Chapter 162 Play
Everyone looked at Jingluo with a calm face and no complacency at all, and felt that he had really learned a lot!

Can couplets still be played like this?

I am afraid that only someone like Jingluo who can write songs and have a good command of writing can write such a unique couplet.

The scene fell into silence for a moment.

Professor Huang on the other side of the screen began to think hard.

Others also began to work hard to find out if there was a way to crack it.

It's so difficult!

In this couplet, you need to be neat and orderly, balanced and harmonious, but also have a pun. Thinking about it makes people bald!

1 minute, 2 minutes, time passed slowly.

He Changping scratched his hair a little irritably, and immediately put down his hand vigilantly, but luckily he didn't use any force.

He looked at Jingluo suspiciously: "I think the angle of your upper line is too tricky, it is impossible to have a lower line."

Yu Hai smiled slightly: "Why, you just didn't expect it."

"I do not believe!"

"no way!"

"I think this is an absolute, the second line does not exist!"

At this time, Professor Huang also gave up: "I think this second couplet is really not something that can be thought of in the short term."

At this time, after such a long time, the water friends also felt that the brain cells had died a lot, and they couldn't help but start to condemn in the live broadcast room:
"Can't you afford to lose?"

"It's too much to come up with such a couplet. Isn't a scumbag worthy of watching the live broadcast?"

"Your Highness, you have gone too far, I have been hit, and there is not a new song that cannot be recovered!"

"In order to make up for the brain cells that just died, His Highness must give compensation!"

"Punish Your Highness for writing a poem!"

"It's fine to write poetry, if it's included in textbooks, the student party says it won't hurt!"


All the guests in the Mushroom House in the pergola looked at the barrage displayed on the screen, and all showed gloating expressions at Whale Luo.

Let you come up with such a difficult question, is this going to make everyone angry?
Yu Hai almost rolled his eyes.For the sake of image, he held back: "If you can't think of it, doesn't it mean it doesn't exist?"

"Then tell me the next line now!"

"Yes, yes, if you can't say it, I will punish you to write a poem immediately!"

"Just use your couplets to compose poems, and continue to write a seven-character poem!"

Yin Du and others seized the opportunity to ask Yu Hai to write a poem, so they booed vigorously.

If Yu Hai could write a good poem because of them, it would be a good story.

If they are lucky, their names may be accompanied by the name of this poem through the ages!
The temptation is too great.

Unexpectedly, before they started to imagine, Yu Hai directly cut off the hope.

Yu Hai smiled and said, "If I can show the second couplet, what do you say?"

Yin Duli said bluntly: "Isn't it a matter of course to write the second couplet when you wrote the first couplet yourself?"

Yu Hai was speechless, he turned his head and looked at Wang Shen directly: "Director, I want to order at noon!"

Wang Shen looked at him suspiciously, but still agreed: "Yes."

Yu Hai then smiled and said: "Actually, the second line is very simple, look at the mountains and dance in the stream!"

"Looking at the plum blossoms and sweeping the snow alone, watching the mountains and dancing with the flowing stream?" Yin Du recited the upper and lower couplets, and his eyes were a little dazed: "Is there any particularity in this couplet? You won't make it up randomly, will you?"

Yu Hai acted like if you don't know, don't talk nonsense.

Others also looked puzzled.

After a long time, Professor Huang, who hadn't hung up the video, suddenly clapped his hands and said with a smile: "So that's the case, it's just right."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Everyone looked at Professor Huang with curiosity on their faces.

The other party didn't show off, and smiled directly: "It's still a homonym, you can read the second couplet a few times quickly and you'll know!"

Ye Qingfan's mouth was faster than his brain, and he was already crackling: "Looking at the mountains and dancing streams, watching the mountains and dancing streams... 1234567? Damn it!"

Now the others reacted immediately.

"My God, that's how it is!"

"This pair is really wonderful, they just correspond to each other!"

"I would like to call Jingluo the king of couplets!"

"Just ask who else?"

"Jingluo's writing skills are as incomprehensible as his musical talent!"


Everyone tasted this couplet carefully, and the more they tasted, the more awesome the author felt.

Watching the whole process from the beginning to the end, Jingluo was calm and calm, and he lifted the weight lightly, and suddenly felt that the opponent's figure had grown taller.

Especially the audience in the live broadcast room knew that the person on the other end of the screen was a professor of literature at a top-ranked university in China.

The other party has been immersed in this way for so long, it can be said that he has read more books than many people have heard.

However, it was such a professor with real materials who fell to the ground in front of Jingluo.

The process is understated, and the weight is lifted lightly.

Can a person's talent really reach such a terrifying level?
No one can answer this question.

Seeing that the time was almost up, it was time for He Changping and the others to prepare lunch.

Professor Huang was also reluctant to hang up the video, but before he ended the connection, he still couldn't help asking Yu Hai: "Excuse me, little friend Jingluo, have you encountered any couplets that you think are not right? ?”

Yu Hai was stunned for a moment, and then pondered: "There is an upper couplet. I have tried for a long time, but I feel that the second couplet is not perfect enough!"

"Oh?" Professor Huang immediately showed interest: "Why don't you say it and let everyone brainstorm."

Yu Hai nodded: "The first couplet is: Yansuo Pond Willow"

Professor Huang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then raised his eyebrows slightly: "This Shanglian is interesting. It looks ordinary at first glance, but the more you taste it, the more extraordinary it becomes!"

Yu Hai nodded of course.

Professor Huang said with a smile: "Then I'll take it back and show it to my old friends, so I won't bother you any more. If you come to Kyoto if you have time, you can contact me as a landlord!"


The video hangs up, and many people feel unfinished.

While chattering, the guests at Mushroom House began to prepare lunch.

At this time, the topic of this event gradually spread on the Internet.

Today's sudden couplet challenge made everyone see Jingluo's quick thinking once again.

While everyone showed off what they had seen and heard with others, those who had good things also advertised the last couplet left by Jingluo.

"Whalefall will never be right!"

"There's actually a Shanglian that even Jingluo can't match!"

"Yan Suo Pond Liu, can you match the second line?"


A series of headlines were sent out by the media, which aroused the curiosity of many people.

Many self-confessed couplet masters saw such a couplet, and immediately geared up.

It's a pity that the more they think about this upper line, the more they feel that it is not easy to fight the second line.

"It doesn't look too difficult!"

"Thinking carefully, it seems that it is not easy!"

"Structurally, the five characters use the five elements as radicals. This is not difficult!"

"Actually, the most difficult part of this couplet is the description of the artistic conception!"

"Yes, the artistic conception of this first couplet is too beautiful, and it is too difficult to find a second couplet that can match the artistic conception."

"If you want to match this pair, you can only rely on a flash of inspiration"

"A flash of inspiration may not be enough, this must be at the right time, place and people"


Netizens who are not good at couplets will not be able to understand the awesomeness of these five characters just by looking at this couplet.

It wasn't until a discussion on a professional couplet forum was reposted by many people that everyone realized how difficult it is to get on the couplet.

To put it simply, the first couplet of "Yan Suo Pond Willow" uses the five elements as radicals in the structure of the five characters, and the artistic conception depicts a quiet pond surrounded by green willows and shrouded in smoke, so it is in line with the five elements and the artistic conception The poems are not easy.

At the very least, it is a clear proof that no one has been able to give a second line that satisfies everyone after the curiosity of the whole network has been aroused to participate in discussions and make suggestions.

Yu Hai doesn't care about these.

After he posed a difficult problem for everyone, he finished his lunch with peace of mind, and after taking a lunch break, he packed up his things and bid farewell to the mushroom house that everyone left.

When he saw the little assistant Wenren coming to pick him up with resentful eyes, Yu Hai finally felt that if he just went back to Yucheng like this, he might be nagged to death by Tangcheng and others.

So, he sat in the car to the airport and thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to avoid the edge for the time being.

When the car turned into the city center, Yu Hai decisively asked the driver to stop the car.

Under the eyes of his assistant, he put on a three-piece set of masks, hats and glasses specially exchanged from the system mall.

Passerby Armor Set——Believe me, when you wear it, no matter how dazzling your temperament and outstanding appearance, you will instantly lose your light and become a passerby in everyone's eyes.

Feeling very good about himself, Yu Hai picked up his mobile phone, looked at his assistant with doubts and said, "I suddenly feel a little too tired recently, so I decided to take a quick trip to refresh myself! "

"What? Travel?" Wenren was stunned. With the appearance and temperament of his highness, are you sure that travel will not become a walking billboard? "

Yu Hai smiled confidently: "Don't worry, I have a way not to be recognized. That's it, I'll come back when I've had enough fun!"

Speaking of which, Yu Hai didn't care about the little assistant's stop, opened the door and jumped out of the car, and then quickly disappeared in front of Wenren and the driver in two steps instead of three.

The little assistant Wenren wanted to cry without tears!
"How can I explain to Uncle Tang when I go back?"

Yu Hai didn't care about the troubles of his little assistant.

He is already an adult and can be responsible for his actions. Besides, he always carries his mobile phone, so he can be contacted if something really happens.

So he didn't worry about the serious consequences of his actions.

Taking advantage of the fact that he hadn't returned home, and the nerdy nature hadn't started yet, he suddenly had some expectations for the trip.

After walking along the road for a while, Yu Hai suddenly fell into deep thought.

Where are you going to play?

He picked up his mobile phone and was about to look up information on the Internet, when he suddenly remembered that he had seen the circle of friends of his classmate Huang Xinghui two days ago.

This buddy seems to have posted in the circle of friends. He recently participated in a music fair.

The so-called music market is the combination of music festival and market.

In addition to enjoying the live music, the audience also has a variety of eating, drinking and entertainment projects to experience.

Should be fun!
Thinking about it, Yu Hai dug out Huang Xinghui's circle of friends and found out the specific address. In another city, if you take the train, you can get there in two or three hours.

Well, Yu Hai will never admit that he was moved by seeing the food pictures posted by Huang Xinghui.

I bought a train ticket with my mobile phone, took a taxi to the train station, went through the security check, and boarded the train.

Even though there were people coming and going around, no one's eyes were on him.

The things produced by this system are really amazing.

As a social horror, having such a thing in public is simply amazing to him, isn't it?

Near dinner time, Yu Hai arrived at his destination, Rongcheng.

It's a very livable city.

With a long history, rich cultural atmosphere, and simple and beautiful architecture, it is a famous tourist attraction in China.

Yu Hai used his mobile phone to search on the train, and he easily found a lot of travel guides on the Internet.

The introduction of all kinds of food and attractions is overwhelming.

The music market that Huang Xinghui mentioned is located in the famous Wanhua Park in Rongcheng.

After leaving the train station, Yu Hai took a taxi and checked into the hotel next to the park an hour later.

Night is the busiest time of this music market.

After resting in the hotel for a while, Yu Hai went out to follow the bright lights and the flow of people, and began to tour with great interest.

The flow of people is very large, there are tourists and local residents, of course most of them are tourists.

A few even held cheering signs or wore uniform tailored jackets, looking like fans of the live performers.

The above name is very strange to Yu Hai.

But this is also normal. Most of the bands or singers participating in this music fair are little-known Internet celebrities or small artists.

After all, a music fair lasts for a week or two, and there are so many guests who come to perform here, no matter how rich the organizers are, they can't afford to hire big names.

The music fair is built on the large square in the center of the park.

Yu Hai can see from the signs outside that all the market stalls are arranged around five music stages of various styles.

The products sold at the stalls around each stage are quite different.

Snacks, drinks, handicrafts, etc., are varied and varied.

Yu Hai was not in a hurry to find Huang Xinghui either.

He hadn't had dinner yet, so he ate and walked slowly all the way.

Occasionally, he stops under a certain stage and listens to music for a while, but with his current appreciation conditions, he feels that the level of these music scenes is really average.

Not as attractive as many creative crafts.

When Yu Hai was almost full, he walked to an ancient music stage and looked up to see his classmate Huang Xinghui standing on the stage.

It's also a coincidence.

Yu Hai immediately stood still, and after a closer look, he found that besides Huang, there were four girls standing on the stage, and each of them was holding a national musical instrument.

Accompanied by four girls, Huang Xinghui is doing well!
Yu Hai muttered to himself.

After standing there and listening carefully for a while, I feel that the level of performance of the five players is very good, at least in this place, it is of a high level. Unfortunately, the performance of the music is mediocre, and the good skills of the five players are in vain.

Yu Hai and classmate Huang may not have seen each other for a long time, since they are here, there is no reason not to say hello.

He simply stopped wandering around, and just stood under the stage and patiently listened to the other party performing two more songs one after another.

After Huang Xinghui led four people down from the side of the stage and got rid of the surrounding crowd, Yu Hai approached.

Huang Xinghui was leading four girls towards the tent behind the stage.

Suddenly, a person came from a diagonal and patted his shoulder.

He looked up suspiciously, and saw a boy wearing a peaked cap and a mask blocking his way.

"Brother, you..."

Huang Xinghui hadn't finished speaking when he saw someone pull down the mask.


(End of this chapter)

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