Chapter 26 Liang Zhu
With the conductor's raised right hand, the music started.

The quivering bow of the harp and stringed instruments leads to the flute solo in the background.

The sound of the flute imitates the call of a bird, and then the oboe uses a soft and lyrical introduction to show all the audience a beautiful scenery of spring, birds and flowers.

Then came the main character violin.

Sitting at the front, Chen Yu leaned his chin slightly against the body of the piano, his eyes were slightly closed, and his slender, white fingers bounced on the strings like a dragonfly touching water.

A long, faint and distant piano sound is like a gurgling water, easily flowing into the hearts of the listeners.

The theme of love is poetic and picturesque, beautiful and romantic.

gorgeous!Someone whispered softly, with a slightly drunken expression.

Then the thick and mellow tones of the cello and the lightness and softness of the violin form a counterpoint, and then the performance of the entire orchestra, all of which show the deepening of the relationship between the two protagonists in the story.

The music enters the secondary part, where the violin solo is in stark contrast to the softness and lyricism of the main part.The lively and cheerful melody brings the audience into a carefree life of classmates.

very nice!A girl leaned on the railing on the second floor of the concert hall with both hands, propped her chin, and looked yearning.

It's a pity that the happy time is always short-lived. The girl in the story has something on her mind, and she can't help herself and can't speak.

The lyrical and slow tone expresses the emotions that are hesitant to speak vividly.

The light harmony and orchestration against the vibrato of the strings told the audience that this is the coming of parting.

Reluctant to give up, reluctant to say goodbye, regretful Adagio, use of rests, intermittent music, all of which are lingering emotions.

The girl's complicated emotions, can the person who came to see him off understand?

However, when the audience was silent in the unspeakable emotions of the lovers, the bassoon and cello's deep sound suddenly broke in, and the trill of timpani and strings was mixed with the terrible sound of gongs, All made the audience feel a little ominous.

Among the audience, someone's heart subconsciously tightened, and their faces were stained with anxiety.

The frightened violin describes the girl's panic-stricken heart with the rhythm of opera sanban. The severe rhythm and gloomy tone of the brass are all the formidable forces that the girl has to face.

This is a confrontation of unequal power.

However, is it necessary to compromise like this?
Do not!
The violent syncopation of the violin and the strings all show the heroine's fierce resistance.

Therefore, the contradiction between the two sides has intensified and the conflict has intensified.

At this moment, the audience felt the tragedy and tragedy of the scene.

However, the music that suddenly switched to Adagio, and the sobbing violin solo, finally made many people understand that the struggle was ultimately a failure.

After the cello and violin confided in each other, the tragedy finally happened.

In the story, the two are separated forever, and in the concert hall, someone has a depressed face.

The music took a turn for the worse. This piece of music uses the technique of tense and slow singing in operas. The strings are quickly syncopated to the rhythm, passionate and decisive.

The band poured out the girl's full of resentment with the strongest demeanor, the resolute death, the shocking emotions, the audience seemed to be able to be conveyed through the music.

Here, amidst the sound of gongs and drums, the piece reached its climax.

After the audience's heart tightened and their emotions were influenced by the music, the flute came out to soothe people with gentle strength and slow speed.

Against the background of muted strings, the theme played by the first violin and the solo violin seems to tell everyone that even if the story ends in tragedy, their unswerving love will be well known and has a long history.

A song ends.

The musicians stood up and bowed at the same time as the conductor, and everyone at the scene woke up like a dream. The applause was louder than any previous song at the end of the concert hall, and many people even stood up excitedly.

This is a compliment to these performers and also to the composer of this piece.

"It's a worthwhile trip!"

"This is the best song I've heard today."

"This is the best music I've heard this year."

"I would like to know who is the composer of this piece?"

"I want to listen to his work next time!"

"I want to hear it a second time."

"Let's see if we can get tickets for tomorrow?"


Several students sitting around Yu Hai also stood up excitedly.

The monitor, Meng Jiao, couldn't help sighing in a low voice:
"Damn it, it's too arrogant."

"Are you talking about Goddess Lu, or this song?"

"Of course it's the composer of this piece!"

"I really want to know who the author is, who actually wrote such an awesome song. If I can write such a work in my lifetime, I will die without regret."

"If I can write half-level works, I will be thankful."

"Am I the only one who thinks that Goddess Lu's performance this time is also amazing?"

Everyone looked at the speaker, oh, it's one of Lu Yuwei's supporters, that's fine.

"However, speaking of it, there is indeed something for Lu Yuwei to be the chief executive of this performance."

"If I write violin music in the future, I also want to ask her to play it."

"First you have to become a gold medal..."

Several people finished their votes and joked as they headed for the exit.

A classmate took out his mobile phone to look at it, and then called out: "Fuck, this group of animals."

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at him.

"I planned to listen to another show tomorrow, but there are no tickets!"

"Tomorrow is the weekend, but are there so many people attending the concert now?"

"Previous years are definitely not as much as this year."

"It must be all here to listen to Liang Zhu."

"There will naturally be more people who appreciate good music."


Yu Hai listened silently to everyone chatting. He originally thought that not many people would come to listen to this kind of music.

After all, they are all new pieces that have not been verified, and the level of the performers is average.

I didn't expect so many people watching the excitement in this world.

But Yu Hai didn't know that many people came to this music exhibition to hear Liang Zhu.

Word of mouth has gradually spread the word of mouth since the first day of the exhibition.

Many people claim that it is the most amazing work in recent years.

What was so admired before was the prelude to the Xiaodaohui in Douqu.

There are even some people arguing over which of the two pieces is better.

They debated from the song to the composer, and even fought on the Internet many times over who is better, Whale or the unknown gold medal.

It can be said that although he is not in Jianghu, he also stirred up a storm.

At this time, the classmate who was looking at his mobile phone while walking suddenly pulled out a video for everyone to watch: "Look at this."

"What is it?"

"Interview with Lu Yuwei."

There is indeed an interview video on the screen.As a violinist who has won prizes since childhood and has been interviewed many times, Lu Yuwei is very skilled in interviews and responds appropriately.

"Is Ms. Lu satisfied with her performance in this music exhibition?"

"I feel like I still have a lot to learn..."

"Which one of the pieces in this performance is your favourite?"

"If I like it the most, it should be "The Butterfly Lovers."

"At present, it is generally believed in the industry that this song "Blessed Lovers" will become the number one work in this exhibition. Do you think so?"

"Personally, I really think this song No.1 deserves its name."

"Do you have any guesses about the composer of this piece?"

"No, I can't guess it. But I think the composer must be a learned and romantic poet."

"In the follow-up draft, do you already have a company you want to join?"

"There is no target at present, but because of my good impression of "Blessed Lovers", I will be more curious about the company where the composer of this song works."


Several male students watched the video with great interest, and then started talking about it

"I didn't expect that Lu Yuwei didn't know who the author of Liang Zhu was. I thought they might have seen it."

"How is it possible? Before the result comes out, the organizer cannot let everyone know."

"The results will come out in two days, and everyone will know by then."

"I would like to know which company Goddess Lu will join."

"What? Do you want to go in the future?"

"I definitely want to go to a strong company!"


Yu Hai couldn't get in the way of the classmates' discussion, because he didn't know what he should say.

Do you want to tell them that the boss you are talking about is me?

That's a bit of a braggart.

(End of this chapter)

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