Chapter 89 Wishing You
So everyone on the scene fell silent.

Everyone's eyes and cameras were aimed at the shining face of the whale falling under the light.

Excitement, anticipation, curiosity, disapproval and other emotions were all absorbed by the emotional fruits in Yu Hai's mind.

"I might say." Sitting in the guest seat, Yu Hai pondered for a while, and then coughed lightly, with a calm tone and a gentle smile: "May your three winters be warm, and may your spring not be cold; There are lights in the dark, and umbrellas when it rains. May you be accompanied by your beloved on the road, may you not need to pretend all your happiness, may you be happy in this life, be sincere and kind. May the time slow down, and may the old friends never leave..."

Host and guests: "!!!"

Live audience:"!!!"

Live audience: "!!!"

Everyone felt a spark blooming in their minds at this moment.

My brain is buzzing.

Is this the ability of writing lyrics?
This is also a bit too much for the wife.

The rhetoric is gorgeous, warm and beautiful, and it doesn't sound sharp. Everyone's heart was touched by the warm words at once.

It took a while for the host Yin to come back to his senses, and he gave Yu Hai a thumbs up with a shocked face: "This is already a poem! It's amazing!"

Tang Lin came back to his senses and said excitedly, "You are quick-witted and amazing!"

Chen Yi, who was standing in the center of the stage, was also shocked. He felt that his previous cognition had been subverted.

At this moment, all the unconvinced and competitive spirit in his heart disappeared.

How can a person be so talented?

Such a person is indeed much stronger than him, how can he compare?

He stood there, hesitantly said: "Teacher Jingluo, can I use your poem in this song? I want to re-record a song. The words are so well written..."

Yu Hai nodded indifferently: "It's not considered poetry, you can use it as you like!"

"thanks, thanks!"

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also reacted:

"Take notes, take notes!"

"May you have three warm winters, and may you not be cold in spring. This is too beautiful to say."

"There are eight talents in the world, and Jingluo has one of them!"

"Student Xiu'er, is that you?"

"I'm looking forward to Chen Yi's new song!"


No matter what the result of the competition is, for Chen Yi, being able to get this poem means earning money.

So even if the number of votes is not ideal, he is not too disappointed!
He believed that after the show ended, he would refill his song with Jingluo's lyrics, adjust it and release it, and it would definitely be another popular song.

Of course, he wouldn't be so ignorant, and the income from the song should be split in half.

It should be said that it is indeed a whale drop, and all the gems leak out from between the fingers!
After a hustle and bustle, the second group of competitions began. Singer Fang Nian faced off against Igor.

Fang Nian is a folk singer, most of his songs are relatively quiet to express himself.

There is quite an atmosphere of literary youth, and so is the stage this time.

But when he finished singing, Lin Wenze frowned and said: "Fang Nian's songs always give me a feeling that I haven't done my best. I'm not sure whether it's Fang Nian's lack of ability or intentional, but I It’s true that after listening to it, I feel a little dissatisfied.”

Fang Nian didn't care about this, and smiled slightly: "It's a problem with my ability. I often have conflicts with this. I always want to write a good song, but I often can't be satisfied, so I can only make do with it! Teachers, please be more understanding." !"

Everyone was helpless. To be honest, Fang Nian was the favorite among the three commentators, except for Jing Luo.

Fang Nian has always been a literary youth. He started to publish his own campus folk songs when he was in school. Now he has made his debut for several years, and he has always been a favorite singer among students.

Perhaps because of his relatively introverted personality, he has always been a bit out of tune with the entertainment industry, and he concentrates on making his own music. Although his reputation is not as good as many streams, he has always been a personality and capable existence in the eyes of people who like this type of songs.

His personality is very easy-going, without any competitive spirit, giving people a feeling of being indifferent to the world.In the previous program, whether it was greetings or eating and chatting, he was the least talkative except for Jingluo.

Everyone likes his mentality and style, but it seems that his ability is limited. Although everyone thinks the songs he writes are good, they don't have that impressive feeling.

Listening to his songs, there is indeed a sense of regret, and I always feel that it should be better.

Seeing him like this, Lin Wenze didn't say anything more, turned his head helplessly, and suddenly saw Yu Hai who was sitting quietly, and asked casually, "What do you think of Fang Nian?"

Yu Hai was taken aback, Fang Nian?

He thinks it is very good, a musician with a lot of ideas.

But everyone definitely doesn't want to listen to such scenes, although this is his true thought.

So Yu Hai thought for a while and said: "I think Fang Nian gave me the feeling that you know that you are not a beautiful jade, so you dare not study it hard, but you half believe that you are a beautiful jade, so you refuse to be mediocre, and you are not mediocre. Debris hangs there!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Nian and the others' eyes lit up.

These words are very philosophical and tasteful.And it's very well described.

It is indeed a whale fall.

Fang Nian tasted it carefully, and couldn't help but look more happy, looking at Yu Hai like a confidant: "Yes, yes, that's the feeling, I can't express it in words, Teacher Jingluo's words are simply too appropriate! "

Jingluo smiled and said modestly: "If there is an opportunity, we can cooperate."

"Alright, Mr. Jingluo, don't forget!"

Strange to say, when the singer-songwriter first started, these people directly called him Whale Fall.

I don't know when, most of the people have changed to Mr. Jingluo.

After the review was over, Fang Nian went off the stage with a satisfied face, and then lost to Igor without any surprise.

The third group is Yang Lin against Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhu wrote a confession song this time, and sang it in a girl's voice, with a sweet feeling that made people smile.

After a song was over, several young review guests couldn't help showing a little smile on their faces.

Singer Zhu Yu said: "There is nothing to say about singing skills, and this song doesn't need to be sung, but this song can only be so sweet when sung by young girls. It may be because it fits the mood. I think this song It is the best song Zhu Zhu has written in this show so far."

Everyone quite agrees with this statement.

Tang Lin laughed and said, "I'm old enough to not be able to describe a little girl's state of mind. At least Zhu Zhu's lyrics are quite appropriate."

It was rare that she was not picked on, Zhu Zhu was a little happy, and kept thanking everyone for their affirmation.

The host Yin Du rolled his eyes and asked Hai jokingly: "Speaking of which, Jingluo is also a young man, so if you were asked to confess your love, what would you say?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they looked over expectantly.

With the lessons learned from the past, everyone is very eager to see what kind of amazing words he will say again.

Yu Hai looked blank, I have no one to confess to!

Why do you want me to say it again?
(End of this chapter)

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