Chapter 163 Death-free Gold Medal, Mental Illness Certificate
In the hands of the father of the silver gun bully, he has a lot of resources that others can't imagine.

In addition, there are many black materials about big figures.

Mastering these things, who dare not give his family face.

Let alone confronting Chen Yu in front of countless netizens.

Even if Chen Yu was beaten violently, no one could cause a storm.

Rich and powerful, that's how confident he is.

Looking at his frightened companions around, the silver gun bully scolded angrily: "I'm not afraid, you guys are afraid!"

"I want to see what else this bastard can say."

Hearing this, the water friends were dumbfounded.

I have seen arrogant, never seen such arrogant.

The Silver Spear Xiaobawang simply regarded the millions of water friends in the live broadcast room as air.

New water friends who come here for the name may not be very clear.

The old water friends are all clear.

The inhuman Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Record, Mr. Zhao who killed his father and mother.

Ah Wei, who regards being in prison as a study, is not a first-class ruthless person.

even so.

After being exposed by Chen Yu, they were also short-legged and panicked.

Only this little bastard.

Instead of being afraid of being exposed by Chen Yu for the evil things he did before, he continued to challenge him.

Damn, do you really think you are an outlaw?

After reprimanding the companion beside him, the silver gun bully pointed at the phone screen and hooked his fingers provocatively.

"Chen, don't you like talking about people's privacy?"

"Come on, let's talk a little bit more."

"I've done more than that."

"Master's family has nine figures in savings alone. If you want to play, I will accompany you to the end."

The little overlord with the silver gun continued to shout arrogantly, with a ferocious and excited expression.

"People with nine-figure savings have at least ten-figure assets at home."

"Why do Kimchi Kingdom movies dare to be so explicit, because the chaebols are really powerful enough to be fearless."

"Cold knowledge, many of the movies in Kimchi Country that expose chaebols are funded by chaebols."

"The rules of the game have never changed for thousands of years."

"What a good boy, everyone should learn from him and report their family background."

"I have been working for eight years and I owe more than 200 million to the bank. Be convinced."

"Before 7.62mm, all beings are equal."

"Damn him and his parents, scum!!!"

Facing the arrogant bully with silver guns, the water friends can only use barrage to express their anger.

Some water friends have already started recording screens.

When the live broadcast is over, report it to the relevant department immediately.

Chen Yu said calmly, "Are you sure you want me to continue?"

"Since I dare to admit it, I'm not afraid of you continuing to talk."

"The more you talk, the happier I am."

"The group of untouchables in your live broadcast room only dare to complain on the Internet. If you have the guts to come to me offline."

The Silver Spear Xiaobawang grinned and said, "Master, I guarantee that they will come, but they won't be able to leave."

"Even if you leave in the end, you must crawl away."

"If they want to report the young master, they will not be able to do it in the next life."

Speaking of this, the silver gun bully seemed to think of something, and a malicious smile appeared on his face again.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you want to report it, you can do whatever you want."

"But after the report is over, you'd better burn incense and worship Buddha immediately, please don't find you so quickly."

As soon as this remark came out, some timid water friends got up and down.

Either the silver gun bully is a madman.

Or, he really has the ability to suppress all the reports.

And follow the whistleblower's information to find their home.

Judging from the position of the silver gun bully and the arrogance of his words.

Crazy is unlikely...

Chen Yu said: "Since you strongly request, I will grant your wish."

"The reason why your father indulged you again and again."

"Except because you are his only son."

"And because your temperament is very similar to his."

"The same is arrogant, the same is self-centered."

"Use any means to achieve your ends, treat the law as nothing, and take pleasure in trampling others."

Chen Yu frowned slightly.

The waitress who was bullied by the silver gun bully was actually a college student.

Her family conditions are not rich, so she used the winter vacation to work in the clubhouse.

After being bullied, the woman's parents chose to accept the other party's compensation.

Swallowing his breath, he kept the matter a secret.

Not long after returning to school, the waitress found out that she was pregnant.

During the abortion process, she was discovered by the class counselor.

"When the female counselor learned the truth, she became furious and took the girl to you to discuss it, but you beat her up severely."

"Others are afraid of you, but she is not afraid of you."

"In order to seek justice for the students in her class, she immediately went to the police station to report the incident, and also contacted the TV station and the media."

"The matter was once again suppressed by your father, who forged a psychiatric examination for you."

"This proves that you were in a state of psychosis at the time, unable to recognize and control your own behavior."

"Then, your dad put pressure on various media, making them all choose to shut up."

"That's it, you have once again escaped legal sanction."

"Not long after, this righteous female counselor disappeared."

"As for where she went, I don't think anyone else in the world will know except you and a few of your subordinates."

"Even your father doesn't know about it."

The arrogant expression on the face of the silver gun bully suddenly froze.

In the live broadcast room, only a few hundred barrages could be seen sporadically.

Most of the water friends were so shocked by what Chen Yu said that their brains temporarily lost their ability to think.

At this time, a barrage flew across the middle of the screen in front of Chen Yu.

"Dr. Chen, although mentally ill criminals will not be punished by law, they will be forcibly sent to a mental hospital for treatment. This does not mean that you can leave if you leave."

After reading the content on the barrage, Chen Yu said lightly: "This water friend is right, but what if the mental hospital where he was admitted was bribed by his father."

The water friends suddenly realized.

The father of the little overlord with a silver gun is really thoughtful.

First prepare a fake psychiatric test result for the bastard.

And bought the psychiatric hospital responsible for treating him.

In this way, the little overlord with the silver gun didn't want to leave.

It is impossible for anyone to stop him.

It's no wonder that the silver gun bully dared to let Chen Yu go on.

In addition to being rich and powerful in the family, he also has a gold medal that can save his life from death.

Psychiatric identification.

He glanced at the silver gun bully whose expression gradually became disturbed.

Chen Yu sneered and said, "Are you scared?"

"I... I'm not afraid!"

In the tone of the silver gun bully, the unscrupulousness just now was obviously gone.

Beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead.

The water friends were puzzled when they saw this.

Why did the silver gun bully suddenly become scared?

Could it be that the disappearance of the female counselor was also implicated in other things?

(End of this chapter)

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