The whole network was shocked!You call this a psychiatrist?

Chapter 198 1 Everything is Arranged by Your Husband and Wife

Chapter 198 Everything is Arranged by Your Husband and Wife

Hearing this, Zhou Kexin brought a chair and sat beside her.

Chen Yu said with a faint smile: "This patient, you have been unhappy for a long time, and you are often disturbed by nightmares. Is it all related to your husband?"

"It is indeed because of him."

Xu Jia pursed her lips and said, "I met and married my husband through someone's introduction a year and a half ago. Not long after we got married, I found out that I was pregnant."

"During my pregnancy, my husband treated me well."

"No matter what I want to eat, even in the middle of the night, he will go out and buy it for me."

"Since I gave birth to the child three months ago, my husband's temperament has changed drastically."

"There is no tenderness and consideration in the past, not only shouting at me, but also throwing things in front of me to lose my temper."

"I feel like I don't know him."

"Every time I see him get angry, I feel an indescribable strangeness."

Speaking of this, Xu Jia's eyes began to turn red, and tears fell to the ground drop by drop.

Seeing this, Zhou Kexin brought funds to help Xu Jia wipe away her tears.

"Thank you."

Xu Jia said sadly: "I have reviewed myself more than once, although I like to lose my temper sometimes."

"But never did anything to hurt him, nor did he make any excessive demands."

"Doctor Chen, why did my husband change his attitude towards me? Is it because I didn't do well enough?"

Chen Yu sighed and said, "You have obvious postpartum depression."

"Depressed mood, often awakened by nightmares, these are the adverse effects of postpartum depression on you."

"Not only does it affect your body, but it affects your emotions as well."

"It makes you always like to think wildly, and you are used to finding reasons and problems from yourself."

"Have you ever thought that your husband's attitude towards you has changed drastically and has nothing to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me, so why did he lose his temper?"

Xu Jia was puzzled.

Zhou Kexin frowned, and said abruptly: "Doctor Chen, Jiajia's husband often troubles her, isn't it on purpose?"

Chen Yu nodded with a smile on his face.

Xu's family exclaimed in shock: "He...he deliberately troubled me? Why is that?"

"Men trouble you for no reason, why else? I'm tired of you."

Zhou Kexin said in the tone of someone who has experienced it.

When a woman is pregnant and has a child, her body will definitely be out of shape.

"Look at your current weight, it should weigh one hundred and thirty to forty catties, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Jia lowered her head sadly.

Before giving birth, the weight was maintained at 95 catties.

During pregnancy, the weight goes up like a rocket.

Even after giving birth to a child, the weight may not be able to drop in a short period of time.

The oval face has also turned into a pie face.

The slender waist becomes a bucket waist.

Zhou Kexin walked up to Xu Jia, took her hand, and said, "Men are the most unreliable things."

"When you're beautiful, they obey you, but when you're out of shape, they get tired of you."

"Doctor Chen, am I right?"

Chen Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Nurse Zhou, if you think your ability is better than mine, I'll give you the seat. You'll be in charge of the treatment, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

Zhou Kexin said embarrassingly: "I don't have this kind of ability, you come, or you come."

"I promise I won't talk nonsense for a while."

Chen Yu said again: "This patient, your husband deliberately troubled you, not because he was tired of you, but simply because he wanted to force you to divorce him."

"Isn't it the same?"

Zhou Kexin couldn't help but said.


Chen Yu shook his finger.

"What's the difference?"

Zhou Kexin said angrily: "The scumbag doesn't even think about it. Why did Jiajia lose her figure? Isn't it because she gave birth to a child for him."

"If we hadn't had children, our Jiajia would still be a slender beauty."

"My wife is pregnant in October, and the scumbag not only doesn't understand his wife's hard work, but he will turn his back on him anyway."

"Forcing Jiajia to divorce him, why doesn't this kind of man die!"

Zhou Kexin excitedly accused Xu Jia's husband of not being a thing.

There must be another woman out there.

"Jia Jia, let's divorce him."

"Ke Xin, stop talking, I'm in a mess."

Xu Jia's mind was in a mess.

Unexpectedly, her husband's attitude towards him has changed drastically, and he is looking for trouble every day for divorce.

Is it really like what Zhou Kexin said?

Husband has mistress outside.

Because of his out-of-shape figure, he didn't want to share the same bed with her anymore.

Ready to help Xiaosan to the top, kick the main wife out of the house.

Immediately, Xu Jia endured her grief and told Chen Yu all her guesses.

Ask Chen Yu to give her a clear explanation.

Why would my husband do this.

Is there someone outside?

Don't want to live with her?
"Your husband didn't cheat, and it's not that he didn't want to live with you. The reason why you gave up on him by making trouble for no reason, and then filed for divorce."

"It's entirely his wife's arrangement."

"What did you say? His wife's arrangement?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Kexin and Xu Jiaqi were dumbfounded.

Zhou Kexin couldn't believe her ears.

Isn't Xu Jia's husband's wife Xu Jia?

Puzzled, Zhou Kexin said again: "Doctor Chen, what you said is too thoughtful."

"Jiajia's husband bullies her every day with the intention of divorcing her. How could it be arranged by Jiajia?"

Chen Yu smiled wryly, "The wife I'm talking about is someone else, and Miss Xu is very familiar with this person."

"who is she?"

Xu Jia hurriedly asked.

On Chen Yu's body: "Your cousin."

Zhou Kexin was dumbfounded and said, "In other words, the scumbag really cheated on Jiajia's cousin?"

"The reason why you want to divorce Jiajia is because Jiajia's cousin interferes with it?"

"This matter cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two, anyway, let me tell you from the beginning."

Chen Yu signaled Zhou Kexin to fetch himself a glass of water.

In order to hear the specific content as soon as possible, Zhou Kexin trotted to the water dispenser.

He quickly poured a full glass of water.

Chen Yu finished drinking the water and said, "This patient, you said that you and your husband got married through someone's introduction."

"This introducer is your cousin, right?"

Xu Jia nodded and said, "My cousin is my only relative in Hangzhou. Last year, she said that my parents asked her to introduce me to a boyfriend."

"Through his introduction, I know my husband."

Chen Yu said with a strange expression: "I can tell you clearly now that your husband's real wife is your cousin."

"The two have been married for many years, but your cousin suffers from infertility."

"As your relative, your cousin knows your character very well."

"Know a character that is easily influenced by others."

"You graduated from a famous university and are in good health. The children you give birth must be very smart."

"In view of this, she decided to divorce her husband and introduce him to you quietly."

"Wait until you get pregnant and give birth to a child, and then find a way to force you to divorce her husband, which is your current husband."

"At the same time, she will try her best to persuade you to give up the custody of the child."

(End of this chapter)

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