Chapter 111 Farewell
The result did not surprise everyone.

Sincere emotion is the most touching.Perhaps the emotional singing skills of the twelve people in the last group were not so perfect, but the audience and judges felt that this song was perfect as a whole, better than other songs!

So, the judges voted for them unanimously.

Let this group of twelve people enter the final together.

Such a result made many fans of other players a little depressed, but these people couldn't say anything, after all, this song is really good.

However, with so many people entering the final all of a sudden, it did create a problem for the program team.

But the follow-up has nothing to do with Yu Hai.

After the show, Yu Hai went back to the hotel and thought about it.He has almost cast most of his roles in "The Phantom of the Opera".Therefore, I am not going to participate in the recording of the final finals.

Anyway, the result of the final will not affect his choice.

Moreover, director Luo Haoran also sent him a message, hoping that he could go to the capital when he had time, and he needed to be asked for his opinion in many links.

He is going to go to Kyoto next week.

After making a decision, Yu Hai took another day off the next day, and came to the Vocal Music Center again around noon.

At this time, the recording of the first episode of the program had just been completed, and the contestants were left with a trace of exhaustion and excitement.

After breakfast, they all gathered lazily in the hall to chat or play around.

Seeing Yu Hai from a distance, a staff member opened the door for him.

Yu Hai thanked him politely, walked into the room quietly, and came to the hall.Then he stood quietly at the door, smiling and looking at them.

A few seconds later, contestant Shi Huaiying casually glanced at the door, and then froze.

He rubbed his eyes, and after making sure he read it correctly, he jumped up: "Teacher Jingluo?"

As expected of a male high school, the sound of the switchboard was so high and sharp that many people's eardrums shook.

Then, everyone subconsciously looked towards the door.

That radiant figure stood there, looking at them with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

With a flash in front of their eyes, everyone involuntarily stood up and rushed to him:

"Teacher Jingluo!"

"Why are you here?"

"Shall we have lunch together?"


Yu Hai walked into the hall very naturally, and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm here again! I don't know if you welcome me or not?"

Everyone smiled and greeted loudly.

So Yu Hai merged into the crowd, found a sofa, sat down with everyone again, and then got down to business: "I may not participate in the recording of your program next time, so this time I'm here to say goodbye to everyone."

The contestants were a little bit reluctant when they heard the words, and let out a disappointed tone.

However, I also know that Jingluo has his own affairs, and I can think of saying goodbye to them, which is already very important to their behavior.

Some contestants forced a smile and said, "Anyway, they are also in this circle, and we will meet again in the future."


"I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Jingluo."

Someone immediately took out his mobile phone and said a little nervously: "Mr. Jingluo, can I ask for a position in Moments?"

Yu Hai did not refuse.

So everyone excitedly took out their mobile phones to scan the code.

Wait for the contact information of this group of people to be added.

Only then did Yu Hai talk about the second thing: "About my musical "The Phantom of the Opera", besides Yu Yang and Zhang Linshan, there are a few other characters that I would like to invite some of you to try?"

As he spoke, Yu Hai took out a stack of papers from his schoolbag.

The above is about the main content and some aria information of "The Phantom of the Opera".

Everyone, especially a few musical actors, saw this and their eyes lit up.

Yu Yang, Zhang Linshan, Huang Xiaolou...

Yu Hai handed the information to these people according to the requirements of the role.

Many people looked at these papers with longing, excited and excited.

Others looked envious.

With the musical Whale Falling, these musical actors, even if they used to be b-corners, definitely have a chance to turn around this time.

Looking at the excited expressions of these people, Yu Hai said seriously: "Of course, this is just a chance for you to audition. Whether you can get the role or not depends on your strength!"

Several people held the paper and nodded seriously, expressing that they would work hard.

Yu Hai nodded in satisfaction. Although this opera was produced for them, if these people are not strong enough and their attitude is not good, then Yu Hai will not let them down.

Then Yu Hai looked at several other people. It was the contestant who sang the drinking song and asked directly, "Are you guys also interested in playing some guest roles?"

Shi Huaiying and the others were stunned for a moment. They studied bel canto and sang operas, so they were not very suitable for musicals, so they couldn't help but hesitated: "I'm afraid we are not very suitable..."

Yu Hai smiled and said: "My musical uses the structure of a play within a play. There will be three short opera performances in the play. If you want to, you can try it. Just participate in the first performance."

Hearing this, the three of them showed excited expressions, opera is their old profession!

There is nothing wrong with making an appearance at the opera premiere at Whalefall.

Seeing this, Yu Hai also took out the information from his bag and handed it to them: "You can take a look first, and if you are willing to try it, you can contact me directly."


The main roles in "The Phantom of the Opera" require about ten male actors in addition to a few female actors.Yu Hai plans to use the "Sound into the Heart" contestants as much as possible.

After all, it was for them that he redeemed this musical.

So arrange everything that can be arranged.

As for the actress, leave it to the director to worry about it.

Let these contestants have time to practice, and after the show is over, they will be notified to go for an interview.

After everything was arranged properly, I chatted with Zhou Weiyi and others, asking about their future career plans.Yu Hai had a lively lunch with the contestants before going back to the hotel.After packing up his things, he got on the plane back to Yushi in the afternoon.

In the final of "Sound into the Heart", Yu Hai did not appear, which disappointed many people who followed him.But on this stage, although he has made a lot of limelight, he is not the protagonist after all, not necessary, and his absence will not affect the normal progress of the show.

Of course, Yu Hai did not appear in the live broadcast of the program, but he appeared in the edited version of the program.

After the finals, the singers returned to the original stage to bid farewell. The background music used was the song "Auld Lang Syne", which allowed the contestants to say goodbye while editing and inserting the memories of the stage, which made them cry.

Among them, in the memories of the players, Yu Hai's appearance rate is very high.

For the ratings, the editor also tried his best.

Many fans cried bitterly while secretly scolding the program group for not talking about martial arts.

In the next period of time, Yu Hai completely disappeared from everyone's sight for the time being.

He attends classes as usual, and when he has free time, he keeps an eye on the preparations for the musical.

Because of the protection of his school and classmates, he has not even appeared on the Internet in Reuters photos.

Wait until there is a lot of discussion about whale fall on the Internet again, it is about a song.

"Left Finger Moon"

That's right, this song written by Yu Hai to his classmates was finally sung in the latest music program "Sound Touching" on Guangbai TV.

Sure enough, it was as Yu Hai expected.

The song singer Qin Zhenzhen became a blockbuster.

Originally, this program was prepared to imitate "Sound into the Heart".

Because there were not too many gimmicks during the promotion except for the promotion of the sound, the program received limited attention during the first live broadcast.

Many of them paid attention to this program because they liked "Sound into the Heart".

Therefore, the popularity of the live broadcast during the recording of the first episode of this show is completely incomparable with that of the first episode of "Sound into the Heart" blessed by Jingluo's fame.

It wasn't until the next day that many people were told that there was a fairy singer in the new program "Sound Touching" on Guangbai TV, who sang the new song written by Jing Luo, which shocked the heavens and humans.

As a result, the topic was detonated.

After all, for Jingluo's traffic, any news related to him can be popularly searched by fans in minutes.

What's more, it's related to Jingluo's new song.

Even if they are not fans of Whale Fall, most passers-by are interested in his songs.

When this topic was first mentioned, many people who did not see the live broadcast expressed doubts.

Of course, they didn't doubt that the songs written by Jingluo would be good, but they doubted that the singers these people said were immortal.

It's not that Jingluo sang it himself, how good can the singing skills be, how fairy can the songs be?How amazing can a concert scene be?

It's so unseen!
With this in mind, netizens who wanted to complain or slap their faces, waited until the first episode of "Sound Touching" was officially broadcast, and they flocked to watch it, providing a boost for TV ratings and platform broadcast rates. own contribution.

The director of "Sound Touching" was delighted from ear to ear.

Sure enough, Whale Fall is the rating password for music programs, Gu Anming sincerely does not deceive me!
Now that there is no need for Jingluo to show up in person, as long as there are his songs, the ratings can be greatly increased.

At the same time, Yu Hai also turned on the TV at home and began to watch "Sound Touching".

After giving the song to Qin Zhenzhen, he forgot about it.If he hadn't heard the students mention this matter in class today, he would have forgotten that there is such a program.

He watched the show purely because he was curious about how Qin Zhenzhen would sing the song "Left Fingering the Moon".

According to the students, Qin Zhen really became a blockbuster
The program flow of "Sound into the Heart" is similar to that of "Sound into the Heart".

The three judges and more than 30 female contestants who are vocal music majors or practitioners also start from the selection of positions.

It may be to attract male audiences or as a highlight of the show. Most of the contestants selected by the show group are girls with good figures and good looks.

Anyway, no matter what the condition of the face looks like, a girl can't be called ugly after putting on makeup.

These tall or petite girls, gathered together, Yingying Yanyan, is very interesting for otaku.

In particular, there are a few girls with outstanding looks and figures, who amazed many people as soon as they appeared on the stage. In contrast, Yu Hai's classmate Qin Zhenzhen is in the group, and their looks are not top-notch.

However, she behaved decently and had a calm demeanor, which also attracted the attention of some viewers.

Yu Hai watched the show while eating snacks at home, and enjoyed it very comfortably.

Anyway, looking at beauties is quite seductive, especially a group of beauties competing for beauty.

Moreover, among these beauties, the director team didn't have too many vases, and each of them showed professional abilities that were not weak.

Maybe it's because I'm afraid of being scolded by fans who are so popular!
(End of this chapter)

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