Chapter 69
Just when everyone was immersed in his clear and charming magnetic voice, Yu Hai stopped suddenly.

Then, he looked at everyone with a smile and said, "How is it? Is my Cantonese standard?"

Everyone: "..."

So angry.

Everyone is listening to the music with concentration, addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

As a result, you didn't sing anymore.

This is stuck up and down, making everyone feel unfinished.

It's like a hungry person encounters a plate of god-level egg fried rice, and only takes a few bites. When he is feeling happy physically and mentally, it's gone!

The feeling of dissatisfaction that cannot be filled by desire makes people especially mad!
Tang Lin gritted his teeth bitterly and said, "If it weren't for your impeccable face, you might not be able to leave this lounge today, you know?"

Many viewers felt the same, but after seeing Yu Hai's 360-degree handsome face with no dead ends, his anger gradually disappeared.

The little water droplets sent out doting and helpless emoticons one after another.

I really can't do anything about you.jpg
Yu Hai ignored everyone's depressed expressions, and said to Tan Qiu who was standing there dumbfounded: "I believe you should sing Cantonese songs very well, so this time, please give me your advice."

Tan Qiu showed an overjoyed expression: "Thank you, thank you Your Highness, I will try my best not to hold back!"

An excitement exposed the essence of the small water droplet.

Except for a true fan, no one would call him that!
After the combination was completed, everyone began to discuss the theme of the next song.

There is no proposition for the program group, so everyone can play at will.

Yu Hai didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Tan Qiu what kind of song he wanted to sing?

Tan Qiu was a little dazed by this question, is this the rhythm for her to order a song?

She was already very excited to have a face-to-face conversation with her idol, but now her head was in a daze, looking at the idol's perfect face, she blurted out in a strange way: "I like you!"

Yu Hai's expression froze.

Tan Qiu had already realized that he had spoken his heart out, his face flushed red, and he quickly added an explanation: "Uh, that's right, it's a song that can express feelings like liking you..."

Yu Hai said thoughtfully: "Oh, I see! I will send you the song in two days."

"Envy, I also want to tell His Highness that I like you!"



"I didn't expect to confess directly!"

"At that moment, I was with Tan Qiu!"


After the live broadcast, Yu Hai returned home with the help of his assistant, Wen Ren, who even started cleaning the guest room and preparing to live in.

Yu Hai thought that he didn't need to be so careful, but his manager Tang Cheng was extremely nervous, saying that if Wen Ren was not around, he would go to his house to take care of him.

At least in this way, for Hai, compared to the last time when he was injured and had to bear everything alone, this time, he lived a lot more comfortably and felt a lot warmer in his heart.

Not long after returning home, I received condolence calls from various acquaintances.

Old Xu joked on the phone: "When I saw you for the first time, you were a wounded person. How long has it been since you were wounded again? Does your heel have any grudges against you?"

Yu Hai smiled wryly, making his body look so crispy.

In fact, because of eating the Yanzhi fruit, his body has been very healthy, and he hasn't even had a small cold in the past year.

It's a pity that after all, it is a mortal body, and its physical defense is limited after all.

Old Xu sighed: "At first, I thought you could come to the company for a sit-down if you were free recently. Now, let's take care of your wounds!"

Yu Hai was curious: "What's the matter?"

Lao Xu was really worried these two days, and when he heard Yu Hai’s question, he confided: “Didn’t you write an English song for Lin Zifang before? The performance was very effective at that time, which made him a little famous in the West. We were planning to release a few singles there while the iron was hot, and after accumulating some fame, we were releasing an album, who knows... hey"


"Well, the two consecutive singles didn't splash at all. I don't know if it's a problem with the song or Lin Zifang's acclimatization."

"What now?"

"Last month, the company received an order from Tiancheng Games, asking us to write an overseas promotion song for their game. I want Lin Zifang to sing it."

"That's a great idea!"

Old Xu was bitter: "The problem is, we don't have a suitable song! Several gold medalists from the company have been knocked back!"

Yu Hai understood: "Okay, please send me the information!"

Although he couldn't see his face, Old Xu's tone really jumped up: "Ah, hey, good! I'll send it to you later, if you have inspiration, you can try it, don't force it, it's important to heal your wounds!"

Yu Hai, who was tricked, hung up the phone and replied some messages on WeChat.

Then put down the phone and let out a long sigh.

Tired of heart!

At this time, two new topics about him were added on the Internet.

One is Whale Fall and the other is "White Rose".

The song "White Rose" is the biggest surprise for Yu Hai for those who like Cantonese.

Although it was not finished, this short paragraph alone was enough to make everyone mesmerized.

Countless people were not satisfied after listening to it, and ran to Yu Hai Weibo to urge the song.

At the same time, they ran over, and there were many small water droplets making the idol pay attention to rest and take care of his body.

Qi Ling was one of the little water droplets who went to Yu Hai's Weibo to post thousands of reminders.

From the first time she saw Yu Hai at the opening ceremony, she became Yu Hai's loyal fan.

In her opinion, the existence of idols is a grand gift from God to the world and to her.

The appearance of an idol itself is the greatest wealth.

Therefore, since Yu Hai was found injured in the live broadcast room, her heart has been in a state of worry and tension.

Although His Highness behaved calmly and seemed to have only a slight injury, Qi Ling was worried.

So for the one-hour live broadcast, she didn't pay attention to anything else, but was observing His Highness's state to make sure that there was really no problem with the idol.

Then she observed that in addition to the left leg, the left arm of the capital idol also seemed to have scratches, and there was a faint white gauze wrapped under the sleeve.

And if the left ankle is sprained, there should be no need to bandage the calf, since the calf should also be injured.

The more Qi Ling observed, the more she felt that His Highness's injury was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Your Highness is really too strong. With such a serious injury, you still have to insist on recording the show, and you still have to pretend that nothing is wrong, so as not to worry the fans. Your Highness is really dedicated and kind.

In short, Qi Ling was moved by the filter of the brain fans, and sent her findings to the fan group spontaneously formed by Yan fans.

There are many people who have the same idea as her.

These people are angry and distressed.

Why do idols fall?
How did you fall?

Is it possible that someone else pushed it?
They are mad to know the truth.

It is very difficult for an adult to fall like this on the ground, even though he was fine during the live broadcast the night before...

They felt that there must be something unknown in it!

In short, these people seem to have been given a sense of mission to protect their idols, and they are exceptionally combative.

One by one seems to be the rhythm of Sherlock Holmes.

(End of this chapter)

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