Chapter 55

Wang Dequan looked at Zhang Jianshe with complicated eyes.

He didn't show his skills, so he started asking for money?
Street swindler, charlatan.

I'm afraid Chen Yuhou is not as anxious.

"I'll come, I'll come."

Zhang Jianshe took out his mobile phone and wanted to pay for Wang Dequan.

Although I don't understand Chen Yu's intention.

But he believed 100% that Chen Yu didn't do this for money.

"Principal Zhang, you can't pay this money."

Chen Yu covered the payment code with one hand.

"Whoever sees a doctor pays, that's the rule."

"Doctor Chen, there are exceptions to the rules."

Zhang Jianshe smiled wryly.

"There are rules for everything, and my rules cannot be broken."

Chen Yu didn't want to cause such trouble.

no way.

Tianji Ce said it very clearly.

Merit and luck, own their own.

The karma of karma, the fetters of God.

"There is another rule in everything, I pay"

Wang Dequan laughed.

Ask how much you need to pay up front.

Chen Yu said lightly: "If you only see a doctor, you will be charged five thousand."

"If you need treatment, add another five thousand."

Wang Dequan paid 1 yuan in one lump sum.

"Doctor Chen, can we start now?"

Wang Dequan smiled.

Wang Dequan, who claims to have read countless people, is confident that he only needs to listen to Chen Yu for a few minutes.

Is the other party a real god or a liar.

You can tell right away.

"of course."

Chen Yu sat back behind the desk.

"It's different from other tens of billionaires, or borrowing family connections."

"Or get a lot of start-up capital."

"You start a business with nothing."

Hearing this, Wang Dequan was very disapproving.

These are public information.

Anyone who knows how to surf the Internet can find it.

"You were born in a poor area. Since your hometown is located in the mountains, most of the land is not suitable for growing food."

"The food harvested from the soil every year is barely enough to feed your family."

"Other than that, there is nothing left."

"I started following my parents when I was very young, learning how to go up the mountain to collect herbs."

"At the age of 13, my parents stumbled and fell off a cliff while collecting herbs, and both died."

"You are the eldest in the family, shouldering the burden of supporting the family without hesitation."

"With a few young siblings, I struggled to help my parents handle the offspring."

"Then he dropped out of school, carried the burden of herbal medicine left by his parents, and went to the streets to sell Chinese herbal medicine.

"In the past few decades, you have changed from a shoulder pole at the beginning to the top ten richest people in Hangzhou today."

After hearing what Chen Yu said, Wang Dequan was filled with emotion.

It's not that Chen Yu is right.

Instead, I feel that life is like a dream.

Even today.

Sometimes, I can't believe it.

A 13-year-old kid.

Not only will several younger siblings be taken care of, but they will all become pillars of talent.

Even himself.

You can also become a billionaire.

As for what Chen Yu said, it was true.

But they are all parrots.

After becoming famous.

Wang Dequan does not know how many interviews he has accepted.

Attended numerous lectures.

Every time he talked about Xingtou, he would talk about his own experience.

On the one hand, it is used to encourage others.

On the other hand, it is not easy to show that you have made a fortune.

"Has Dr. Chen finished?"

Wang Dequan believed that Chen Yu was capable.

It will definitely not be as powerful as Zhang Jianshe said.

"not yet."

Chen Yu smiled lightly.

"If you want to talk about why you can become a billionaire, although it has something to do with your own hard work, the relationship is not too big."


When these words came out of Chen Yu's mouth, Wang Dequan's face showed an obvious emotional change.

Wang Dequan looked at Chen Yu intently.

The brows are tightly wrinkled together.

"When you were 17 years old, on your way home from selling medicine, you picked up a brass statue the size of a child's palm."

"You plan to sell it as copper when you go to the town to sell medicine the next day."

"I never thought that the next day, when you went to sell medicine in the town, a great thing would happen to you."

"An old man passed you by and suddenly fell to the ground unconscious."

"More than 40 years ago, the folk customs were simple and simple. You didn't even think about it at the time, and rescued him by choking him."

"Later, I learned that the identity of the old man is the owner of a large pharmacy in the town."

"Out of gratitude to you, the old man not only gave you a gift of 1 yuan, but also asked you to deliver to his pharmacy in the future."

"Since then, your medicine business has been getting better and better."

"Under the age of 30, the assets have already exceeded [-] million."

"You can make a fortune, on the surface it is because you are kind-hearted and get good rewards."

"What is the real situation, you should be very clear in your heart, right?"

Chen Yu paused and asked, "Do you want to continue listening?"

Wang Dequan was completely dumbfounded at the moment.

If anything, what Chen Yu said earlier was parroting.

So now, it has deeply shocked Wang Dequan's heart.

Zhang Jianshe looked at Wang Dequan in astonishment.

Wang Dequan's family history is well known.

It was even written as a bestseller.

A school dropout in Dashan, she started raising a family at the age of 13.

Not only have to take care of several young siblings, but also spare time to go to the mountains to collect herbs.

Relying on hard work and perseverance.

Finally became a billionaire.

Never thought.

There is also this kind of trickery hidden in it.

The day after picking up the brass statue, luck began to change.

Can't help but make people think too much.

"How did you know?"

After holding back for a long time, Wang Dequan only wanted to know about the brass statue.

How much does Chen Yu know?

"Of course it can be seen through scientific diagnosis and treatment."

Chen Yu smiled unabated.

"The brass statue is to some extent equivalent to your life."

"In the beginning, you don't think it's the brass statue that blesses you and makes you rich."

"Until one night, in your sleep, you dreamed of five gods with golden light on their bodies."

"Five gods live in midair, looking at you solemnly."

"Thinking that there are exactly five people engraved on the brass statue, you suddenly wake up from your dream."

"Since then, you have regarded the brass statue carved with five gods as precious as your own life."

"Secretly praying every day, your business will indeed grow bigger and bigger."

"Later, you bought a villa and built an incense hall in the basement to enshrine this brass statue."

"I'm afraid that others will know the secret of your fortune, and then take away your lifeblood."

"You didn't tell anyone about this, including your younger siblings, and the people next to you."

Wang Dequan staggered back.

The eyes that looked at Chen Yu were full of shock.

Secrets hidden in the heart for decades.

All of a sudden, Chen Yu stripped him clean.

This man is not clairvoyant.

It must also be able to predict the future and the past.

"It's a pity that flowers don't have a thousand days of happiness, and people don't have a hundred days of success."

"Your business has shrunk in recent years."

"Even if you bathe and change clothes every day, and kowtow to the brass statue to pray, the business will not improve at all."

"In desperation, you invite so-called masters and real people from all walks of life to help you change your luck."

"The decline in business has eased, but not by much."

Wang Dequan knelt on the ground with a "plop".

"Master, help me guide me through the maze!"

(End of this chapter)

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