Chapter 68
"Are there really ghosts in this world?"

"What the hell, it's obviously an energy body."

"Xiao Kunkun has never done anything bad, why would the evil spirit bully him?"

"Who told you that if you haven't done something bad, you won't run into ghosts. My fourth uncle's neighbor's third uncle's grandson is only five years old. I heard that he also hit a ghost not long ago."

"I'm afraid of ghosts, but ghosts never hurt me."

"We future successors are not afraid of ghosts."

"As long as you believe in the light, ghosts will not dare to hurt you."

"My mother said that if I can lose weight, there must be a ghost, and then I believe in ghosts in the world."

Water friends are sending barrage more frequently than any previous live broadcast.

There is no other reason.


Everyone has heard of ghosts.

Whether it exists or not is another world problem that no one can tell.

Today, Chen Yu admitted that Akun was haunted by ghosts.

It was just too exciting.

"Doctor Chen, you said that I encountered a ghost, you should tell me first why the ghost haunts me?"

"Also, how did you see the scars on my arm through the clothes?"

Akun's tone gradually became serious.

What a joke.

Human beings have gone to the moon, but some people even claim that there are ghosts in the world.

If there are ghosts, there must be gods.

What about Chang'e, and Wu Gang?
The moon is nothing but pits.

Who is Chen Yu lying to?

"As a professional doctor, is it strange to see problems in a patient's body?"

Chen Yu asked back.

"It's not surprising, it's not surprising, Dr. Chen is the way, and Dr. Chen is the reason."

"Akun, listen to my brother's advice, don't doubt Dr. Chen."

"The first two people who suspected Dr. Chen, one has already gone to the underworld, and the other is about to go to the underworld to report."

"Xiao Kunkun, quickly apologize to Dr. Chen, and Dr. Chen will definitely help you."

"Being possessed by evil spirits is no joke, life-saving is the most important thing."

"It's been a long time. Today's Huyu platform anchor, there are still people who don't believe in Dr. Chen."

The expression of distrust on Ah Kun's face was too obvious.

Afraid that Akun would question Chen Yu and send himself away by himself.

Well-meaning water friends advised Akun one after another.

Whatever Chen Yu said, he just listened.

Then ask Chen Yu for help.

Get rid of the ghost and you're done.

Chen Yu glanced at A Kun's neck, and said, "The reason why you met the energy body came from the pendant on your neck."

Hearing this, Akun touched his neck subconsciously.

Chen Yu said, "Take out the things first."

"I'm talking to you slowly."

Ah Kun thought for a while and unbuttoned his shirt.

Let's see what Chen Yu can say in the end.

He took off a small jade tablet carved with a Buddha image from Bo's neck.

"Is this an amulet?"

"It seems so. When I traveled to Siam last time, I saw a store selling this kind of thing."

"Isn't the amulet a mascot? How can it attract ghosts?"

Many water friends who have traveled to Siam have recognized it one after another.

This thing is amulet.

The amulet belongs to the unique body buddha in Siam.

There are various materials for making.

There are Buddha statues carved in different shapes. After being blessed by the temple incense, it can bring the wearer good luck in wealth, marriage, career and so on.

I don't know if it's good propaganda or really spiritual.

In short, the reputation of the amulet is getting bigger and bigger.

Ten foreign tourists traveling to Siam.

There are at least three or four people who will buy amulets because of their reputation.

"Everyone is right. I also bought an amulet as a talisman when I traveled to Siam out of curiosity."

A few years ago, Xiao Kunkun and his girlfriend traveled to Siam.

According to the locals, the amulets sold in a temple here are particularly effective.

Out of curiosity, the two went to the temple for a walk.

I saw a lot of people buying it, and the price is pretty reasonable.

Xiao Kunkun also bought one.

"I just checked on the Internet. Some temples in Siam with evil intentions will use human bones to make amulets in order to save costs."

"Xiao Kunkun was possessed by an evil spirit, probably because his amulet was also made of human bones, and was targeted by the ghost of the deceased."

Two consecutive barrages of special effects floated across the screen.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

A large number of water friends also followed the Internet to check.

I really don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.

The water in the amulet is ridiculously deep.

Siam has world-renowned transfiguration surgery techniques.

Tourism is also world-renowned.

Millions of tourists visit Siam every year.

The number of amulets sold can be imagined.

Due to the authentic amulet, the temple needs to be consecrated for 49 days.

As a result, the supply of goods is sometimes absent.

Just like what the water friend said just now.

In order to raise money, all kinds of weird and unpredictable means began to appear.

Some temples use human bones instead of jade to make amulets.

While saving costs, it also saves the link of consecration.

Some witchcraft mages also want to cash in on it.

Using evil methods, the so-called "Buddha cards" of all kinds of tests and all spirits were made.

These things above will not bring good luck.

Once worn, all kinds of troubles will follow.

The water friends are sure that the amulet that Akun bought is definitely not a genuine one.

"Doctor Chen, you won't say that there is something wrong with the amulet I'm wearing?"

Akun was somewhat panicked by the description of the water friends.

Voices began to tremble.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "There is indeed something wrong with the thing you are wearing."

"Find a candle and light it, and place it half an inch from the flame."

Ah Kun ran to the small shop outside his home and bought a red candle.

Back in front of the computer, Ah Kun lit a candle.

Carefully hang the amulet on the candle.

In the next second, a puff of black smoke came out of the amulet.

There was a sharp and sinister howling sound from Akun's house for no reason.

"Did everyone hear that?"

"It seems to be the cry of a baby."

"There are really ghosts in the world!!!"

"Obviously across the network cable, why do I feel so scared?"

"You're not the only one who's scared, I've got goosebumps."

"Xiao Kunkun, how are you? Just say something if you have nothing to do, don't scare us."

The black smoke accompanied by screams frightened the courage of many water friends.

Obviously separated from the extreme, but there is an immersive feeling of terror.

The water friends are just scared through the screen.

Ah Kun, who was at the scene, was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

The amulet dropped from his hand and fell to the ground, his face was as pale as a dead person.

Fuck, there really are ghosts in the world.

"Doctor Chen, help me, how can I drive it away?"

Akun's doll face showed obvious fear, restlessness, and impatience.

It doesn't matter whether Chen Yu is a psychiatrist or a Taoist priest who catches ghosts.

Just save your own life.

"It's not difficult to drive him away, but it can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause."

Chen Yu came slowly.

"You have a deep bond with your energy body."

"If you don't unlock the key, you will still encounter this kind of thing again and again."

"And soon, your life will not belong to you."

(End of this chapter)

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