd, you can't beat people to pieces?" Liu Bang imitated it with both hands, causing a burst of laughter.

"This matter is based on a small scale. The number of people is more expensive than the number. The quantity can't be compared, and the quality can only win. Now the master's martial bravery has spread all over the Jiangdong area. Which madman dares to say that he is as brave as the master?" Xia Houying said with emotion on his face.

If he was an assassin, he wouldn't come either.

Knowing that you must die, and knowing that you must not become completely two concepts.

Assassins are not afraid of death, but it doesn't mean that assassins will do such things that have no possibility of success.

There are already a lot of people driving, and if you send a few assassins, even if you are lucky enough to get closer, who dares to say that you can break through Zhao Si's defense?
(and also)
(End of this chapter)

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