Chapter 77
The Senna Tower was completely bewildered by Chen Yu.

Don't say he has an IQ of 170.

Even 270 couldn't understand what Chen Yu said.

"You have been addicted to deception since you were a child, and it is even more difficult to extricate yourself when you grow up."

"You went to jail for cheating, your wife divorced you, and the child was not kept in the end..."

"The child was not kept?!"

The Senna Tower let out a heart-piercing scream.

"The child is gone?"

Unlike ordinary water friends, Senna Tower never questioned Chen Yu's ability from the very beginning.

He believed 100% that what Chen Yu said was true.

Being a professional liar.

Is the other party a real master or a fake liar.

Others can't see it, but the Seine Tower can penetrate it at a glance.

At this moment, how much the Senna Tower wished that Chen Yu was also a liar.

Chen Yu nodded and continued: "After you went to jail, the neighbors around you don't think your ex-wife is a good thing."

"Usually meet with cynicism, but in private, I even regard her as your accomplice."

"Defend against her like a thief."

"Under the influence of various factors, your ex-wife suffered a miscarriage."

Hearing this, the Seine Tower lowered its head and cried.

The last trace of worry in my heart is gone like this.

Chen Yu couldn't bear it and said, "As for your obsessive-compulsive disorder, it's also a mental illness caused by your addiction to deception."

The mentality of the Senna Tower is in an extremely delicate critical period.

If Chen Yu doesn't continue talking.

It is likely to drive him to complete extremes.

"After you were imprisoned, you vowed not to cheat for the rest of your life, but if you want to quit cheating, how can you do it just by talking about it."

"Once there is an urge to lie in your heart, you will force yourself to use other things to suppress this idea."

"Over time, the urge to deceive people in your brain is no longer strong, but because you often force yourself to do other things, you have a mental illness called obsessive-compulsive disorder."

"As you said yourself, family affection, love, freedom, and health are all lost because of this lie."

"But you are lucky. While losing these things, you still have a friendship by your side."

Chen Yu paused, looking at the Seine Tower who was holding his head and blaming himself.

The Seine Tower deceived countless people and created countless debts.

While accepting legal sanctions.

God will punish him in his own way.

But the way of heaven is also fair.

Imposing retribution to punish the Seine Tower gave him another chance.

This thread of life is his only friend.

"Doctor Chen, the humble little water friend raised a question. Wasn't that friend of his setting up a trap just to get revenge on him?"

A barrage of special effects appeared on the screen.

This question represents the puzzlement in the hearts of countless water friends.

"Of course not."

Chen Yu explained with a smile: "There is a folk saying that it is called fighting poison with poison."

"And in our profession of psychotherapy, we also have shock therapy."

"When a person's mental illness reaches the point where it is difficult to control himself, he needs strong medicine."

"Through a major blow from a certain aspect, it directly hits the cause of the patient's heart and achieves the effect of treatment."

The name of the Seine Tower is small, and he grew up with him.

During the ten years in prison, only this friend often visited him in prison.

I had hoped that the Senna Tower would be able to change its mind and be a new man.

The result disappointed him greatly.

The reason for installing monitoring is to worry that the Seine Tower will get sick, and I will not be able to go there in time to rescue.

I never thought of going through surveillance and observation.

Let him discover that the Seine Tower still has a deceitful obsession.

Every night in the dead of night.

The Seine Tower would sit at the desk, muttering words, writing and drawing in his hands.

None of them are related to fraud.

"Your friend really doesn't understand why you still think about such things after more than ten years in prison and losing everything because of fraud."

"After the initial anger, your friend gradually calmed down and thought that you may be suffering from mental illness."

"Immediately, he went to a number of well-known psychologists in the city and found out that you have a morbid obsession with fraud."

"Your obsessive-compulsive disorder may also be caused by this."

Hearing this, the Seine Tower looked up with tears on its face.

"When I was young, I hurt him again and again, why did he help me?"

"Because you helped him."

Chen Yu said lightly: "You grew up together, even though you often lie to him, once you have something delicious and fun, you will share it with him."

"And also helped him get ahead, and taught the older children who bullied him."

"Friendship is a very complicated emotion. Not everyone will dislike you. Your friend can be called a rare true friend in the world."

It's not just the Seine Tower that's sad.

The water friends who listened intently were also deeply moved.

"This is the so-called friendship of souls, right?"

"This kind of friend only exists around others, anyway, I will never meet in my life."

"My soulmates are banknotes, and every time I lose one, it breaks my heart."

"Me too."

"Hearing what you said, I seem to have no friends around me."

"I don't have either. I can only come to Dr. Chen's live broadcast room and squat every day to watch you live your life."

No one thought of it.

On the surface, the Seine Tower, which has lost everything, still has a beam of light around it.

A true friend who will never leave him.

Looking at the barrage of water friends, recalling what Chen Yu said just now.

The Senna Tower felt sad and happy.

At the same time, he gradually understood the meaning of Chen Yu's initial words.

Under the influence of the illness, the Seine Tower has always been in a state of anxiety.

On the one hand, I hate deception.

On the one hand, there is always the urge to surpass the predecessors.

If it is a history of fraud, it will leave a strong mark.

Looking at the expression of the Seine Tower, Chen Yu was relieved.

"It seems that you have figured it out."

Chen Yu asked.

Senna Tower adjusted his mood and asked: "Doctor Chen, you said at the beginning that if I take your special medicine and enter this game with my friend, the consequence may be death."

"Can I understand that when my mentality returns to normal, the shock therapy my friend uses on me will have a counterproductive effect on me."

"you are right."

Chen Yu said: "If you take my medicine, your mental state will become very healthy, and you will soon be able to see through the trap set by your friends."

Senna nodded.

The bureau set up by a friend sounds complicated.

But in the eyes of a professional liar like him.

It is not difficult to see through.

"When you find out that all of this is a scam created by your friends, you will fall into a deep despair."

"The only friendship has also left you, and you have completely lost the courage to live."

Senna sighed.

Once he learns that his friend has betrayed him, the Seine Tower may really not be able to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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