Chapter 151
After eating the wedding wine, the group returned to the mushroom house slightly drunk and went to bed early.

The main reason is that everyone was so busy preparing for the wedding a few days ago that they were indeed a little tired.

The next day, everyone got up late.

I was lazy early in the morning, eating breakfast, sitting under the pergola, not wanting to move at all.

"What are we going to do today?" Yin Du asked curiously.

No one else was interested in speaking.

He Changping said: "Is there anything Xi Yuan wants to do?"

Xi Yuan shook his head.

Yin Du asked curiously, "How did Xi Yuan come to visit our Mushroom House this time?"

In fact, he wanted to ask this question before, but never had the right opportunity to ask it.

Xi Yuan smiled: "Someone asked me to play the piano, and the time has not come yet, so I have come here to play for two days."

"Hey, playing the piano?" Yin Du cheered up a little: "When is it?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

He Changping also became interested: "With whom?"

"Jerry Palmer, a rookie in country B who has sprung up in recent years."

Yin Du said thoughtfully: "Challenging you is indeed a shortcut."

Xi Yuan shrugged, noncommittal.

Ever since he became famous, there have always been some people who have jumped out and wanted to step on him to the top. To this, his usual countermeasure is to step on the confidence of the opponent in the competition scene.

Yin Du was a little worried and said: "These two days have kept you busy, but it hasn't delayed your business, has it?"

Xi Yuan shook his head and said indifferently: "It's just a small scene, and there is no need to prepare for it."

Everyone saw his confident appearance, and knew that he must have encountered such challenges many times, and he was already familiar with driving.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen the Qin fight live." Yin Du once again had a flash of inspiration in his mind: "You have been helping us for several days in Mushroom House. Tomorrow, we will go to the scene to give you the piano fight." How about you come on?"

He Changping's eyes also brightened: "That's a good idea."

Xi Yuan said happily: "I wish for it."

So the two hit it off.

It just so happened that the director team paid for their busy few days, which was enough for them to buy ingredients for the next few days.

The next day, after everyone finished their lunch, they boarded the car heading to the city.

Two hours later, they arrived at Qiuming Mountain Park in Qingcheng.

The location of the piano fight is on the music stage in a corner of the park. When the time comes, all the tourists who come to the park will be spectators. There will be a live broadcast in the live broadcast room that Xi Yuan longs for. Live platform.

Win a party and gain both fame and fortune.

Qiuming Mountain Park is a relatively famous scenic spot in Qingcheng.

With beautiful scenery and strong cultural atmosphere, it is the first choice for many couples to take wedding photos.

At this time, two pianos had already been placed on the fan-shaped music stage standing tall, and a curly-haired young man with extremely deep facial features stood in front of one of the pianos.

He was dressed in a shirt and tuxedo, and he was in a different style from the curious men and women gathered under the band stage.

Isn't this guy hot?
This was Yu Hai's first thought when he saw the figure on the music stage.

In comparison, Xi Yuan who came with him was dressed a little more casually.

A white shirt and black trousers, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a bit chic.

Seeing them approaching from a distance, Jiri Palmer above the bandstand began to look at Xi Yuan with burning eyes.

It seems that there is no room for others in the eyes.

"Hey!" Yin Du clicked his tongue from the side: "The visitor is not kind!"

He Changping rolled his eyes: "It's already started to play the piano, it must not be a good stubble!"

As everyone was talking, exclamations suddenly burst out from the crowd.

"Whale fall!"

"Your Highness!"

"Teacher He!"

"Ye Qingzhou..."

The onlookers recognized the five longing guests, especially Jingluo, who had the highest voice.

Several people looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

This is a bit overwhelming!
He Changping hastily raised his hands and pressed them, raised his voice and said, "Everyone, thank you for your kindness, but we are here to be the audience today. Let's maintain order and be a quality audience, shall we?"

So the scene really quieted down.

When Xi Yuan stepped onto the band stage, all the audience at the scene also began to sit down on the rows of benches below, and began to call for friends.

After Yu Hai and the others found a place to sit down, they found that not far from them were a few people with Western faces, who were communicating with each other in English in a low voice, and they nodded politely when they saw them.

It's normal to see western faces in Huaxia, after all, this is a place that people all over the world yearn for.

However, these few people were all dressed in Western-style formal attire, and they looked very formal. They competed with a protagonist on the stage, and they seemed to be the relatives and friends of the other party.

In fact, Yu Hai has never really seen Douqin.

So he is very curious about this stage.

Focusing on the stage at this time, I saw that the two protagonists above shook hands with each other.

Then the two sat in front of the piano.

It seemed as if he would go straight to work without saying a word.

Yu Hai was a little dazed: Is it so straightforward?Don't you say harsh words or brag about business before the game?
At the moment when he was in a daze, one of the pianos had already been struck.

According to international practice, there are generally three rounds of Douqin.

In the first round, both parties choose a work they think is the best to perform.

Start with the challenger.

Jiri Palmer sat in front of the piano, his body swayed with the movements of his hands, his eyes were mingled, his head was shaking, and he looked confident and intoxicated.

He played the famous parallel world piano piece "Morning Rondo", which was composed by Chinese composer Shi Yu in 1983. The theme of the piece is simple and extremely rhythmic. Make the music look magnificent and magnificent.

Jiri Palmer's strength is indeed not weak.

Skills and emotions were well handled, and the audience, including the specially invited judges sitting in front, were also moved by the joyful atmosphere of the song.

His face showed a relaxed and happy look.

Four minutes later, Jiri Palmer finished playing.

Standing up and facing the audience, he spread his hands and bowed in thanks.

Then with a smile on his face, he made a gesture of please towards Xi Yuan.

Xi Yuan on the other side also smiled and nodded in response.

It didn't seem like he had encountered a strong enemy at all.

A breezy look.

In the next second, his hands bounced quickly on the keyboard.

"Poppy" is a piano piece adapted by Xi Yuan himself from Guzheng music, which is completely different from Guzheng music, but it is equally pleasant to listen to.

As soon as Xi Yuan made a move, he directly extinguished the joyful atmosphere brought about by the previous song, and pulled people into a pure and wonderful world. smell.

This song has a soothing effect.

Yu Hai slightly closed his eyes, enjoying himself a little.

As far as his personal appreciation is concerned, he thinks that Xi Yuan is better than the other party.

The entire typhoon was swaying freely, playing with ease, sending and receiving freely, and the opponent was a little immature compared with him.

Jiri Palmer should have heard the gap straight away.

As Xi Yuan played, the relaxed expression on his face gradually disappeared, and his expression gradually became dignified.

Sure enough, Xi Yuan won the first round after giving up the song.

"How? Do you want to continue?" Xi Yuan asked the opponent with a somewhat unsightly face very gracefully.

Jiri Palmer smiled stiffly: "Naturally."

So, the two sides sat down facing the piano again.

In the second round, the two sides played a piece of music together, and the first party that could not keep up with the rhythm lost.

This is head-to-head.

Even a layman can roughly see the situation of the competition, if the strength gap between the two sides is too large.

One side will be crushed ugly.

In the past, Xi Yuan would directly kill the opponent at this stage, let the opponent step down in desperation, and have no face to continue.

Xi Yuan generously asked the other party to choose the repertoire for the second round.

Jiri Palmer didn't back down either, and directly chose "Night Variations", which has ten paragraphs in total. Except for the first paragraph as the theme, the next variations 1-9 are the battlefields of the two players.

Both parties are ready.

Jiri Palmer raised his hands and lowered them gently.

The soft sound of the piano is the light rain in the silent night, with a little bit of coolness, and it penetrates into the eardrum of the human body.

Then Xi Yuan easily found an entry point and snatched the right to perform the music.

With his hands on the keys, Jiri Palmer listened, waiting for his opportunity.

Soon, he found an opportunity and directly took Xi Yuan's key of C to key of D, and the ownership of the performance was transferred.

Xi Yuan didn't show any signs of frustration.

This is just the beginning, let this kid taste the sweetness first.

In the next few paragraphs, the two sides came and went for several rounds, which was very lively.

The audience sitting under the Yinyue stage and the audience in front of the live broadcast room were all watching the movements of the two parties closely, with excited and excited expressions.

It looked much more exciting than the two people on stage.

In a blink of an eye, halfway through a piece of music, Xi Yuan decided to get serious.

After a suitable entry point, he shifted the tone to the key of b, and at the same time began to let the main melody return to the right hand. While playing the triplet with the left hand, he continued to add new ornamental notes.

Jiri Palmer's expression gradually became serious.

Xi Yuan's level is higher than he thought.

Fortunately, he was ready.

He closed his eyes and immersed all his thoughts into the notes. After a bar, his hands suddenly pressed the keys.

Xi Yuan was startled, and in the next second, the initiative of the song had changed hands.

This boy has something!
Only then did Xi Yuan pay attention to this opponent and began to concentrate.

In this way, you and I, both sides, are so lively.

Jiri Palmer, who had been prepared for a long time, made Xi Yuan overwhelmed with constant variations, and the chances for him to find a suitable entry point became less and less.

The situation gradually became clearer.

Jiri Palmer, who came prepared, was slightly better, and finally it was a one-to-one tie.

At this time, Xi Yuan was actually a little depressed.

This kid came prepared, which made him underestimate the enemy, but in the third round, he would not be so careless.

(End of this chapter)

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