Chapter 28 English Song

Yu Hai is not interested in watching the draft session of Qingpingle Club.

Later, I heard the students talk about it in an envious tone.

In the end, the goddess of violin fell to Xinhai Music.The pianist was selected by the Kyoto Theater.There are also several talents in the school, all of whom have good homes.

Although they haven't graduated yet, these people and ordinary students already belong to two worlds.

For Hai, these people are not even considered as passers-by in his life.

He goes to and from get out of class on time every day, feeling that he is making progress little by little, and is very happy.

In the blink of an eye, it was May, whether it was in school or on the Internet, the topic of the Qingping Lehui was quickly replaced by another matter.

No.20 Second Global Games.

Especially, because this year's sports meeting is the turn of the mysterious and powerful Eastern Power.

Directly let the world pay more attention to this sports meeting than ever before.

From time to time, news of athletes from a certain country confirming the list for the expedition, athletes from a certain country arriving in China ahead of schedule for adaptive training, etc. are put on the hot searches.

In order to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, TV stations in various countries have not only opened up special sections to broadcast relevant news, analyze and predict the strength of athletes, etc.

There are even many variety shows related to sports emerged as the times require.

For example, Star Games, Slam Dunk Expert, Champions and so on.

Many programs were unable to invite active players, but they found many retired athletes, which greatly increased the curiosity of the audience.

Just when everyone was paying more and more attention to the sports meeting, a piece of news suddenly ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

In order to warm up the upcoming sports meeting, and to boost the morale of the athletes who will come to China, country A will invite famous singers from their own country and China to hold a competition in Minke City, country A, where the last sports meeting was held. Dream Concert.

The concert will be broadcast live worldwide.

As soon as the live broadcast time of this concert was announced, it attracted the attention of many people.

Most people expressed interest in watching the live broadcast.

The netizens on Huaxia's side are more curious about which singers on Huaxia's side will be invited to participate in this concert.

Within a few days, the list of concerts was announced, and they were all domestic figures who had been dubbed the King of Singers and Queens of Songs.

As soon as the list came out, the fans of the selected singers rejoiced and rushed to tell everyone.

Even Yu Hai, who rarely surfs the Internet, knew the news.

Originally, he thought that this concert would have nothing to do with him.

As a result, within a few days, he received a call from Lao Xu, asking him to go to the company when he had time to discuss matters.

In the past few months, Yu Hai seldom went to the Xinhai Building because he needed to go to the capital on weekends. This caused many female employees in the company to look forward to it, feeling that they had no motivation to go to work every day, and their makeup was not delicate.

Seeing Yu Hai suddenly, there was a burst of turmoil, and all the WeChat groups seemed to be boiled suddenly, starting to bubble up.

Yu Hai found the composition director's office familiarly, and was not surprised to see Lao Xu making tea.

After saying hello and drinking a small cup of tea, Old Xu said the matter directly: "Our company's song king Lin Zifang has been invited to the Dream Concert in Country A, and will sing a song on it. I believe you also know this matter."

Yu Hai nodded.

Xu Nanshan poured another cup of tea for Yu Hai: "I invite you to come here to ask if you have any inspiration recently to write a song for Lin Zifang to sing at the concert."

Yu Hai was surprised: "Doesn't he sing old songs?"

Xu Nanshan explained: "Originally, Lin Zifang was going to sing one of his famous songs, but after careful discussion, we felt that this is a good opportunity."

"what chance?"

"An opportunity for Lin Zifang to enter country A and even the western music scene."

Yu Hai's eyes widened. As far as he knew, the music scene in country A was an extremely xenophobic circle, and Westerners were very wary of the invasion of Eastern culture, almost to the point of losing all their power.

It can be said that in this parallel world, although Chinese is the largest language in the world, Chinese songs are rarely known in the West.

This has a lot to do with the spread control of Western media.

Lin Zifan is a top singer in China, but Western people may not have heard his songs.

Therefore, there are many obstacles for Lin Zifang to enter the western music scene.

Seeing his expression, Xu Nanshan understood his thoughts, and said directly: "We want Lin Zifang to sing an English song at this concert."

Yu Hai was stunned and curious: "Can Lin Zifang speak English?"

In Huaxia's circle, there are not many people who can speak English.

Xu Nanshan said with a smile: "He has wanted to expand his territory for a long time, and he has learned English fluently."

Yu Hai nodded: "So, you want to write an English song?"

Xu Nanshan shook his head and said, "That's too embarrassing, you just need to be responsible for composing the music, and we invite foreign lyricists to cooperate for the lyrics."

After a pause, he said again: "Don't worry, this is not a task for you alone. I have mentioned this matter with many composers in the company. If there are songs, we will post them. If there is no satisfactory work in the end, then that's okay If he is out of luck, just look for a chance next time."

Yu Hai has decided in his heart that he can help the other party, which is not difficult for him, but also an opportunity.

He nodded calmly and said, "Recently, I happened to be inspired to write a song, and I will send it to you tomorrow!"

"That's great!" Xu Nanshan grinned, "It doesn't matter if it's not suitable for Lin Zifang, you haven't released a song for a long time, anyway, you can find another singer to record and release."

"it is good."

After returning home from work, Yu Hai immediately searched for songs in the system.

This song will be sung at the cheering concert for the sports meeting, so at least the main point of the song is to be ignited and exciting.

To make Lin Zifang famous in Country A, he had to be impressive.

Yu Hai rummaged through the system interface for a while, combined with Lin Zifang's voice condition, and finally exchanged for a song.

The name is "sold out".

That's right, it's the super-burning Divine Comedy that became popular all over the Internet on Earth.Every time it appears, it is accompanied by various blood-boiling battle scenes.Only by hearing it can fill a person with fuel in an instant.Known by many as the existence of Warsong.

Although it is said that this song is considered to have a strong religious color on earth.However, if the lyrics are translated, in different environments and different atmospheres, different meanings can be interpreted.

Putting this song on the arena can be interpreted as the meaning of dedicating oneself for victory and fighting for one's life for one's dreams.

Something that doesn't fit, doesn't exist.

Yu Hai quickly wrote out the lyrics and music, made a demo with the computer, and sent it to Xu Nanshan.

Xu Nanshan happened to drink tea with Lin Zifang to discuss the next arrangement.

At this time, there is still more than a month before the concert on July [-]st.For many of the company's songwriters, that's enough time to come up with a really good song if inspired.

But Lin Zifang's request for this song is a work that can shock the audience.

If the quality is not very good, he would rather choose to sing his famous song.

So he was actually a little anxious.

I am afraid that there is no suitable song, that the quality of the song is not good enough, and I am afraid that such a good opportunity will be missed.

There was nothing Xu Nanshan could do about it.

The number of top-notch works is small, naturally because they are rare, and it is not something that composers can definitely produce with a certain amount of time accumulation.

Some works are the works of the composer's sudden burst of inspiration, which can be encountered but not sought after.

When the two of them were frowning, Jingluo's email was sent.

Xu Nanshan recalled what Yu Hai said yesterday, and slightly opened his brows and said to Lin Zifang: "Speaking of which, Jingluo said yesterday that he has a song in his hand that might be suitable. Do you want to listen to it too?"

"Jingluo?" Lin Zifang became interested and said, "Although I haven't met him, I know he is very talented."

Xu Nanshan smiled as he opened the email: "Since his debut, there hasn't been a song of poor quality. In my opinion, among the composers we're looking for this time, he has the greatest hope."

He also didn't look carefully at the score in the attachment, and directly opened the sample of the whale's hair.

Then, both of them were stunned.


Fuck it, it's so hot!
After a long time, Lin Zifang slapped the table, jumped up, and shouted: "That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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